View Full Version : barrel leak

09-07-2002, 10:04 PM
ive got a minimag with classic valve, i know the bolt isnt stock, its a phase 2 foamie bolt, and i think the spacer came with it, although im not sure, also has a wizard valve. now when i screw in the tank its fine, its only after i pull the trigger that it starts to leak down the barrel, and the trigger rod doesnt come back out either, which makes me think its something with the on-off pin, or on/off pin assembly. ive tried replacing the PT o-ring with the other ones of the same size in the gun (still waiting on a new one, its in the mail somewhere), and ive also tried switching out the PT spacer, but that only makes it leak as soon is i get the tank in, and ive tried replacing the o-rings in the on/off assemly, but that doesnt work either, although im not sure on how new the ones im using to switch out for the on/off are because i got the kit they came in used. so any suggestions?


09-07-2002, 10:30 PM
Does it leak while teh trigger is all the way back, or just while pulling it?
If it leaks all the way back your problem is the on-off. Check the o-rings again, and make sure the on-off pin is in with the ball facing down. It could also be the on-off itself, those aftermarket things arn't very good, although wizards don't usually cause any trouble.
If it leaks while pulling back the trigger only, its probably your bolt. More unlikely it is your sear. Check both for wear. If it is your bolt, this could probably be confensated for with a differant PT spacer.

09-08-2002, 12:09 AM
pulling the trigger slows the leak but it doesnt stop it, what it does varys, but it usually just slows the leak when i pull the trigger, occasionally it will stop all together when i let the trigger out again. ive got the pin facing the right way, i would replace the parts for stock stuff expect i dont have the stock stuff, bought used. what do you mean by "it could be the on/off itself", replace the whole on/off assembly?


09-08-2002, 04:31 PM
I ment that it could be some inperfection in the aftermarket on-off, but i'm not sure. It could be the pin leangth.