View Full Version : Big fish in a little pond...

09-04-2002, 12:33 AM
Hey, I've been playing paintball for a couple of years, and I've owned about 7 or 8 guns (mostly spyders... a few pg1's and an illustrator-- cheap blowbacks) and I have my trusty mag. I play with a group of guys who use beginner-to-medium level markers, and they are a lot of fun to play with. But I'm getting sick of wasting them and I want to start or join a team to play a bit more competatively. The problem is, none of my friends seem interested enough to "waste their money" to play. Do any of you have any suggestions about how to get hooked up with a team? I'm kinda the big fish in a little pond... pretty much a n00b, really... but I can learn quick and I am serious about play. Where can I go?

09-04-2002, 12:37 AM
Any field that's close to you might be a good start.
Walk on nights are a good place to find players, refs there might know guys/teams looking for players.

I found my team in a newspaper. The one guy sold paintball equipment on the side, i'd always buy stuff from him and play with his buddies. We just decided to start a team together.

09-04-2002, 08:47 AM
Yeah, talk to a field owner. Ususally there's a specific night or time that good players tend to go and play. You should be able to spot players who play a lot and might be interested in a team.

09-04-2002, 09:11 AM
talk to you local field(s) and see when they allow team practices(usually sunday morning). go there and introduce yourself and take it from there.

09-04-2002, 07:41 PM
I had the same problem I played in the back yard with my putz friends who shot tippmanns and it was beginning to become a joke whenever I played them. I have been playing at local commercial fields now for most of the summer and it has improved my play. Also check out these forums usually theres somebody looking for an extra player for a tourny. I went to the IAO this year cause a kid on this forum asked me to. I was in no way prepared to play on that level and we got our behinds kicked. It was a great learning experience though and it was a lot of fun.

09-06-2002, 04:41 PM
Alot of serious players go to Weekend Warriors in Marquam Oregon (If you live in the Portland/Salem area of Oregon.

That is a good place to learn Speedball. In some ways it is getting too serious.......but you will get a challenge there.

09-09-2002, 11:25 PM
Hey thanx guys. About weekend warriors... I know that is getting a little serious-- I've heard a lot about it. But I'd rather it be on the extreme side... because I am getting bored. I guess I'm ready to get my *** kicked! Yeeeehaaww!!!! Er-- ahem, yeah I'll check those places out. Thanks again.