View Full Version : Any mroe upgrades for a mag?

09-08-2002, 10:48 PM
What's the deal? with lvl 10 kit, retro valve, nice barrel, intelli frame, what's left on the mag to upgrade? word of an anti-chop eye, but did that get cancelled b/c of lvl 10? are mags going to b capible of anti-chop eye and lvl 10? are u even going to need an anti-shop eye? The only things i think that can b upgraded, is more consitant velocity (can't have enough of that), and the trigger pull. there are numorus people who claim to have don trigger jobs, but has AGD been working on it? ir ember seeing a post that u CAN make the triger shorter and lighter, but u shortstroke easier, how about posts on how to do that, as some of us can handle it, as other's can't. fill me in!!!

09-08-2002, 11:50 PM
Honestly, i think AGD already tried to make a shorter lighter pull, but the only reliable way to do that is how they have it now. Im not sure just guessing... only lighter pull would be a hyperframe