View Full Version : Shatner Vid (Load SM5 and TooDamnSweet)

09-07-2002, 09:53 PM
Ok, take a look at the vid, and tell me, who started the kicking match. Load or TDS?


BTW: I have some vids from the Red Roof Saturday night. I'll post them as soon as I compress them.

Load SM5
09-07-2002, 10:09 PM
Obviously, if you look I used my leg only to block her kicks. I'm innocent I tell you! She's viscious!

09-07-2002, 10:46 PM
After viewing the evidence many times, I have come to the conclusion that Load is......


I am Load's personal lawyer. :)

Load SM5
09-07-2002, 10:56 PM
Thank you.....check's in the mail.

09-07-2002, 11:14 PM
I thought we agreed that payment was in the form of your SFL. :)

I email you my adress so you can ship her to me. :D :D

09-08-2002, 12:14 PM
ok, did any one see kindergarten cop? Im sorry, but load looks just like the bad guy in that movie! lol i determine load is innocent, and that TDS is guilty.

09-08-2002, 01:03 PM
The lawsuit is over. Load is innocent and TDS is guilty.

09-08-2002, 02:33 PM
my client, tds is pleading not guilty her actions occured under selfdefense as you can see clearly the "wang-force" was attempting to kidnap her and assymilate her to use as a spy against the federation

09-08-2002, 02:56 PM
wow thats one HUGE movie.. i coulnt play it cause it took up the whole screen... but fromthe looks of it Load is farther away.. seen when someone is being attacked.. hes innocent.........

09-08-2002, 05:14 PM
Definetly TDS, Load is innocent!

09-08-2002, 05:16 PM
FutureMagOwner the video clip was looked over by me many times, has been frozen and enhanched and stilled to prove that LoadSM5 used his legs to BLOCK TDS kick. If your client thinks diffrent she can talk to the judge. The Judges name is not hard to find, just look for someone named "SlipknotX556" here on the fourm. He is AO's judge.

09-08-2002, 08:14 PM
Not sure what they call that up in your neck... Chicken Fightin or Alabama fore play? :D

09-08-2002, 09:43 PM
Well my totaly unbiased opinion is that Load started it by brutily assaulting TDS. Load has to pick on woman smaller than him hmm why not try picking on someone your own size.:D :D ;)

09-09-2002, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well my totaly unbiased opinion is that Load started it by brutily assaulting TDS. Load has to pick on woman smaller than him hmm why not try picking on someone your own size.:D :D ;)

because it's not as much fun! :D

Load SM5
09-09-2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by TransMan
Well my totaly unbiased opinion is that Load started it by brutily assaulting TDS.

"Totally unbiased" ...what a contradiction considering what's written under your screen name.

09-09-2002, 11:04 AM
Oh Come On!!! Load started it! He had me by the wrist, I was defensless, my only option was to kick him. The beginning of the "battle" was conviently not taped. That would clearly show that Load was at fault. You can even hear me saying that I give up, but he didn't let me go. He's brutal............

This shouldn't be who started the kicking match, it should be whose fault is it. And, you can't even see my feet, I wasn't trying to kick him, I was trying to step on his foot. He overpowered me, I had no choice I tell you!!!

This is an unjustice! FutureMagOwner, please work on my appeal!!! :(

09-09-2002, 11:09 AM
As TDS's witness, I have to concur that there is evidence that are being witheld from the public. She was standing innocently watching the events unfold when Load snuck up behind her and tried to turn her around in front of the camera man, Muzikman, who was patiently waiting for the signal to try and capture a still shot of TDS's behind.

On the failed attempt, TDS reacted through self defense and instinct. Being held by the wrists, her only defense was to use her legs to try and free herself from the clutches of the evil perverted Load who obviously was trying to gain heroic status by being the one person who caused TDS's behind to be captured on film.

Load SM5
09-09-2002, 12:47 PM
Evil...perverted...? That's not..mostly ..true.;) I snuck up behind her and grabbed for the shot shown here...


She did'nt like that so she spun around and started trying to pinch me. I retrained her hands, in self defense, and then she resorted to kicking at me.

If there's one thing 2DS is'nt it's defenseless. She likes to fight dirty.;)

09-09-2002, 01:09 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Load SM5
Evil...perverted...? That's not..mostly ..true.;) I snuck up behind her and grabbed for the shot shown here...

"MOSTLY" being the operative word!!! The photo shows how it started and it clearly shows that Load started it.


She did'nt like that so she spun around and started trying to pinch me. I retrained her hands, in self defense, and then she resorted to kicking at me.

That was not self drfense!! And I didn't kick you, I was trying to step on your foot. I would not have been put in that position had you not instigated the incident.

If there's one thing 2DS is'nt it's defenseless. She likes to fight dirty.;)

I always fight fair! I'm just better than you and you're jealous!!! You even tried to tickle me later on and chased me half way through the field. But ofcourse, that's not on video either..............:(

09-09-2002, 01:36 PM
Well that explains what happens from load sneaking up on her...then next thing you know he is trying to apply "Borg" ;) assimilating tactics...to 2DS "federation tribble stomp" :p

Not enough evidence to support Loads claim :rolleyes:

09-09-2002, 02:05 PM

09-09-2002, 02:09 PM
"After viewing the evidence many times, I have come to the conclusion that Load is......


I am Load's personal lawyer."

"FutureMagOwner the video clip was looked over by me many times, has been frozen and enhanched and stilled to prove that LoadSM5 used his legs to BLOCK TDS kick. If your client thinks diffrent she can talk to the judge. The Judges name is not hard to find, just look for someone named "SlipknotX556" here on the fourm. He is AO's judge."

as you can clearly see this trial has been a setup by the wang force were they made load's lawyer judge and proceeded to say the "...check's in the mail."

motion to dimiss your REAL honor :)

09-09-2002, 02:30 PM
I have no idea what people have posted in thsi thread. I am to lazy to read it all.:) So should we have another poll and see who its guilty? The loser will have to write and appolgy to the winner, let all of AO see.

Load, TDS you guys up to that?

09-09-2002, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
I have no idea what people have posted in thsi thread. I am to lazy to read it all.:) So should we have another poll and see who its guilty? The loser will have to write and appolgy to the winner, let all of AO see.

Load, TDS you guys up to that?

Ha Ha Ha I'm up for it. But you need to get both our complete stories along with witness accounts before another poll can be taken. I feel cheated...........LOL

09-09-2002, 03:22 PM
Alright ill make shure I get both stories and eye witness stories. Ill make the thread in about 5 min.

09-09-2002, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Alright ill make shure I get both stories and eye witness stories. Ill make the thread in about 5 min.

I don't see it anywhere.............:confused:

09-09-2002, 09:11 PM
I need to make shure its ok with Load. Hes gotta post here first.

Load SM5
09-09-2002, 10:30 PM
I guess so. I just don't want this to get out of hand and feelings start to get bruised. Also post it up in the friendly section since it really does'nt need to be in paintball discussion.I'm going to try and refrain from posting on it and let the "witnesses" have it out.

Whatever the jury decides, I'll abide by, even if they choose wrongly and side with 2DS.;)

09-09-2002, 10:45 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Load SM5
I guess so. I just don't want this to get out of hand and feelings start to get bruised. Also post it up in the friendly section since it really does'nt need to be in paintball discussion.I'm going to try and refrain from posting on it and let the "witnesses" have it out.

My feelings won't get bruised. If you win, I'll admit to defeat and cry later LOL But, the next time I see you, I'll make sure I get at least one good shot in since I'll be branned as a trouble maker...........Ha Ha

Whatever the jury decides, I'll abide by, even if they choose wrongly and side with 2DS.;)

Ha Ha

09-10-2002, 07:37 AM
I was thousands of miles away in Alaska, But I admint, Its all my fault.

I used my mind power to brainwash Load then I did the same to TDS to get a good brawl going. MUhahhahahahah.

I will release their brains for /me puts pinky to his lip

1 Million dollars Muhahahahah hahahaha hahahh ahahahahahha

09-10-2002, 02:26 PM
The new thread is up guys. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49635

No poll is their, because the jury and me will meet, decide the winner.

09-12-2002, 08:56 AM
As the Master, It is hard to say. I have always sided with the women (Being that I am the True Master Wang).

I voted that Load started it but there is debate here.

Ahhh sooooo!!!!! TDS did admit she kicked first.:D

But that was under self defense.

Ahh the master is sooo confused. :rolleyes:


09-13-2002, 05:46 PM
When confused..........vote that Load started it........LOL