View Full Version : Checkout the NEW Xtreme Manual Online!!!!

09-09-2002, 11:43 PM

Scott "Tomcat" Player our volunteer graphics guy has done a terrific job on the manual! Check it out at http://www.scottplayer.com and look for mistakes. Post any mistakes you find here. Sugestions welcome too!!

Much better no!!??


09-10-2002, 12:05 AM
Looks like there's a company making ripp-off E-mags and calling them... E-maC's hehe

09-10-2002, 01:07 AM
All E-Mags without engraved stars have the equivalent of 2 stars. We will “punch” the valve to show that a warranty repair has been done on the valve.

Is this a typo, or a change in AGD's policy?

I thought the policy was going to change emags to 4 star valves.

09-10-2002, 01:38 AM
very cool...It could use a little info on the level 10, maybe I missed it.

Weight - no tank, hopper or sight rail - 2.8 pounds is that CnC or regular Extreme?

09-10-2002, 07:52 AM
I don't know if its a big deal but at the bottom there is one thing talking about the display but it has one line pointing to the actual display and one that stops on the green part of the board


09-10-2002, 07:55 AM
Is the o-ring numbering messed up on the lvl 10 bolt pic???
I didn't catch a 1 and 2


These were not labeled(I'm not 100% sure I got them all right)

12 - Regulator Valve Pin and Spring

24 - O-ring
25 - Power Tube Spacer
26 - O-ring
27 - Power Tube Tip
28 - Bolt (Stock)
29 - Bolt Spring

40 - I never saw a 40 labeled on the diagram

09-10-2002, 07:59 AM
You may also like to go through and look at how paragraphs are. I see whole pages that it is clear it is a new paragraph, but there is no white space (blank line between paragraphs) which is needed when NOT indenting to signify a new paragraph.


The E–Mag is Airgun Designs flagship marker. Starting with the worlds fastest recharging RT valve system and ending with the worlds only manual override switch the E–Mag can’t be beaten for looks and performance.
The E–Mag comes in a variety of feed styles to suit every type of play, AGD is the only marker manufacture that designs interchangeable bodies into their markers so when your style changes your marker can too.
A model of simplicity the electronic version has only one more moving part over the mechanical Mag. A solenoid in the grip pulls the trigger to fire the marker on command from the electronic trigger.
The trigger is one of a kind and uses a magnetic sensor embedded in the grip to sense the position of the magnet in the trigger. Airgun Designs knows you like to fine tune your marker so we made the trigger FULLY ADJUSTABLE for stroke and tension. Many players get the trigger stroke down to a half a millimeter or better.
The front grip houses the removable Nickel Metal Hydrate battery pack that can power you through 20,000 shots before recharging. Remove the battery and use the provided charger to juice up the battery from your cars cigarette lighter!
The LED display shows total shots, game timer, adjustable firing rate and shots since turned on.
The single most unique feature of the E–Mag is the Manual Override Switch located just behind the trigger, allowing you to completely bypass the electronics and fire the marker in manual mode with a flick of your thumb. We like to think of it as your primary and your backup marker in one! You never have to worry about dead batteries or broken wires taking you out of a game.

09-10-2002, 08:00 AM
Looks really good, I noticed a few small things.

On the Operating Instructions page its a Nickel Metal Hydride battery but on the Technical Spec page and the General Description page its a Nickel Metal Hydrate battery.

The other thing being on the Parts list Ident. page the reg nut o-ring part number is 000??? .
Thats all I found.


09-10-2002, 08:29 AM
I thought that the Extremes would come with the Level 10 Bolt installed?


09-10-2002, 11:45 AM
The are a few items in the Technical Specifications that repeat each other. Item 4 (numbers added) is included in 13. Item 5 is included in 15. It would seem better to me to keep the trigger functions next to each other (items 9, 13 and 15). I would also make the list a "bulleted" list.

I haven't read much of it yet, but it looks good. :D

1 - Weight - no tank, hopper or sight rail - 2.8 pounds
2 - Length - 16 inches
3 - Aluminum 45 Grip frame standard
4 - Magnetically actuated trigger
5 - Manual Override Switch goes from electric to manual operation
6 - L.E.D. Display features countdown timer, shot counter, plus many other features
7 - Tested beyond 20 shots per second without shoot down
8 - No visible wiring or components
9 - Trigger sensitivity fully adjustable
10 - Modular Feed system (patent pending) change feed type from Center Feed to Warp Feed in seconds
11 - Left, center and right feed modules optional
12 - New Cut & Carve versions now available, machined on a 4th Axis CNC Mill
13 - Revolutionary MAT system (Magnetically Actuated Trigger)
14 - Accepts standard Autococker barrels
15 - Revolutionary Dual selector, switches from Electric to Manual operation
16 - Operates on 18v Nickel Metal Hydrate (NiMH) rechargeable battery pack

09-10-2002, 01:09 PM
In quick start:

Use and barrel with cocker threads.

09-10-2002, 02:20 PM
If its going to stay as a online manual, then you need some navigation buttons at the bottom, the dropdown in a pain.

09-10-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by CoFFeY[NiTrO]
I don't know if its a big deal but at the bottom there is one thing talking about the display but it has one line pointing to the actual display and one that stops on the green part of the board

That also appears to be an LED display, I'm reasonably sure an 8 segment is the kind you get in most calculators.

09-10-2002, 08:05 PM
I see the warp feed sockets, but where are the instructions on how to connect it?

09-10-2002, 08:37 PM



As the bottle is filled the oil can vaporize in the bottle and reach flash point due to the temperature of the incoming pressurized air.

->should have comma after filled.

09-10-2002, 09:21 PM
This page should have some of the diagrams reversed so the pictures are consistenly oriented. It gets confusing to distinguish the parts because the picture is facing to the left and the diagrams to the right.

Evil Bob
09-10-2002, 10:03 PM
The drop down contents menu has the pages jumbled, and on some pages out of order from the previous page. They should be numbered and highlight the current page your on.

-Evil Bob

09-11-2002, 12:31 AM
Under the section titled "Valve" where it describes level 10 and the carriers and lenghts. I thought the carriers differed in ID size in the reccessed area that holds the o-ring, making a more snug fit the lower the number or loose fit the higher the number. I was not aware that they were different in lenght.


09-11-2002, 04:13 PM
Looks really nice! In partcular, the diagrams look very slick.

My biggest complaint, is just that the page that you are viewing doesn’t show up on the drop-down menu – this is quite frustrating as makes it hard to tell where you are in the progression and which page comes next.

A few other things I noticed:

Cover Page:

The cover has some nice CnC xtremes, but if this manual is also to serve for normal xtremes it might be good to have one of them on there (just so they don't feel left out :D)

Safety Page:

On the safety page, in the third paragraph, third sentence, I would change "barrel plug" to "barrel bag/plug" to correspond to the wording in the second sentence.

Operations Instructions page:

On the operating instructions page, the last sentence of the second paragraph advises the reader to “Occasionally grease the threads of the velocity-adjusting nut.” -- but with what sort of grease? My understanding is that it doesn't matter too much -- even vaseline would do -- but it might be nice to make a note to that extent.

O-Ring Page:

Having both normal and lvl 10 valves is a great idea. However, from the on/off assembly back the diagrams should be the same. They aren’t. – what gives?

Maintenance Page:

The Maintenance, Cleaning, and Lubrication links all point to the same page

Components Page:

It would be nice if you could click on the pictures and be taken to their respective pages

Battery Page:

I would flip the blue diagram so that it shows the same side of the housing as the black diagram… that way the silver retaining screw comes in from the same side in each diagram and its easier to see how the black diagram is just a close-up of the top of the blue diagram.

I would also add a note about Radio Shack (and other electronics stores) selling power converters which would allow the user to charge their Emag from a wall outlet.

09-11-2002, 04:37 PM
I have attached a redline for this page. It includes some revision suggestions in a format widely used in document negotiation. For the most part, the site is well-organized, it just needs a little polish.

[Edit: It appears that I cannot post an Acrobat file, so I will slump quietly back to the corner from which I came.]

09-11-2002, 09:52 PM
where can i get an emag extreme body

09-11-2002, 10:00 PM
Sprawls Farm, West Bergholt, Colchester, Essex, CO6 3DN, U.K.
Office hours: 9:30am-5:30 pm (GMT) M - F
Office Phone: +44 (1206)240831 Office Fax: +44 (1206)240821



09-13-2002, 04:34 PM
thanks for the help guys. I have made most of the changes you suggested. hope they meet with your approval.

I am still working on correct part numbers and part identification, so bear with me on that one.

I would appreciate if you can go through again and find any more mistakes or make recommendations.

Nothing but the best for AGD users :)

Also e-mail me any pdf's or other info that you can't post..to [email protected].

Thanks again :)

09-14-2002, 09:35 PM
Excellent work! I am always amazed when I see what can be done with graphics today. The manual is really an nice body of work and I am sure that it took you a tremendous amount of time. Good job!


09-19-2002, 08:53 PM
I have a question concerning the different firing modes. As listed in the Extreme E-mag manual, the E-mag has three modes of fire Manual, Hybrid and Electonic. The Extreme manual also shows the selector switch for these modes. My question is the third selector switch position (hybrid) only specific to the Extreme E-mag? As an owner of an E-mag, the third position (as pictured, in the extreme manual) serves no additional function (on my gun), as my gun fires in digital mode in that position. To attain hybrid mode on my E-mag, I remove the battery pin and have the selector switch in the manual position.

09-21-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by xmetal2001
If its going to stay as a online manual, then you need some navigation buttons at the bottom, the dropdown in a pain. yeah it deffinately does need one...it gets on my nerves scrolling through

09-21-2002, 06:33 PM
Hello Dark. I have seen an American version of the Xtreme and the manual is correct. I have the Euro version of the Xtreme and it is set up like the standard Emag. I did have a chance to handle it but could not tell if the shot
clock and the rest would work in "Manual" mode. The owner said that it did but I did not check it.


09-21-2002, 09:53 PM
So I take it by the above post the US version of the Extreme E-mag will incorporate a 3-position switch which will shut off the battery in mechanical mode and energize the electronics for the hybrid and electro modes?

09-21-2002, 11:44 PM
I saw a switch on the right side of the American Extreme and I was told that
in the "Manual" mode basically everything except the ACE and Trigger worked. The rest of the modes are same as the standard Emag. I can tell you this, no matter what edition you get this marker absolutely "Rocks"


10-18-2002, 08:06 PM
Just got my Xmag back from AGD with upgrade to 2.1 software. ACE can only be set to a 0 or 1. No 2 is available as the manual states.