View Full Version : Castle Keep III at Skirmish

09-04-2002, 02:49 PM
I just got my little newspaper thing from skirmish and they say that their havein a scenario game the 27th of october. Since I cant get to the WRG I was lookin for any other big/scenario games this year and I found this. It looks ok but the only problem is its on sunday and daylight savings time ends that day, so I would need to get to school an hour earlier the next day. I live about 2 hours and 30 min away so its gonna be a treck for me to get home after it ends. I was wondering if anybody went to the last ones (if this is the 3rd one and not just the name of it), and how was it?

09-04-2002, 03:10 PM
It was awesome. Really well run. Big turnout. And yes, this is the third one. And as you can see by my sig, my team happened to do quite well at the Scenario. I'll be there this year to defend my title. :D

09-04-2002, 06:21 PM
I went to the last one and it was great. I just was sleeping for the first half of school the next day. My friend that came with me didn't go to school the next day because he was so tired. Oh and if you go you have to stay and play at night it's the best part of the whole thing.

09-04-2002, 06:29 PM
Maybe we can get an AO squad there. I can't make the world cup either so maybe some of us locals can do this instead.

09-04-2002, 07:31 PM
I might go of course this is subject to the liability of my transportation. :eek:

09-04-2002, 10:36 PM
me and ken will be there

09-04-2002, 10:50 PM
yeah, me and misfit and some others were at the last one, saw dayspring, and we'll definintley be there again this year.


09-05-2002, 12:01 AM
Saw me? More like on the other end of a barrel from me. ;)

Saturday and Sunday though- we're on the same team. Rock on!!

Originally posted by dropkick1
yeah, me and misfit and some others were at the last one, saw dayspring, and we'll definintley be there again this year.
