View Full Version : Won't be around for a while

09-05-2002, 10:30 AM
Hey everyone, I may not be around very until my life stabalizes again. I was laid off from my job and will be activly seeking employment. I may be selling most of my stuff in a few weeks. I also may be getting rid of my internet. I will be around periodically but I don't think I'll have much time. Take care and wish me luck. I need it with the baby on the way.


09-05-2002, 10:42 AM
Sorry to hear this Darren. We all are rooting for you. Sorry you have to give up your stuff but for the baby is the nobelest reason. Hey if you are in my area any time your always welcome to use my stuff. And chin up old boy things will get better.

09-05-2002, 10:43 AM
Good luck with everything, Gambit! We'll be here waiting for you when you have the time and money to get back into the sport.

If anyone tries to lowball him when he sells his stuff, I'll personally come kick you in the rear!

09-05-2002, 10:59 AM
Depending on what/when you get rid of your equipment, I'd be happy to help the cause.

09-05-2002, 09:11 PM
Thanks guys! Today has just been a depressing day, since I came from a job in the telecom market and won't be finding any work in telecom any time soon the way the job postings look. :(


09-05-2002, 10:02 PM
hey bro...

what kind of telecom work do you do?

i have some connections here in el paso with some telecom ppl...

pm me, maybe i can help


09-06-2002, 11:05 AM
take it easy man, stay cool and don't forget us. These things happen to all of us.

09-06-2002, 11:08 AM
It was nice to have had the opportunity to meet you at Shatnerball. Hope things work out and we see you back online. Good luck

09-06-2002, 11:39 AM
Good Luck darren I am on the outs skirts right now too for job training. So keep your chin up and take care. If you are on the west my company is hiring all the time. If you want more info I would be glad to help you.

09-06-2002, 02:55 PM
I wish you the best of luck. Please rememeber us. I hope that everything works out for you. Keep the faith.

09-06-2002, 03:09 PM
Good luck man, stay cool, and stay persistent.

Also, if you're selling your stuff soon, I may be interested in helping your cause.

09-06-2002, 03:27 PM
Sorry to hear it man. I know you where talking about it happening when we where at dinner, but I was kinda hoping that it wouldn't. If you guys need anything, let me know. After all, you fronted the house and burgers when you knew you might not have a job.

09-06-2002, 05:06 PM

Put your resume up here and maybe the forum can help you find a job. Even if it's temporary. We already got a temp job for Allen on AGD Pride

09-06-2002, 06:32 PM
tom you should hire him to help you with your tele comming or whatever its called(im guessing telecomunications which is probably correct:rolleyes: )

things will get better though.... just think you got a little you coming and with or without a job he or she will love you!

09-06-2002, 09:11 PM
Thanks again to everyone!! My wife told me not to sell my paintball stuff because it is good stress relief for me to go out and play. :p Well here is my resume and thanks to everyone who give me a hand. I know I'll get thru it and I am glad I have people like this forum to help me along.


09-06-2002, 09:50 PM
i love this forum. I haven't been to any other forum where people help out other people as much as u guys do. You guys rock! simple as that

09-06-2002, 10:04 PM
Sorry to hear that Darren. :( Goodluck man!!!

09-06-2002, 10:24 PM
I was calling Darren constantly yesterday to get his view of the "chopping block". With both of us working for the same company, we were equally terrified for both ourselves and each other. It's hard to explain how deeply upset and angry I felt when Darren called me to relay the bad news. Not only because he is an EXTREMELY close friend, but because of how much he brought to our company. He worked his [tail] off and basically single-handedly deployed, tested, and provisioned a newly-introduced TCOM system to a very skepticle and weary customer.

I can remember getting on a plane to N. Carolina and finding out that the guy sitting next to me (Darren) also worked for the same company... and was 1 of the 4 co-workers I would be working with.

But the [poop] really his the fan when he glanced over and saw me loggin onto AO. For the remainder of the 2.5 weeks that we were in NC, we constantly talked about paintball! Hell, we even decided to bring our guns out one week to try and get a few games in.

On several occasions, I would be asked to work directly w/ Darren and ended up taking over a cube next door. All you would hear were the "dings" of instant message alerts listing paintball auctions, paintball posts, and paintball websites. We were too lazy to get up and walk to the other cube.

Ever since that inital moment, a bond was made. Not only did Darren mentor me @ work, he also mentors me in paintball. He is always willing to lend a hand and provide advice on any topic.

Well, I could go on and on about how great Darren is as a friend and as a co-worker, but for those who know him... already understand the picture I am trying to paint.

Work is not the same without him... I actually HAVE to work :mad: !

Good luck my friend! We're ALL behind you!

09-07-2002, 12:33 AM
woah, brother. i feel for you. glad to see the wife is kind enough to let you keep your toys. i have a feeling that barn is going to get some lovin from the impy soon! ;)

i'll keep my eyes peeled for jobs. thanks for the hospitality during shattnerball btw. really appreciated. i really hope things get better, hang in there, man!

