View Full Version : How are They Playing at the WRG this game at SKIRMISH?

09-05-2002, 07:57 PM
Does anybody know how they will be playing at skirmish this weekend for the world rec game? like are the gonna open the whole place have 2 teams and have a massive game or ???Also who elso from AO is going. i am going up with 6 other kids should be an awsome weekend.

09-05-2002, 08:16 PM
I'll be there with two of my friends. I'll have my micromag and be trying out a warp feed (if it works)

09-05-2002, 09:30 PM
Here's our organization thread. We're also doing our own Donut Orgy. Just look for a flag high above the cars. (I'll know what kind tomorrow)


09-06-2002, 05:31 AM
Hey Paul. Everyone, I am going up with Pb199 and his little bro. So you might see him there.

PS- Your a Dork.