View Full Version : Using my new Autococker at Tombstone

09-09-2002, 10:36 PM
I went out with a few friends Sunday, and was going to use my shiny new red vert autococker. I get my air fill and headed off to the chrono station. I am shooting 339 so I lower it and am shooting 302. I try and unscrew the cocking rod and it wont come out so I say screw it and grab my mag. I didn't want to wait there and mess with it or take it to the pro shop and have them mess with it. So I chrono my mag 281 281 283. =) A couple of guys were chronoing their Angel IR3s and they were all over the place 248, 268, 289 I chuckled to myself and left to play.

I am not new to the sport but I haven't played in such a long time I was hanging with my friends in the beginners group. I was talking to one of the refs and said he liked my mag and he used to shoot a classic(he was a cool guy). Then I walk up to the head ref chronoing guns before we get on the field. He looks at me and says "You can't take that gun on the field". I say "Well I took the battery out of my hopper", Ref "I don't care you're not allowed to bring that gun and all that paint on the field". Keep in mind I have a dye pack with only three pods no more. He says "All I will allow you on with is your hopper and that's it." I ask "So if I go get my autococker can I bring my paint on." He says "NO!" I say "So I can go rent an autococker and that would be ok." "Yep no problem there." So I take my pack off and ask the cool ref to hold it. He gives me a sympathetic look like ya he's acting tough and says no problem on holding it. As I walk in I see two guys with Blackmagics and 4+3 packs walk on with revies. I ask them is the ref your friend or something they reply with a no I guess he just didn't notice.

So the game is going on and these three kids are on one side of a bunker and another kid maybe 15 bunkers them and the ref yells at him and pulls him out saying no bunkering. The kid yells back and says you never said that in the rules, and the ref shouts back ignorance is your fault. My friends are on the other side of the field at this point and are getting bunkered by the guys with the blackmagics. I yell at the ref saying they are getting bunkered. He replies with a nope they are running away... I call him an ***hole and walk off the field.

He also kicked off three guys because they were wearing matching jerseys and proteus goggles. I guess jerseys and cool equipment come with skill...

All in all I had a really great day except for power tripping ref. I played in advanced the rest of the day and took out a guy who works at System-X and a ton of others. I also saw my first Tourney and Bob Long was there. They had a BBQ and Raffle which was cool except people who already had won stuff were still getting prizes. One of the wifes of a store owner won a gun and actually kept it... I would of found a guy with a crap gun or a rental and offered it to him or at least re-raffled it. I plan on going witha private group in Oct which will be a lot of fun.
