View Full Version : $1000 how would you make a field?

09-02-2002, 01:54 PM
My family is buying about 10 acres and im going to build a paintball field on in. my dads a realtor and said he would help me make the field by giving me $1000 from his comission. so how would you make a field? what materails would you make it out of? i can get about 40 pallets from a store near by for free so what would you get for the field? I was think ing i could just buy 2x4's and stick on in the ground on each side of the pallets to make them stay up. also i think im going to get a nice chrono(one of those red), a scuba tank. so how would you make the field?

Gitaroo Man
09-02-2002, 02:03 PM
well, use the hyper ball field stuff...i think you can get them from construction sites. also you can get those giant wheels from the electrical companies that don't want them anymore. one more thing are the plastic containers that hold soap from the car wash places i think.

09-02-2002, 02:05 PM
make 2 fields. get some cheap *** 50 gallon drums and old crates and ****. just go to a warehouse adn be like "lemme buy some stuff" and theyll sell u cheap stuff. or u can just get those black tubes. and o yeah, another few hundred u can get an air field :)

09-02-2002, 02:10 PM
i did see that one air ball field in the classifieds but its out of the price range i think it was 2500 or so. also i remember some place, i think it was national paintball that had plastic bunkers that you filled with water so they stayed in place and you could combine them to gether to make them larger and make different shapes with them. but those i think were a little to much to.

09-02-2002, 02:14 PM
I'm in new construction and if you have time during the week visit a new construction site. Many times the electricians in charge of setting up transformers will give you those spools for free as they are usually just piled up somewhere. It doesn't cost them anything, just buy them lunch or something.

Also we had some plastic 50 gallon jugs a few years ago on our field. We drilled some holes between them and secured them to each other with heavy duty zip ties. They held together for quite some time.

09-02-2002, 02:15 PM
Get some sandbags and fill them with dirt which would be dirt cheap. =)


09-02-2002, 02:29 PM
why not leave the sand in the bags? lol

09-02-2002, 02:46 PM
Usually you dont buy them with sand in them. Kinda heavy and sand costs money unlike the dirt around the field. They could dig trenches or small pits and use that to fill the bags.


09-02-2002, 02:49 PM
I don't even think you need to use that much money for a field. Just go to some sort of construction site and they usually have drums and tubes for really cheap.

09-02-2002, 02:55 PM
Well he could set up a few picnic tables and tents for staging area and he said he had to buy a chrono and filling station so that costs. Maybe a couple of those simple bbqs that use charcol and are cemented into the ground would be cool.


09-02-2002, 02:55 PM
i never was a big fan of those pallet bunkers,

I'd go with scrap wood/signs/hyperball

09-02-2002, 02:59 PM
rent a backhoe for the day and make a mounds field..

09-02-2002, 03:44 PM
get you pallets, and build bunkers(try to get some plastic ones from a supermarket offer the night crew a few bucks to leave some outside) then get your chrono, tank and get one of those prebuilt sheds to put next to it or get some netting

09-02-2002, 03:53 PM
if i was in your spot.. i would buy lots and lots of hyperball stuff and make like 3 hyperball fields, cause thay are my favs. then buy a nice chrono and if you are going to make it like an organized field, you might want saftey netting.

09-02-2002, 04:03 PM
Well, I think you can find a lot of bunker stuff like pallets and drums for really cheap because some places have so many they probably might even give them away. Then after you got all the bunker materials get an air station, large scuba tank, and a chrono because you probably would have a lot of money left to burn. Then just get a tent and a couple folding tables for rainy days... then you can charge your friends to play! lol, jk

RT pRo AuToMaG
09-02-2002, 04:14 PM
try to find a cheap, used air compressor. I know they are expensive but in the long run, they will give you more consistant fills and more fills then a scuba tank. Also, netting and insurence is a MUST. Other then that, just use what's at hand, if you have some trees on some parts of the property, use that as a woodball field. if you have old pieces of wood, use that to build a bunker. Go to a junk yard and look around for those big tires they use for those tractors for cutting big areas of land or get some beat up cars and throw those in there and make a city course. just use your imagineation and build. give the people what they want, not what you want.

09-02-2002, 05:48 PM
Hes giving you 1k to build a field? Jesus, kids are so spoiled these days, wish my dad would give me $1,000

09-02-2002, 05:54 PM
Well their is potentional for profit and the fact it keeps his kids doing something is worth that $1,000. I rather my child be building a paintball field and playing instead of all the other stupid crap kids my age do.


09-02-2002, 06:37 PM
If you want, I have some instructions for making some really cheap bunkers out of PVC pipe and some sort of cloth. My field is made out of it and the really good part is that you can move the bunkers to whatever set up you like. You could make a great field for maybe $75. The rest you could use to get a crono and compressor or what ever. These bunkers are also good because you can transport them really easily, so if your friend had a not so great field, you could load probably your whole field into the back of a pick up truck and take it to his field. They are really easy to set up to. Only takes like a second or 2 per bunker.

If you want the instructions, pm me. If anyone else wants them too, just send me a pm.

Hope this helps.

09-02-2002, 06:55 PM
Well... there is a lot you can do with a $1,000. First why buy a big red cron for $$$$$$ when you can get handhelds for $80, save you some money, get 2.

Try going to theses sites like everyone says, the hyperball feilds you see is made out of "drian" pipe. Go to a place that is getting ready to build a big building, school, or new neighborhod. There are some laying around sometimes.

You want to have some fun, Build your 50 with TIN! Yeah, TIN! you know what kind of sound tin makes when a paintball hits it!! it's loud!! ... ok, maybe tooo loud for the 50, but make a few out of tin... makes things fun.

You can alway go to your local swiming pool, (city) I was a lifeguard a few years back, anyway... the pool chems they use for the pool come in 50 Gal Tubs... or a Car Wash.. some places might even PAY you to get rid of them!

One thing you don't want to do, is slap a feild together, and make it look like crap... we've seen examples of that. Spend the time to make it good.

Get some ROUND UP and kill EVERYTHING in your playing feild, unless you want to mow it alot.
The netting is $$$$$ but worth it if there is a danger of paintballs hitting something.

I think I'm all out of good ideas... If I had a place to build ... I would, but I don't have a place. Oh well, just think of yourself as lucky, and stick to it!

09-02-2002, 07:00 PM
Save up and get an air field.:D

09-02-2002, 07:30 PM
i dont' think 1000 is enough to get a compressor, chrono and netting... netting alone can cost like 700 dollars. A used compressor would probably cost around the same probably more and the chrono... i dunno how much the chronos cost but dont' go buy a handheld one, a big one is better. Just look for the drainage pipes at construction sites or you can just go to places trying to get rid of pallets. Then you can worry about everything else

09-02-2002, 07:47 PM
go to an online pvc pipe dealer. Look at the fittings you could use to make frames for bunkers. Then buy a whole bunch of tarp or heavy duty blankets or somthing then figure a way to tie them to the frame. Then go buy a boob load of tent steaks and rope and steak em down. You should be able to create some cool looking bunkers that are sturdy. Or ya you could do it the lazy way and buy a sup air field.

09-02-2002, 07:52 PM
thanks for all the comments. there are some great ideas. to get a couple of things strait im 19 and im not spoiled. I might be living in this house thats on the property or we will be renting it out to pay for the property. second this is like most of my graduation gift from grauduating this past year.

anyways i think im going to be going out an searching for all the free stuff and seeing what i can come up with. also im not opening this up as a field, this is just for my friends and i, but hey anyone is welcomed. again thanks for the inputs

09-02-2002, 08:52 PM
plywood works too.

09-02-2002, 09:28 PM
And something else to look into, if you don't have a large truck or trailer, look into renting a U-Haul. Find all the places that will let you have some stuff for free or small prices, and then arrange a pickup date and get a U-Haul for then. Not to expensive and you can get all or most the pieces in one trip.

09-03-2002, 09:05 AM
How much do the JT fields cost each bunker has its own battery operated fan.

09-06-2002, 11:07 PM
to go one step further than boomerfoxtrot's suggestion on the round up, seed some clover down, it's soft stays short and is a weed so it needs little attention or watering.

09-06-2002, 11:24 PM
I went into our local scrubadub today. Just walked right into the main office and asked if I could have some plastic barrels. The guys goes, "sure they're behind the fence right outside, have fun." I was like, "Just take them?" and he assured me it was fine.

I still haven't gotten all the barrels back
they have about 30-35 in there, its nuts.

09-07-2002, 02:38 PM
find someone to make you a mound field. Grow some grass on it.

You will have a field that is fun and doesn't look like a junk yard.

09-07-2002, 03:33 PM
go to a cable company, and ask ik they will give you spools, once they are done runnig the wire, me and a buddie "borrowed" some, and they are gr8 bunkers. get what you can for free:D , it costs less that way, also get netting for the perimiter

09-07-2002, 03:35 PM
cmon man.. we need updates.. waddya gonna do?

09-07-2002, 05:03 PM
sorry dude, ive got the field pertty much ready for the bunkers to be set up. i got about 15 plastic pallets and got 2 large spools, and some tires, but still collecting untill i have more so i know how i want to set up the field. i also cut some trees down and have been making bounderies. ill try and get some pics up when it is done. also any good ideas on how to make a snake? i can't find a place that has hyperball tubbing yet so im still trying to figure out how i can make one.