View Full Version : secondary reg retro

Micromag Sith
09-08-2002, 12:07 PM
do i need to put a secondary reg on my gun if i get a retro valve i have a preset tank?

oh and should i wait to get the level 10 untili get my retro or can i just take it back out of my standardand put it in a retro

09-08-2002, 12:24 PM
No...you don't need a second reg. Some even say it may cause shootdown? I don't know about that from any personal experience.
The ReTro will work fine with the preset. Lots of people will tell you to get an adjustable tank so you can adjust the reactiveness of the trigger. but it is not necessary.

The level 10 will just switch over to your ReTro when you get it. You may have to retune it though.

Micromag Sith
09-08-2002, 05:38 PM
isnt a second reg with a screw in tank the same as an adjustable tank

Spray Painter
09-08-2002, 05:56 PM
no it isn't the same because a preset tank reg+ second reg+ retro valve(or classic valve) is three regs while an ajustable on tank reg+ retro valve(or classic valve) is only two regs.i think a preset tank with the retro valve will work fine. i hope this helps

09-08-2002, 06:10 PM
an adjustable inline reg can only output as high its input. For instance, if you have a preset(800psi) tank and then you add the inline reg, you can adjust the inline's output only up to 800. With an adjustable you can output(most) over 1000.

Micromag Sith
09-08-2002, 11:28 PM
isnt the recomended input pressure on a retro 700 psi i just dont want a pint blender till i get my LX

09-08-2002, 11:39 PM
yep 700 is the recomended. Its nice to adjust for personal prefrences. O yea given that the input is enough to run a mag at 280fps or what not the input wont effect chopping.

09-09-2002, 03:22 PM
It is possible to double reg a mag, just not generally a good idea, and it doesn't help in any way accept in the case of the retro where it can make your trigger a bit less reactive. You howeer will not be able to ajust in a wide range.
You can get a fairly cheap ajustable tank, if you sell your preset and use the money that you were going to spend on a reg twords the tank.

Micromag Sith
09-10-2002, 12:53 AM
i think ill just get the second reg and keep the screw in i like the way regs look

09-10-2002, 05:59 AM
But the ajustable is going to allow you to ajust the trigger to almost anything you want. Where the reg will give you one low setting.