View Full Version : YEAH! I got a cocker for $90!!

09-10-2002, 07:24 PM
Yep, I got a brand new, never been used '99 cocker for $90, I'm getting it retimed this weekend!! I would have never bought it if it wasn't so cheap, but it was so now I got a backup to my RT!!

Next stop- RACEFRAME!!

09-10-2002, 07:42 PM
some people have all the luck... ill buy it from you for 100$:D

09-10-2002, 07:43 PM
oh ya, I'm getting the body milled to say somehting like "Adam Signature Series" , see, I run into the problem of it spelling "A S S" (Like laysoya's CL*SS) so I'm gonna have to think about it lol

09-10-2002, 08:04 PM

... hrrm race frames arent so hot i would say. (instead of burning 500 dollars on crap you can get most or all of these :))

I would look into replacing parts that count. Here are some of the best combination of parts you should look into for a cocker that will get you the smoothest fastest shooting cocker around.

LPR - Palmer Micro Rock w/ Rock knob
Ram - Bellsales Evolution Ram
3-way - Bellsales Hollowpoint 3-way

Umm 99' cockers have some of the worst internals, i would toss those. If you had the money go for the new 2k2 Free Flow internals with the tugston hammer which is the hardest and best hammer out there.

Bolt - Definetly Nickel plated Z-cut Lightning Bolt.. nothing else :)

Frame - I think Dye or Eclipse frames are the best as well combined with a Bellsales rollersear you will be rockkin.

Reg - I prefer gladiators or sidewinders.

Freak kits are musts.

Just some parts you should look in the near future. Start off by doing the internals and lpr first. Then do whatever you want after that from there.

09-10-2002, 08:07 PM
one of my friends got a 9? (95 or 94 maybe?) cocker for 45 bucks last weekend. Hammer is messed up but other than that should work.

09-10-2002, 08:07 PM
Again Ark...watch the cursing! Warning!

09-10-2002, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Again Ark...watch the cursing! Warning!

LOL :p

09-10-2002, 09:29 PM

did you see the part about how he wanted to mill it?

He said it and didnt get repremanded. Plus i dont understand whats the point of the pre-filter system thinger if im just going to get yelled at from "****"?

explained im confused