View Full Version : homemade speedball field!

08-31-2002, 09:50 PM
Well, about a week ago my friends and I finished our speedball field... intended for 3-man but it works great with 2; we've only been able to rustle up 4 people to play on it. Very fun, although there are two barren spots that I think are going to get lay-down doors... as you can see, lacking any real materials and such, the field is composed mainly of doors taken from the dump and scrap wood, a few borrowed items, and is held together mostly with sticks and duct tape.

It actually plays very well; enough cover to encourage some movement, but some nice lanes for shooting, too. Unfortunately, we haven't raked and de-sticked and weedwhacked it yet, so playing a long game can be murder on one's knees, but hey, it's worth it.
and yeah, I poorly photoshopped out my friend's heads... more for the fun of it than anything else :)

leave questions/comments/suggestions if you have any!

p.s. Magman007 and personman, if you find a way to make fun of me in this thread, I swear to god i'll do something not nice. :p

08-31-2002, 10:00 PM
dude... go to a local car wash(automated) and ask about their used soap barrels... chances are, they'll have ALOT of them that they don't know what to do with... you might be able to haggle some for free or for a moderate amount of cash(5-10 buck each)... they should be using 40 or 50gallon barrels
one doesn't do much for cover, but just tape/tie about 3 of them together. They should work just fine

my local field is pretty much the same... kinda

the owner has his own construction company...

he had some land to use... so he's been using all the scrap and spare pieces of wood on the field

being in construction... him and his friends have access to ALOT of spare wood and the necessary equipment

we have a good 5man (can work for 10man) field, a 3man field, and three wood fields... and now a very nice structure (snack shack/ pro-shop / equipment sales/rentals)

I'll scan some pics to share with everyone

09-01-2002, 12:02 AM
I'm not kidding. I would be so scared to play on that field. Angry Man and I just finished our field - big game on monday so i'll take pics for your viewing pleasure.

09-01-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Sinnet

p.s. Magman007 and personman, if you find a way to make fun of me in this thread, I swear to god i'll do something not nice. :p

ok well you asked for it.... YOUR FRIENDS ARE HEADLESS!!!!! they look like their heads were made out of butter and you melted them! you could also pot lotery machines on there necks!

09-01-2002, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by magman007

hahaha! you spelled put wrong! victory! :confused:

reo... why?

btw, the field is 100' by 50', so we just chrono at 240

09-01-2002, 12:19 AM
First off - the bunkers look like they need to be raked...and one bunker is a blanket :eek: Dunno, i'm sure it plays great. Our first field was pretty budget, and a lot more fun now that we've refined it.

09-01-2002, 01:44 AM
Dude, ur feild sux, its so unsafe, the people playing cut their heads off;)

09-01-2002, 01:46 AM
my overall vote is a 2. Poor layout, poor materials. Probably impossible to move, and if i played on that so called feild all i would do is rush to bunker a person cause its so close.

May i say. Go to your local feild or go to the junkyard. I went there once with a friend to find/get a dashboard for a 86' camaro and i never seen so much free goodies. Just find a pickup or big car to put all the ... i was going to say something defending myself, but so far i dont know why all the mods have grudges on my so i withheld myself...

09-01-2002, 03:14 AM
the barrel idea is a good way to go for decent inexpensive bunkers... just need a way to transport them from storage to your field

it's all about surface texture... semi loose dirt would be best... enough traction and it "gives" a little when you dive

get rid of those plants if you want speedball style of play (not just because of grass stains... it'll be easier on movment, crawls, dives, and just shere speedball activities)

... no plants also makes it easier to tell if there's a shard of glass on the ground there...

might just want to find a different spot...

but hey... would work as a "village" for a woods game

09-01-2002, 03:19 AM
once you get a good surface texture... just chopping the plants really low would work

play it a couple times and you learn things of the sorts

need more bunkers on the right... move these two bunkers so they arn't death-traps... moves these farther apart... move these closer together

trial and error... but just take it easy for the first couple of tries...

walk the field a bit... check out the different angles you get from different bunkers... and remember to move stuff around because your not going to get it right the first time

and again... chop that grass before you play there... you REALLY don't want to go into broken glass or an old nail
Can't stress that point enough....

oh, almost forgot
in speedball, movement is the name of the game...
... you need enough bunkers to effectivly move on each other(thin layers of hay and cloth don't really count)

09-01-2002, 10:29 AM
Reo- lol about the blanket... there wasn't quite enough cover when running to the two doors off the break, and running to the left on the other side, so we nailed a burlap sack we found to some boards... it actually serves it's pupose very well, creates a nice little safe spot.

Infinaty- no comment :p

Arkfear- why? I'll take some pictures of the field from different angles today, so you can see the layout (we based it on a local place's sup air field). Do the materials really matter if they give good cover and the layout is ok? Not that I think barrels, spools, and doors are bad...
most of the 3-man stuff here is played on fields roughly that size. Also, your statement doesn't make sense... "probably impossible to move, and if I played on that so called field all I would do is rush to bunker someone because it's so close". Well, if it's impossible to move, bunkering someone would be out of the question, wouldn't it? By the way, from playing about 20 games on the field, moving is very possible, and not everyone gets bunkered (it's only happened twice). The game often ends with a 1 on 1, with both people in bunkers very close to each other.

SaS- yeah, what I said above about movement.
I agree with you completely on the surface texture, although "speedball" play is still possible with what we have now, it just hurts your knees :). We are going to weedwack and rake the field, hopefully get it down to dirt, and we were thinking about spreading a good thick layer of sand in front of every bunker to make it slide-able.

thanks for the comments, everyone

09-01-2002, 10:50 AM
I am sure that field will be a lot of fun actually playing it. When you are building a field, it goes through many “tweaks” and outright changes. But I even found out playing on our field (also still in development) that many of the smaller things become non-issues when actually playing (or at least small enough not to matter).

And as was mentioned, after playing it you find that something needs to be moved, added, or taken away. But pretty hard sometimes to tell until you actually get paint flying. Sure, you can have a good idea how things will “play”, but often times when you actually do it, it isn’t quite what you thought. ;)

So in short, keep up the good work. And keep us up to date as to your field’s progression. :D

09-01-2002, 11:34 AM
lol is that duct tape holding a bunker together???

09-01-2002, 12:15 PM
shartley- thanks, and i'll definitely keep AO posted on it.

hoppys- yup! actually, a lot of the field is held together by it... great stuff! lol... we forgot to bring a drill to screw stuff in, and nails wouldnt hold. duct tape to the rescue!

09-01-2002, 02:01 PM
get hyperball tubes

my friends didn't even spend a penny on this field



had lots of fun playing 1v1 and 2v2 games mostly cuz i would win every time :)

09-01-2002, 02:09 PM
Why would anyone want a head made of butter? It would just melt everywhere.. like it did in that pic..

09-01-2002, 02:47 PM
Someone like to drop off some of those hyperball tubes at my place? ;) I am not greedy... 5 or 6 ten foot sections would do fine... :D:D:D

09-01-2002, 05:39 PM
hey FeelTheRT. nice feld. i tryed to make a feild in the desert behind my house but it didint work. oh well.

09-01-2002, 10:46 PM
the local Hoods (a hardware/lumber/all around home improvement store) usually has wooden pallets sitting out front marked FREE

Those work nice if you dig a little ditch and stand them up

09-01-2002, 11:31 PM
yeah, i was about to recommend skids as well (aka pallets). i unload cargo containers at a food facility part time, so we unload the boxes onto skids. but if the skids are damaged in certain spots, then they can no longer be used. so go to some unloading facility, and ask if they have an damaged ones, they make a good one man bunker, or you can combine them with other stuff. plus you'd be doing the environment good, as we'd just be throwing them out:( be careful, they are heavy ;)

ps- not heavy for me :cool: :D ;)

09-02-2002, 12:05 AM

09-02-2002, 11:24 AM
do u mind telling us WHY they dont have heads?

09-02-2002, 02:34 PM
they melted... like butter

09-02-2002, 07:04 PM
good thing it wasant margerine!

09-02-2002, 07:09 PM
no... it was actually
I Can't Believe Those Headless Kids

09-02-2002, 07:09 PM
I think it's easy to tell what happened to their heads!!

By the looks of the feild, they don't have enough money to get a Chronograph, so I bet they were shooting very HOT!

Makes you think twice about chronning in!!


09-02-2002, 07:10 PM
for the record, we have a chrono :)

09-02-2002, 07:19 PM
where did you steal those orange drums from?