View Full Version : Preset HPA tanks and which output is best

09-01-2002, 01:52 AM
Hello everyone. I have a question about preset nitro tanks- or even adjustables too I guess. I was wondering about which input pressure to your gun ( or output pressure from the tank) seems to work best in everyone's mags? I want to know because i am planning on buying a preset tank ( I can't afford an adjustable tank). Since presets come in low pressure outputs (400-500psi) and high outputs (700-900 psi). Which would you reccomend or which works best in your mag (please specify what kinda mag you have too).

Also, About how many shots does YOUR mag get off your tank? Again, please specify what tank size/brand you have and what kinda mag that you have.

thanks for any help:D

09-01-2002, 02:02 AM
get the 800 - 850 presets. My recommendation would be any pmi preset. (stay away from the steels there heavy and scratch easily)

the lower pressure preset tanks are made for LP guns such as the matrix, shocker, imp, bushy, cocker.

And for the maximum performance (trigger/speed wise) of a mag you want a higher output fromt he tank :D

09-01-2002, 03:20 AM
okee dokee! Just what i wanted to know!