View Full Version : Castle Conqest

09-08-2002, 11:41 PM
Castle Conquest at EMR in PA is coming at the end of the month...
just wondering who is planning on coming up...

If you're not sure, allow me to help you make your decision...
Let me say that last spring there was a record number of people...
More importantly Joint Fury, the only team that ever held the castle the entire day (CCQIX),will be once again defending...which will make things extremely challenging...
these guys are good...
I think Canadian Contigent will be helping to ref again
these guys, along with blues staff are some of the best and most organized big game/senario refs out there...they're on top of things...most of them have handheld chrony's to spot check people(and aren't afraid to do so)...the aren't afraid to take a couple hits to do their job!
ok nuff said
always a great time... tons of partying on saturday night
hope to see you all there

09-09-2002, 07:03 AM
Man I wish I could make it. Dansim and I went to CCQX in oct of '00 and it was cool, I wanna do it again sometime when my schedule allows it

09-09-2002, 10:00 AM
I have posted the same question about 2 weeks ago with little to no response. I will be going along with some friends, one of which is also on AOG.

Do you know if we have a choice to attack or Defend, or is everyone other than the designated team going to be attacking.

Expect a lot of Palmer Blazers and Typhoons on the field. A friend of mine is on Palmer Owners Group and apparently they are going to be there in force.


09-09-2002, 03:24 PM
Where and when exactly is this game? Hey Ogre, where do you usually play? I'm also in Brooklyn, and I'm looking for good places to play.

09-09-2002, 03:50 PM
im going :D

09-09-2002, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by ogre55
I have posted the same question about 2 weeks ago with little to no response. I will be going along with some friends, one of which is also on AOG.

Do you know if we have a choice to attack or Defend, or is everyone other than the designated team going to be attacking.

Expect a lot of Palmer Blazers and Typhoons on the field. A friend of mine is on Palmer Owners Group and apparently they are going to be there in force.

yep I'm one of 'em... :D
ill be playing with my new typhoon..

the defenders for the first game are picked in advance...
most of them show up a day..even up to 2-3 days early to set up and make plans...

usually after the first game they give they pick new defenders

09-09-2002, 11:20 PM
I'd like to go just to shoot Joker - :)


09-10-2002, 09:32 AM
90% sure my roommate and I will be there, I will be shooting a black Z-gripped mag, look for the short asian guy with camo pants and a black longsleeve t-shirt. My roommate will be shooting a tippmann with a chrome barrel and stock.

09-10-2002, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by MagDog68
I'd like to go just to shoot Joker - :)


joker is hilarious...

we partied with joint fury in the spring around the campfire...
those guys are all a pretty cool group to hang out and party with
...too bad im gonna have to shoot 'em

09-14-2002, 09:12 PM
Hey let's see if we can't get a list of AOers going?

LittMag- Shortish Asian kid
Name: Litton Chen
Paintball clothing: Camo pants, Black long sleeve Tshirt with the JT speed system
Marker: Black Mag w/ warp and Z grip
Staying: Bunkhouse

09-14-2002, 09:46 PM
which city is this near? I might be in Allentown around the same time frame.

09-15-2002, 05:05 AM
a little town called new milford...it's about 10 minutes from the new york state border, north of scranton
south of binghamton ny

im hoping they reserved a bunkhouse for us...
I'll probably use my brand new typhoon all weekend...though i might break out the at85 for a game or two
im probably gonna try to put my username across the top of my goggles...
seen others do that for shatnerball...looks like a good idea

09-15-2002, 12:52 PM
I'm going to try to go with my friend eric

Red Impulse
Grey Rat Impulse

09-15-2002, 05:34 PM
The Army team will be at what has become one of our favorite events, as usual. I don't know if we'll be bringing our night optics this time, but come on by during the evening and we'll have a couple beers or something.

09-21-2002, 06:12 PM
UP, anyone else as excited as I am? This will be my first large scale paintball game :D

09-21-2002, 06:16 PM
yeah man
one week away...
this'll be my...6th i think...starting to lose track
it's gonna be great
ya im gettin' pumped...

09-21-2002, 06:58 PM

Sorry it took so long to respond, apparently the automailer to inform people that subscribed threads had been posted on is quircky.

As for where i play...usually out on LI at Cousins indoor and Paintball Arena. There is some renagade ball to be had, but I am currenly rooting out where and when.


09-24-2002, 01:09 AM
up, I'll have my new palmer typhoon with a warp and im gonna try to get some vinyl letters for the front of my gogs, in case anyone bumps into me..
on day 2 ill probably be usuing either my lx intelli classic mag or my at-85....
hope to see some of ya there:)

09-24-2002, 01:30 PM

weather is looking good for us to really hot, but no rain :D

My setup has changed, I'll be shooting a black mag w/ chrome intelliframe and warp, I'll be wearing some JT nForcers so if you see me feel free to say hi.


09-25-2002, 05:27 PM
it's almost saturday!

09-25-2002, 07:27 PM
Hey what's up guys. My team and i are going up for the castle and are DEFENDING!!! I can't wait it's gonna be awesome. Our team is bacically just friends + my dad. I'll be shooting a mag w/ z-grip,warp,and black warp body. 4-on-1 odds sounds like a party!!!!

09-25-2002, 09:12 PM
Hehe, Dyerules, I WILL see you inside the castle DURING the game :D This is going to be a blast

09-25-2002, 09:51 PM
say your prayers defender
see you in the middle :D
can't wait can't wait can't wait

oh ya and my friend gabe is coming to film the whole event from the players perspective...
battle correspondant...
if the film comes out good ill have to find a way to get it uploaded and post it

09-26-2002, 06:26 AM
ya ya well u guys aren't even gonna get into the castle;)
I'm getting ready to take like 50 hits from close range, but it's all gonna be worth it. Anybody planning on going up Friday night??? If not i'll see u guys there and good luck:)

09-26-2002, 07:58 AM
I'm going up and stying in the bunkhouses friday and sat night, won't arrive till around 10 or so though.

09-26-2002, 02:51 PM
ill be there friday afternoon
we're stayin in the bunks fri and sat night also
make sure to bring enough alcohol if you plan to drink
its hard to get ahold of beer in new milford as i remember...

i just can't wait to get there

09-26-2002, 06:54 PM
Hey will it be a problem that we're arriving so late? Will I not get a bunk to sleep in or something? or when you get there is it just find a bunk and mark your spot?

09-27-2002, 01:39 AM
if you get there and the main building is closed then yeah just find an open bunk and crash for the night
but they usually stay open pretty late because they know people roll in at all hours of the night

we'll be there about 6 i hope
but we probably will be up for awhile

well...see you all there...if not...ill post some castle memories afterwards :)