View Full Version : Amg then mag?

09-12-2002, 01:46 PM
alright, lets see..
I'm fourteen and currently in the process of buying my first real gun. I've got a crappy zap gun that got me through my first few games, and it's time for that to go.

I don't have the money as it is, to buy a 'cocker, mag, impy, ect.

I was looking at the AMG as my first real tourny gun. Reliable,an Electric, and a Spyder, which from what i have heard, are veyr reliable and sturdy guns.

I'm hoping to upgrade to a mag in like a year or two, after i've learned how to properly aim/clean/ take care of a gun. I figure thats the smartest thing i can do with what i got.

I was wondering your opinions on this, and also, suggestions on add-ons for the AMG as in barrel ect.

Oh yeah, any Suggestions as to which type of mag i should start off with? One that is easy to clean internally and easy to handle on and off the field. Thanks.

I appreciate your help,


-Team Dead Cell Mascot.

09-12-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by FistS

I was looking at the AMG as my first real tourny gun. Reliable,an Electric, and a Spyder, which from what i have heard, are veyr reliable and sturdy guns.

First off, Spyders are not reliable and sturdy guns. I owned two in my life time. Both sucked. My last, an EM1.. so I did spend money on the good ones.

Go look at EBAY and find yourself a mag. You can pick a used one up for a good price. I would start with a mini, or a 68 mag. they shouldn't cost you a whole lot.

then when you get some money move to the RT ... if you shoot really fast then the first thing you will want to do is spend $85 and get LVL10...

but mags are worth every cent you spend. unlike spyders.
Mags have great tech help, Kingman... there tech support sucks.

hope this helps...

09-12-2002, 02:17 PM
The cheapest I've seen a new AMG go for is somewhere in the realm of 280 bucks. For that you should be able to find a used mag in decent condition. The quality of Kingman guns has really gone down hill.

As far as what kind of mag you should get, it's all personal preferance. Want something easy on the wallet and upgradeable, get a 68 powerfeed. Want something light and compact, get a micro mag. Like the sleek looks of a minimag, go there. It just depends on what your after.

edit: What do you want out of your gun? What are the top 3 most important qualities that you want out of it?

09-12-2002, 02:29 PM
the amg will cost as much as a standard feed TKO mag, and although with the mag you will need n2 it really doesnt matter since you can get a n2 tank for around 70-80$

09-12-2002, 02:45 PM
Yeah, thats just it....
I'm short on the cash flow at this point in time, so I'm trying to keep costs as low as i can.

the three things im looking for in a gun are:
Reliableness(is that a word?)
Easy to take care of.
Good on the field gun(accuracy/speed/wieght)

I could push my parents to lending me close to 2 hundred, anything past that would be near immposbbile. I personally, have 200 in the bank to spend on a gun.

I was looking at the TKO mag, i liked it and all, but the single trigger? I don't like the feel of those. Would it cost a lot to have it replaced /w a double?

Also, with N2, I was looking at some tanks, and i saw some for 90-120, and then i saw crossfires and aci's for like 400. The thing that confuses me is, they are both the same psi, but different ci.....does Ci really matter or no?

One more thing, how much would a micro or mini cost WHOLEsale?

THanks again for your time and input,


Dead Cell Mascot.

09-12-2002, 03:31 PM
automags cost less than amg's. i would go for the automag.

09-12-2002, 03:35 PM
Automags are probaly the most reliable, easy to take care of guns that exist. No joke. As far as accuracy is concerned, that's gonna depend on your barrel to paint match. There are a ton of threads that discuss specifics of what barrel works with what paint, so I won't go into that.

As far as speed and weight are concerned, Mags aren't the lightest guns out there, but they can be configured in some pretty lightweight configurations.

A brand new inteliframe (AGD double trigger frame) will cost you about a 115 bucks, but you don't have to buy one of those. There are others out there that are cheaper. Not as well made, but cost a lot less.

I don't know what the wholesale cost of a micro mag mgiht be. You can go to proteamdirect.com and see the retail prices for yourself.

The ci is the size of the tank, cubic inches. The psi the pressure. The higher the numbers the more expensive. If you want an adjustable regulator that costs more too. Also a ton of threads on this here at AO.

09-12-2002, 03:42 PM
I'd recommend the mag, but why are people dissing spyders? I've had a spyder for the longest time and it's been easy to maintain, clean, and operate. All these ghost stories about spyders shooting like 500fps is total bull. The AMG is a fine gun, but if you're willing to shell out that kind of money, you might as well go for a mag. There are plenty of used mags in the classifieds forum for real cheap prices.

09-12-2002, 03:49 PM
I bought a spyder when they first came out and I loved it. No problems, easy to take care of, and great to play with. I had it for about 6 months before I sold it. That was about 8 years ago.

I bought a TL plus a year ago as a back up and it's been very tempermental. I don't know about 500 fps, but those springs are a little stiff from the factory. More like 310 to 350 fps. I know 4 other guys who had the same problem among others. Maybe I'm just used to mags and I'm expecting to much.

09-12-2002, 03:51 PM
reliability... a mag is more reliable then a spyder, super easy to take care of, and i dont see why the weight of a gun matters... guns within about a pound of each other dont really seem different to me. the reason some tanks cost less is the psi, a 4500psi tank will give you more shots then a 3000psi one, the ci or cubic inches is just the size of the tank. the other reason some tanks cost more is if it is a preset tank or an adjustable tank. preset tanks are preset at a certain flow, but with an adjustable you can adjust it to fit your gun best. and if your dont have enough money to get a mag then i would get a tippman. you can get the m98c tournament package from pbgear.com they have 3 different packages for 200$ 240$ and 260$. with the m98c tourney package you get the m98 sniper barrel, x chamber w bottom line, double trigger, and some other stuff. another gun you could get is the bushmaster BKO it is a fully electropnuematic gun but it doesnt fire full auto, only semifire up to 10 bps i think. im not sure how the BKO does on co2 tho.

09-12-2002, 06:16 PM
my mag shoots fine with a crappy Xchamber. Its not too hot in the snow, but it warm weather it shoots like a champ.

You can pick one up for probably $20. I would get an ACI 6 stage. those are real nice.

In my experiences Spyders have always worked fine, and i have never seen one just kinker out or anything. They're fairly easy to clean as well.

Spray Painter
09-12-2002, 06:27 PM
another reson that the tanks were $80-120 is beacuse the are steel tanks were as the more expencive ones were fiber wraped

09-12-2002, 07:15 PM
You can get yourself a nice mag for that price. I am not going to put down a spyder. I tested a spyder in 1995 be for they came out for kingman, and I thought it was a damn good gun for the money. I dont know how they are made these days.

09-12-2002, 07:36 PM

Thats the tko i was looking at. Notice the single trigger. If i was to get this, i'd want to switch out the single for a double.

Smart idea or no?

Also, instead of begining with a AMG, i was thinking either Impy or Bushy? Ideas, suggestions? Thanks.


Team DeadCell Mascot

09-12-2002, 07:42 PM
Those TKO's are good, and I'd want to switch that trigger frame out also. Impy's and bushy's are both great guns too, but are more expensive... I think.

Spray Painter
09-12-2002, 07:53 PM
if you plan on getting a double trigger look into getting an intellframe.

09-12-2002, 08:00 PM
ok, here i go again

The amg will crap out on you. there is no way it will last you as long as a mag. It will also have crappy resale, yes mags have low resale, but try to re sell a spyder any where near its worth, and you will find your task friviolious.

Go for a used mag, or buy the tko and have some fun. the stock trigger is actually quite nice, and you can get a benchmark for 55.

Go for the mag!

09-12-2002, 08:02 PM
did you read my earlier post. for around the same price as a TKO mag or the AMG you can get either of these guns: a tippmann 98 custom tournament package, or a bushmaster BKO. both have double trigger frames.

m98 custom (260$)

bushmaster BKO (280$)

09-12-2002, 11:40 PM
You can't afford a mag but want to buy an impulse?

I bought my TKO Automag from Action Village on Ebay for $162 and it's served me very well so far. I'd recommend checking their auctions on ebay (the name is 'actionvillage')

Wc Keep
09-13-2002, 12:09 PM
i heard that bushmasters do not operate well if they are not using an adjustable tank. but let alone the fact that a bushmaster does not work on co2 and the kid automatically has to drop at least 75 bucks for a tank.i recommend a tko mag he can save up some more money and get the extras like an intelliframe nitro and revvy and still use that mag with co2.

09-13-2002, 12:38 PM
If you're willing to buy used, you can get some pretty good deals on a mags. The beauty of the mag design is that its practically indestructable, which means that even a ten-year-old gun shoots just like one that came off the line today. Look around the classified forums, sometimes there are some killer deals in there. If you look in the dealers forum you can find info on doing third party trades to make sure you get what you pay for.

09-13-2002, 01:33 PM
Check the classifieds here. You're Sure to find an awesome deal on a mag.