View Full Version : Chopping balls

09-09-2002, 02:58 PM
I have a 68 automag classic with a 9v revolution hopper and I seem to be chopping alot of paint when shooting fast. what would be the best way to correct this? intellifeed? warpfeed? level 10? Anti Chop Eye(please hurry tom)

09-09-2002, 03:02 PM
First off, classic mags don't feed as fast as powerfeed mags. Secondly do you have an extended nose bolt, or an older one without the extended nose. The extended nose helps direct more air into the barrel, and allows less up the PT tube. The level 10 should eliminate just about all chops that you are having. Be sure that you have a nubbin in the barrel. How fast are you shooting, you may be outpacing your 9v rev. Also, be sure that you are fully pulling back, and fully releasing the trigger.

09-09-2002, 03:11 PM
this may sound stupid but what is the nose bolt pyro? you mean like at the end of the powertube? I bought my gun new in '98 and haven't done any work to the valve. I have a wire nubbin in my barrel. Is there any hoppers that will feed faster then my 9v? (I've been kinda outta the game for a year now so i'm not really up on the new products)

09-09-2002, 03:36 PM
A long nose bolt is similar to the one that you have now, only if you look at it the tube part that comes up goes up a little furter over the cone shaped tip. http://store.airgun.com look at the bolt, it should be a long nosed. You may also consider the level 10 as that should eliminate most chops. Also make sure your paint-barrel match isn't too bad.

09-09-2002, 03:46 PM
Absolutely. As Pyro said the lvl 10 is the best solution to go with in the area of eliminating chops. Most of us can out shoot our guns in a short burst (that's not counting the rapid-fire of the RT) and the lvl 10 does not stop the bad feeding, but it won't break the bad feed. It's great solution regardless what Automag you use.

09-09-2002, 04:44 PM
Thanks alot for your help guys...judging from the photos in the store I think my bolt is not long nose. I'm probably gonna go with the level 10. One question about that though...is the level 10 stuff interchangeable for a classic and a retro valve??Because i'm thinking of going retro someday and I don't wanna spend money on the level 10 for my classic and then have to buy it again once I got my retro vavle. Also is the superbolt that comes with the level 10 foamie or hardnosed? By the way pyro I do have a powerfeed body i forgot to mention that before.

09-09-2002, 06:10 PM
Make sure you have a newer PF plug (parabolic). I believe these plugs have screws for adjustment (while the older plugs do not). The older style plugs are sometimes too flat causing feeding problems (leading to chops).

09-09-2002, 06:14 PM
Yeah, it will switch over to a retro, but you will have to retune it. This isn't a big thing, no more than the initial setup.
If you have a powerfeed body then its not a classic, its a 68 Automag :)
Check out Kevmags post as well, that might help to. I neglected to mention that because I didn't think you had a PF.

09-09-2002, 09:56 PM
make sure you're barrel is letting hte balls feed right, get a different P/f plug, the old ones had a flat spot and paused feeding for a sec.. and the ULTIMATE fix, lvl10. You won't need ACE and the kit comes with the new bolts.

09-10-2002, 06:04 AM
I would recommend a new power feed plug, because they're free, and won't hurt anything. If anything they will help. As well as the level 10, because it shold never chop again. :)

09-12-2002, 09:23 PM
Thanks alot for all the help guys. I did get a new PF plug about a year ago. A friend of mine noticed i was still using the old kinda flat one so he gave me an extra one he had. I'm definetly gonna get the level 10 soon as payday comes:mad: what is involved with "tuning" the level 10? Also I kinda get the feeling my 9v revo isn't feeding balls very fast. What is the best hopper out there now?