View Full Version : Autococker maintnance

09-04-2002, 09:08 PM
i've been considering buying an autococker, i just liek the feel of them. besides magic elves turn me on ;) but seroiusly, i kno myth from fact, and that the autocockers don't shoot farth than mags, as well as they are the same accurasy ::note:: do NOT post in MY thread about this topic! the point here is not accurcay nor range::

I kno that there are tons and tons of parts in an autococker, where would i go to find out proper care and maintance of the cocker? does anyone kno that? what should i do/clean after every game/month/year of owning it? where can i get part diagrams in order make adjustments such as timing? thanx!

09-04-2002, 09:10 PM
IM Chris on his SN MP3 ISDN

He is REALLY smart with cockers and can give you ALOT of advice.

Chris is one cool dude....

Only advice i can give you is get a mag. :rolleyes: