View Full Version : Still no mag :( but some questions)

09-01-2002, 07:45 PM
I have three more question(it looks like I might have to wait till X-mas for my mag) one, how consistant or gas efficient are mags, and two, do they make any barrel adapters for mags? and I heard about the Z-body for a mag, are those worht getting? thanks guys sorry to be kind of a pest

09-01-2002, 07:50 PM
1) not sure
2) not that i know of
3) some people seem to have success with them but others dont, if you dont already know you can just adjust the skidplate so that it wont affect the ball. some benefits are that with the back spin you can sort of curve the ball, so if someone is behind a bunker or tree, and their arm is just barely sticking out, you may be able to adjust the skidplate to hit them easier. even if you dont want it for the added backspin it is a good aluminum body with cocker threads. keep in mind tho that with the added range you can loose accuracy and the ball may not break on the target.

09-01-2002, 08:01 PM
well if you dont care about the spin on a zbody a micro mag body should be cheaper and is also aluminum and is cocker threaded

09-01-2002, 08:06 PM
well I wanted cocker threads but I think(if it worked) that a Z-body would be worth more.

09-01-2002, 10:31 PM
you can also get cocker threads on a micromag body. you can buy the upgrade from proteam and ive seen a few micromags on ebay.

09-01-2002, 10:37 PM
i tihnk mags are gas hogs kidna. not as bad as some otehrs but i know my RT goes thro gas FAST. i also use alot to get more outta my trigger. My friends mag runs on a max flow and he can sht forever. Just play with the set up and see which works best.

I dont tihnk they make adapters, but like otehrs said u can get different bodies taht will fit different ones.

If you play woods get the z-body... if u play speedball you probably dont need it unless you just have ALOT of money invested in cocker barrels. Sometimes extra range at a senario game can be the game opener. No one can really tell you if ou shouol get it excpet youself. maybe you can find someone with one and try it out.

Christman might seem far off but mags are worth it. I love mine and i don ithnk ill sell it for a VERY long time.

Goodluck with it.

09-01-2002, 11:29 PM
I just read that site for the Z-body, and I'm not sure about it, yeah I play woods ball but it says that it needs to have big bore barrels....hmmm well luckily I have awhile to make my choice