View Full Version : Played at FBM today and met our own Sprayingmango!

09-08-2002, 04:23 PM
I look to the parking lot, and see the unmistakable glint of an Xtreme mag. So I start walking over to this amazing piece of work, and I see it's owner. Big, short hair: The unmistakable sight of our very own sprayingmango, surrounded by several mag shooting comrades. I intrduce myself and sure enough it's mango himself. Of course the first thing he asks is about my crappy forign car. I was really looking forward to seeing the blue Xtreme out on the field. After a couple of games, I told him about the awsome elves that lived in my cocker, and he promptly challanged me to a one on one. We played three 1on1s, and probably the coolest paintball ever. Each time we ran around each other and ended up switching sides. Non of us were in a bunker for more then 5 seconds, we were all pinching and trying to bunker each other. wow. The first game I surprise him on the flank twice, and opened up but he was so lucky to get away with no breaks. My accuracy elf was picking his nose.
Another great moment game when once again mango and I were against each other. Both of us were on opposite side of the 50 center bunker. I heard him, he at first didn't hear me. I couldn't easily just pop around, as the backmen would take me out. BUt finally I decided to wrap around the bunker and shoot a few at mango. Again, they glanced off his jersey. I didn't fire to many as my finger slipped off of my hinge trigger. Lucky! He pops up a few secs later and gets me in the leg. This part was on tape, i wish we could put it up it was great.
Of course, any of you farmiliar with fireball moutain know about the non-existent or at best ineffective reffing. But that didn't get in the way of many many great match ups on the field. At the end, I got to shoot the extreme. First i try regular electro mode, it didn't seem to special. But then I tried hybrid. WOW! It made me want one! The trigger was practically firing itself. Mango, pick up a flatline and adjust the pressure to find the sweetspot. That would be insane. That gun is amazing.
Most painful moment- picking up my hand to say "I'm out" and getting shot in the palm.
wow it was great. Where do you live man? I go to Topgun and FBM alot. I live about 40 minutes away in Marlboro, Monmouth county.
great playing with you :)

09-08-2002, 04:39 PM
Glad you had fun. Are you going to throw away your cocker now? :p

09-08-2002, 05:02 PM
hey man. definitely a fun day. did you hear all the whispering going on? mag. mag? look at it. see all those guys over there? what's with all the mags? that's the warp feed. i want one of those. what is THAT (Xtreme;))? wow these guys are really good. :D i spent a good part of the day just talkin about mags and the warp feed. of course sprayingmango's xtreme got a lot of attention. i spent a lot of time talking about it whenever he wasn't available and also showing off my mag with the warp feed. and of course i had to answer all the silly questions about the range and accuracy of the mag. hopefully some of them actually listened and learned something. :)

09-08-2002, 05:09 PM
hahaha!! It was a pleasure meeting you too man. Those 1 on 1's were too fun. Guess I'm too "extreme" for your cocker ;) I still can't believe you missed me on that first 1 on 1!! I think it's from playing so much X-Sock and X-Stick, keeps me limber! :)

Yeah it was fun showing off the Xtreme Emag. So many people said "oh man this is awsome! Why do people say AGD sucks?" LOL! Then I would promptly set the record straight.

Lots of fun, we have to do it again soon!

09-08-2002, 05:10 PM
think it's from playing so much X-Sock and X-Stick, keeps me limber!

I'm waiting for my "Thanks, Clare"


09-08-2002, 05:11 PM

09-08-2002, 05:16 PM
Hey next time you all want to go out, head for On-Target. Post and a boat load of us can meet up there.

Now that our schedules have calmed down, we've got to hook up at NPS to check out your X-Mag. Jared really wants to see it. He keeps trying to convert me to the ways of the cocker and timmy, but I will not be swayed. I will get my X-Mag by hook or by crook.

Shoot me a PM when your good to go, or just post it! I'm sure a lot of locals would love to meet up there just to gawk at your marker.:D

09-08-2002, 05:19 PM
ha mantis!
people asked why my warped z gripped mag was sitting in my toolbox... :p :eek: AGD doesn't suck, I may have a cocker but a mag got me through my first year of tourny pball and I liked it alot. When i learned to time cockers i wasn't afraid of them anymore, and they are sweet if you know what you are doing. The tinker freaks ultimate gun.
But my mag? can you say blender? yeah blender.
ah but they are reliable and I'll never forget shooting it in my pool!
After mango ran outta paint he was walking around telling people to stick thier finger in the breach. There was this little crowd. People, even me;) were very impressed. Made me want to go get a mag again....

09-08-2002, 06:28 PM
Oh I forgot, got to play with the Murder Inc. guys today too!! Great bunch of guys (except for the double bunker they gave me, the one guy came and nailed me from the tape, then I yell hit and stand up and his buddy comes and gets me again) and they never even apologized. Thats ok, cause I bonus balled the guy who doubled me two games later, so we're even. LOL


I was shocked they never got me going to the 50 every game after lunch, I must have done it 8 times or so.

1stdeadeye: I would love to hit up NPS sometime. Let me know the next time you guys are going.

09-09-2002, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Polishpickles451
ah but they are reliable and I'll never forget shooting it in my pool!

You WHAT?!

09-09-2002, 10:45 AM
although not recommended it is possible to shoot a mag underwater. however your run a chance of getting water in the valve which is NOT good. air pressure will keep the water out so it's perfectly safe to put your mag underwater while it's pressurized. however once you fire you run the chance of some water getting in. although a few people have done this and say they haven't had any problems i personally wouldn't do it.

09-09-2002, 10:48 AM
I'll dunk it to clean it as well. But I won't fire it. And I make sure I run oil through it after it dries out.

BTW- I'm always up for an impromptu NJ AO play day. Just put up some info here. (Woulda gone this weekend but World Record Game needed me. ;))