View Full Version : Sear problems

09-07-2002, 08:08 PM
ok im working on a friends mag... OLD mag with alluminum frame, and old style on off... so anyway iv narrowed all the problems down to the sear,body rail or grip... the main problem is the sear is sticking... i took off the grips and had to reset the sear after each shot... i countered this by loosining the frame and field strip screw alot.. ( i can see through it) and it works... any suggestions... the sear is not altered in terms of length but he did mill out some of the xtra meat ( hes a cocker jock and has ANS bolt, valve and onoff for his mag:rolleyes: , i used my stock lv7 bolt and on/off cause i dont want the ANS parts ( bolt and wierd on/off were the only things on there) messing with my trouble shooting... any idea why it may stick??

09-07-2002, 10:20 PM
Maybie the sear just isn't in right, mine takes a couple tries usually to get it in there correctly where it will move freeley. What extra meat did he take off? The ANS parts are garbabge, if he has stock put them back in. Perhaps it is those parts which are causing this? Maybie the grip frame has somthing that the sear is catching on? Pt spacers?

09-07-2002, 10:36 PM
you may need a rail bushing tech;)

09-08-2002, 09:07 AM
well he took his part off... i did take out his ans parts and put in my spare stock parts and it worked with the exception of the sear sticking when the frame is proprely attached.

09-08-2002, 12:40 PM
no it defiantly the sear... i tried every combo imaginable ( ie my valve his body my sear and trigger... my body his valve,his body rail, my sear, his grip...ect) the only combos the worked were with my sear... so il tell him he needs a new sear, on/off and bolt...il explain at the end... and i will install it ( cause hes gunna sell the gun)

his ans bolt the piston thing came off inside the power tube!!! he said its happend before but i never believed him... crappy ANS:D