View Full Version : Loc-tite on lvl power tube tip

09-08-2002, 09:30 AM
Ok i went up to Skirmish USA last week and halfway through a game my mag stopped shooting. it acted just like i had run out of air (the trigger still was pressurized but it wouldnt shoot) well after many choice 4 letter words and a field strip i found out my power tube tip had become loose. I had wrench tightened it before i had left my house so i was wondering if i could put some blue 242 loc-tite on it? will that screw anything up? I just dont want this to happen again, it went down on the Castle right after i had gotten 6 guys and 2 more were running in grrr :mad: .

-edit- This is a level 10 mag, and i did the o-ring thing omicron i just wanna know about the loc-tite

09-08-2002, 09:57 AM
Try replacing the O-Ring on the powertube tip, this o-ring is different than the one used IN the powertube.

09-08-2002, 04:35 PM
You can use blue loc tite on teh tip. Thats what your talking about right? Although, it isn't really recommened as it will build up on there as you need to take apart your PT from time to time. Teflon tape on the threads has helped some people.