View Full Version : Cocker vs. Bko

09-12-2002, 09:22 PM
which would be better for the money? a stock vrt. feed cocker or a Bko. i have been looking into a new marker and i am down to choose between these two. i will be running N2 and i wanna get something reliable and would be a good choice of turny marker.

09-12-2002, 09:38 PM
I would personally get a 'mag. I've heard of some problems with the BKO's, and I used to own a 'cocker. I'm upgrading to a 'mag. Check in the classifieds or talk to tuna for a good deal. Just my opinion, but a 'mag will beat the 'cocker.

09-12-2002, 10:59 PM
The BKO's in my opinion are the biggest waste of money. I have a feeling Brass Eagle helped ICD design this gun.

I live in Boise(mabey 10 miles form the ICD factory)so a few people have them. So far, 3 kids have had them, and all three haven't worked. Two had the reg messed up and the third is just messed up. (He's been to the factory once every week for four weeks.)

09-12-2002, 11:37 PM
i dont want another mag, i had a mini and it just didn't feel right, not sure what it was but i couldn't bring myself to love it. if any one has a better sugguestion while in the same price catagory i'm open to ideas, but i really do not wanna go over 350.

09-12-2002, 11:47 PM
They both do the same thing, however, they do it much differently. I prefer the Cocker for it's sheer upgradeability. The low kick, consistancy, and lack of blowback are also very nice. Very few electros actually please me, and the BKO isn't one of them (if you're going to go electro, it's either Angel, Emag Extreme, or Viking. The cheaper electros just seem to have too low quality or too many things you need to upgrade immediately).

09-13-2002, 05:21 AM
If you're going to upgrade a 'cocker, get a freeflow. If you're going to add a barrel and MAYBE a frame, get a stock 2K2 vert. Don't go putting +1K into a stock 'cocker, when for that amount you could have a freeflow, cold fusion, dark, race, sto, black magic, evolution (maybe), etc. 'cocker.

09-13-2002, 05:35 AM
i would go for a used stock impulse or bushy. the impulse has somewhat of a sloppy trigger, but thats usually the first thing owners fix. i haven't heard many bad things about bushies.

09-13-2002, 05:52 AM
The Impy owners can yell and scream all they want, but I will never buy an impy. It seems no store owners have had much luck with them. And with the bushy thing, save up a bit more and buy an emag.

09-13-2002, 09:41 AM
A little bit more than save a bit, BKO is $280, E-Mag is $900 or more.

If you've already got HPA or are picking it up at the same time, go BKO, if you are going to run CO2 for a while, go cocker.

I speak from experience, I used to own a Defiant (Bob Long branded Bushmaster) and am on my second cocker, (99RF was my first)

09-13-2002, 09:55 AM
I have to disagree with about all of the people here. I own a new BKO. the first run of them did have some problems. The regulator couldn't handle high input pressures and the microline inside the gun split sometimes. I waited and bought one of the second production runs of BKO's. It works very well off of my PMI preset. I haven't had anyproblems what so ever. In fact, it shoots just like my friend's bushmaster. I love it. I couldn't recommend it more.

09-13-2002, 02:17 PM
I would say BKO just because electros triggers are just so sweet.

The cocker is great to upgrade if thats what you are looking for.

But my vote goes to BKO.

09-13-2002, 02:41 PM
i have a n2 tank and everything, all i need a marker and hopper. i would like to not get a used marker eather. i cant spend more than 350 on the actual marker eather, which is kinda why im looking at a cocker, i like the upgradablity of them.

is it true that that Bko is now set up to 14bps? i heard that some where but i am not sure where.

09-13-2002, 03:03 PM
If you want to "upgrade" the 'cocker, save up for a better one, not this upgrading stuff. Trust me, a flat-out good 'cocker will be better than an upgraded one. And buying a used emag will not be a problem whatsoever. It just means the valve will be broken-in, which is a good thing.

09-13-2002, 04:05 PM
Trust me, a flat-out good 'cocker will be better than an upgraded one.
Only if you don't know how to tune a Cocker properly. All Cockers can use the same parts, can be milled, have the bodies drilled, etc. The only reason higher end ones may seem better than upgraded stocks is because a) The shop/company making them knows how to tune them better than an average Cocker owner b) They look really freakin' nice.

If all you can afford now is a stock Cocker, than by all means get one. You can take a Cocker very far with upgrades. If you wan't a Freeflow's performance, then save up for Freeflow internals later. If you want an SFL's performance, save up for Shocktech internals/pneus. The only other thing you need to worry about is tuning your regs, loc titing the sucker up, and timing.

09-13-2002, 05:47 PM
get a stock black impulse for 350. then upgrade. they are the best guns in the world imo. i used to have a mag and wanted an emag xtreme sooo badly but i couldnt wait that long for the money and now i wouldnt trade an impulse for an xtreme. they are extremely reliable, super fast, and with vision cannot chop. however u do need a new aftermarket trigger cuz the stock one is very sloppy. but hey its 30 bucks. and its cool cuz u dont need to buy a new frame to use it. u can upgrade them quite a bit. u can get an lpr like a jackhammer 2 or a rock, so it gets better air efficiency. they have extremely low kick with a delrin bolt and very fun to shoot. i mean they are just fast, wont chop with vision, smooth shooting, consistent, no kick, and very fun to upgrade. after shooting just about every high end gun from AKA guns to ir3s, i still prefer the impulse for its simplicity and design plus what u get for the money u pay.

09-13-2002, 06:09 PM
Only if you don't know how to tune a Cocker properly. All Cockers can use the same parts, can be milled, have the bodies drilled, etc. The only reason higher end ones may seem better than upgraded stocks is because a) The shop/company making them knows how to tune them better than an average Cocker owner b) They look really freakin' nice.

If all you can afford now is a stock Cocker, than by all means get one. You can take a Cocker very far with upgrades. If you wan't a Freeflow's performance, then save up for Freeflow internals later. If you want an SFL's performance, save up for Shocktech internals/pneus. The only other thing you need to worry about is tuning your regs, loc titing the sucker up, and timing.

Look, you can harp that all you want, but I know for a fact no stock 'cocker has a lifetime no-questions-asked warranty. A freeflow does. Hands down a freeflow is better than a stock upgraded as much as you want 'cocker. The reason? Because for 1000 you get a freeflow, MUCH less used. For 300 you get a stock 'cocker. Add a new trigger frame, barrel, internals, bolt, pneumatics, and you could've bought the freeflow WITH the warranty. Sure, a stock 'cocker is nice, but I would save up the money and get something really good (emag or automag personally, but make your own decicision), then buy something okay when all you had to do is wait.

It all depends on your cash situation, if you can save up for a few months, by all means do. You'll be much happier if you wait and buy something nice. That's what I'm doing, and I'm glad I waited. So, make your own decision, but don't rush it for instant gratification. That's the WORST way to make a purchase. Think about it, rather then getting "pumped" and wanting the marker NOW NOW NOW. Have patience, and you will be rewarded.

09-13-2002, 10:21 PM
You should check out the Indian Creek Designs forum on Pbnation.com

It is very informative and asks many of the same questions that you probably have especially about the bko. And yes its supposed to handle 14.9 bps

09-13-2002, 10:55 PM

09-14-2002, 12:10 AM
Yes, the BKO is capped at 14 bps. I could never shoot that fast, but it is nice to know that it is there. It can also accept just about every Bushmaster upgrade except for stuff dealing with the soleniod and the ram.

09-14-2002, 12:51 AM
Look, you can harp that all you want, but I know for a fact no stock 'cocker has a lifetime no-questions-asked warranty. A freeflow does. Hands down a freeflow is better than a stock upgraded as much as you want 'cocker. The reason? Because for 1000 you get a freeflow, MUCH less used. For 300 you get a stock 'cocker. Add a new trigger frame, barrel, internals, bolt, pneumatics, and you could've bought the freeflow WITH the warranty. Sure, a stock 'cocker is nice, but I would save up the money and get something really good (emag or automag personally, but make your own decicision), then buy something okay when all you had to do is wait.
I said "performance wise", they will be the same. The lifetime warranty is awesome, but it doesn't effect performance. You can get a stock Cocker Freeflowed out, and it will perform the same as a Freeflow. However, I will agree on one thing: If you can save up for a Freeflow in a few months, do it! The lifetime warranty and ano/mill job are sweet.

If you need a gun now though, go for a stock Cocker. It's not like they suck, you can make them awesome by all means. Not everyone can save up for a $900+ Cocker in a few months.

It all depends on your cash situation, if you can save up for a few months, by all means do. You'll be much happier if you wait and buy something nice. That's what I'm doing, and I'm glad I waited. So, make your own decision, but don't rush it for instant gratification. That's the WORST way to make a purchase. Think about it, rather then getting "pumped" and wanting the marker NOW NOW NOW. Have patience, and you will be rewarded.

09-14-2002, 01:35 AM
what do you guys think of a nasty impulse? would a rat be better? i think i am take a lil advice from you guys and save and get something nice. saw some specs of the nasty and it seems like a nice set-up, so i think i will wait till next months pay and grab me one.

where can i find one of the nasty or rat impys?

thanx alot for all of your guys input though. it is appreciated.

09-14-2002, 01:43 AM
The only Imp I'd consider buying is the Adrenalin. Right now, I've been hearing a lot of bad stuff about both EPBO's and PBWholesaler's customer service. Between the Rat and Nasty, it really comes down to looks, they'll both perform the same. I think you should go back over you previous choices though. If you really wan't an electro, I would HIGHLY suggest a Viking over ANY Impulse. Lifetime warranty, tough as nails, consistant, low pressure, incredible efficiency, great trigger, compactness, and a great company all support the Viking. Then again, what do I know, I'm a Cocker guy:p .

09-14-2002, 08:21 AM
AKA-great products, bad price.

Seriously though, they have the highest prices in the world. 900 at the LEAST for an unmilled unanno'd single trigger viking up to 1400+. Also, there is an incredible wait. For that amount of cash, heck, you could buy an emag extreme. Granted, I doubt you were planning on spending ore than 1000. So, what I'd do, personally, is first decide if you want to get a gun with a warp feed. Try some out at your local field and get a feel for whether you want warp feed or vert feed. Personally, I would get an emag. That's just my opinion. It's one of the few guns out there that won't chop basically EVER. The eye on the Impy's, while good, is not flawless. You may say that not many people go warp, but go with what you like. And keep in mind, the warp feed is gaining popularity. Bob Long shoots one, and in the latest issue of PB2X, many intimidators had them. So, shoot both guns, warped and not warped, Halo B and revvy/ricochet/evvy2, and decide what's the best for you.

09-14-2002, 01:13 PM
AKA-great products, bad price.

Seriously though, they have the highest prices in the world. 900 at the LEAST for an unmilled unanno'd single trigger viking up to 1400+. Also, there is an incredible wait. For that amount of cash, heck, you could buy an emag extreme. Granted, I doubt you were planning on spending ore than 1000. So, what I'd do, personally, is first decide if you want to get a gun with a warp feed. Try some out at your local field and get a feel for whether you want warp feed or vert feed. Personally, I would get an emag. That's just my opinion. It's one of the few guns out there that won't chop basically EVER. The eye on the Impy's, while good, is not flawless. You may say that not many people go warp, but go with what you like. And keep in mind, the warp feed is gaining popularity. Bob Long shoots one, and in the latest issue of PB2X, many intimidators had them. So, shoot both guns, warped and not warped, Halo B and revvy/ricochet/evvy2, and decide what's the best for you.
What are you smokin'? An unmilled, flat black anoed Viking is $775. That is not very much higher than a Rat imp or Nasty. Any other ano and milled one could run up to $950, at the most. BTW, single and double triggers cost the same amount, so you don't have to sacrifice some extra money for the trigger style you like. If you think I'm lying, go check www.akalmp.com. Considering what you get with that deal, I think it's a great price. The only downside I see to them is the wait. From what I hear actually, the wait on new Vikings is actually getting shorter too. Of course, it's up to you.

AKA-great products, great price (save maybe the Excalibur)

09-14-2002, 01:18 PM
the warp would not realy intrest me, at the moment, but the ptp warp will fit and marker though if i deside on wanting one later right?

where would be the cheapest place to get a stock impy? i think i am going to get one of those, being as the whole drive for a Bko was cause it seemed like a cheap alterintive to an imp.

09-14-2002, 01:33 PM
yeah, the ptp will fit.

09-14-2002, 02:28 PM
WTF ??? :confused:
BKO can go 14 bps, but bushy can only hit 13?

The BushMaster series comes standard with the most capabilities at the flick of a switch. (inside the grip) Go from semi-auto (single shot), 3 shot or 6 shot burst. It even does FULL-AUTO!. There are four separate modes to choose from. Semi Auto, 3 shot, 6 shot burst or full-auto modes stops when the trigger is released, allowing single shot firing in any mode. The on board R.O.F. is programmable through dip-switch configurations laid out in the manual. No variable pots to keep you guessing. <b>Rate selection will give you 4 - 13 cycles per second.</b> All of this in a very affordable package will keep you at the top of the technological totem pole.

09-14-2002, 02:49 PM
Bushy does 12.9 to be exact :D