View Full Version : Funny things heard on Speedball feild?

Pile & A Half
09-12-2002, 09:28 PM
I was just thinking about this...but what has been some funny things you have heard on the feild or heard people say while playing. I just thought it would be cool to see what people have heard.:)

09-12-2002, 10:03 PM



o man i've heard so many things as a ref.

09-12-2002, 10:06 PM
Once during a game at the local league, my teamate was looking to move. Dialouge to ensue

Teammate - Zach! Cover me... wait, no! Just sit there!

Because has Zach done any sort of covering, he would've been hit in the back of the head. (Zach isn't really the most awake person... Not exactly best suited to covering people, but he's too slow to make it past midfield)

09-12-2002, 10:13 PM
"you mean girls play paintball?"


09-12-2002, 10:16 PM
from the shattnerball pump turnie..


yelled by me as i was getting lit up by my own team when i made it to the other side of the 50.

09-12-2002, 10:39 PM
WHOOOOOOOOOOOA! look at him go! he's takin on the whole team. (this as they stand there and give me absolutely no cover fire :rolleyes: i did end up taking out the entire team though. :D hehe newbies. ;))

09-12-2002, 11:37 PM
Me and two friends were playing an indoor speedball field. One of the games was 15v15 on a field that's smaller than most sup air fields. We start out, get behind our bunkers (with 30 people on the field, we had a bad selection of starting bunkers) and go at it. One of my friends moves to another bunker (after we give him cover) and gets pinned into a stand up. A really tight one (he couldn't come out to shoot it was so tight). The other friend of mine looks at the guy he's sharing a bunker with, points at the our friend, and says "Look at that guy, he's screwed."

09-12-2002, 11:42 PM
Last time I went to Weekend Warriors NW in Oregon, there was a 14 year old kid there bragging about his special "Spyder Series 2000" paintball marker and how it made him so good. Then he kept insisting the teams were unfair bcuz there were two guys with angel LCD's on the other team (and one of those guys was completely new to paintball- borrowing the angel from his friend). So as the game goes on, he keeps getting out and complaining that the two angels make it unfair, while when he isn't complaining he's bragging to me how fast he can shoot with his POS spyder that isn't even made anymore (so i think). I would have liked a Spyder compact much better then his strange concoction....

09-12-2002, 11:59 PM
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -newbie chick who got shot for her first time in the back. she got so startled/scared/pained she dropped her rental!

09-13-2002, 08:36 AM
How about the ever popular:

Bob move up,

Bob move up,

Bob cover me,


While they don't know that Bob was shot off the break.

If you aren't playing, then ref. You get to see all kinds of cool stuff happen.

09-13-2002, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by datapimp69
from the shattnerball pump turnie..


yelled by me as i was getting lit up by my own team when i made it to the other side of the 50.
preceded by
"Fred where's he at"
"He's at the right fourty"
little did we know, that we where the only three left on the field.

09-13-2002, 12:34 PM
"The Matrix IS REAL!!!"
yelled by a teammate while we were winning the final game in a tournament we won Matrices.

09-13-2002, 01:12 PM
kid yelling to me...
"Steve Move up!..."
"Steve MOVE UP YOU ( cuss word) get out from the back and move up!"

Me " Rob im ahead of you!!!" he turns around and sees me at the complete other end of the field...

or the time it was 4 of our team left and we thought 1 more of theres... so i check a 2X1 barrel pramid, a buddy the center, and 2 newbs go to the same barrel cross but facing each other
Me."Ok and move"
My bud"clear"
newb 1" im out"
newb 2 " i got Him!!"

09-13-2002, 03:15 PM
My all-time favorite..."oops". :D

Jason Reed
09-13-2002, 03:22 PM
"I dropped my balls all over the place and my barrel fell off"

" did you just see that, the ball curved to hit me"

09-13-2002, 03:54 PM
(I make a break from the 50 to their 40, I soon realizes that my teamate Jed is in the snake to my left.)

ME: Jed quit firing! (while I run threw Jed's stream of fire. Jed sees the paintfly in slow motion, infront, between my legs then behind me, missing me.)

Jed:OMG!, that was sweet.
(I hit myself self in head for runing threw friendly crossfire)

"I don't want to play you"
Ref:"Guy with the mag your with those new guys. Rest on the other team" (I look at my team w/ rentals)
ME: Sigh (I look at other team stacked with more experenced guys than me)
My inner monology: This is going to be a fun game!


OR the time when my friend was still in at the Austin AO. Matt was like where is everyone? As he was the last guy since he took the last guy out a few minutes ago.

09-13-2002, 03:55 PM
"Oops! Was that a ref?" as the newb goes back into the bunker while a huge splat on my mask. Ah reffing, so much fun.

09-13-2002, 04:02 PM
While reffing a private game between a bunch of 8th graders:

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!! (After peaking over his bunker, he sees 3 guys converging on him) OH MY GOD, SOMEBODY HELP ME...I'M GOING TO DIE, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!"

09-13-2002, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
"you mean girls play paintball?"


they do? when did this happen? ;) :p

me - what r u doing walking around the feild in the middle of a game with no paintball gun?

other kid - my bolt fell out of my gun, i'm looking for it.

he had some BE gun still dont know how he lost his bolt :confused:

a funny thing i saw while playing paintball was when i was moving up on this kid and he runs to some other bunker and goes right in front of me, he just stops dead in his tracks and steers at me(like a deer does when looking into the head lights of a car)while i take him out. lol when i asked him about it he doesnt remember it happening

09-13-2002, 06:07 PM

lol thats what happened last time i played speed ball in a 2 on one game

09-13-2002, 06:13 PM
"Your out!" , "I am?", "yes you are", "oops"

(I look down and see I was lit up and i didn't even feel it when I did a bonzi charge and bunkered a few guys.)

09-13-2002, 08:41 PM
After playing in a tourney with my old skool RT ---

Spectator looking through the netting. How'd you get that thing fully auto? I know that it's illegal to run FA and I'm going to get the Ref over to check your marker.

ME - It's NOT... ( squeeze trigger to fire one shot ) See.?! ( calls for ref )

Spec - No way you are pulling the trigger that fast?!

Ref - Um.. I was watching him... and I'm pretty sure that he IS pulling it that fast.

Before a Speedball game with an old friend.

(Friend ) Pulls out WGP cocker, remote, and Co2- This is my new Baby!

(ME) Pulls out Warp-Fed RT with Nitro. This is mine...

(Friend) Whatz That? What does it do?

(Me ) see. gassing it up and pulling the trigger... It spins and loads the balls for you.
(Friend) That's neat... but... Where did you get that trigger pull, and can you make mine like that on my cocker?

(Me) ummmm. Not unless you get a Mag.


Lone Wolf2
09-13-2002, 11:12 PM
When I was at my local field we played Sup'Aiball and the teams we're 3 on 10 and they said "The teams are un-even" .

Pile & A Half
09-13-2002, 11:37 PM
3 to 10. The teams are un-even?

09-13-2002, 11:49 PM
lol i love that

newb1: I'm hit!
Newb2: I GOT ONE!!!

ololol I love that... its the same in any shooting game....

09-13-2002, 11:55 PM
(My best friend's first day using his Ric)

[ball breaks on his hopper hes in a bunker near me]
"Ricochet my ***!!!!"

09-14-2002, 12:01 AM
Heard this one last weekend, as I bunkered a kid:
player 1 screams to teammate: "arrrgggghhh! How did you let the Hulk sneak up on me???"
teammate: "He shot me in the face first!"

hahahahahahaah....*sigh :rolleyes::(

09-14-2002, 12:35 AM
I've heard too many to list but one that comes to mind...

"you know your RT isnt the fastest thing around anymore, my Timmy can shoot 75BPS..."

09-14-2002, 01:12 AM
i am walking over to chrono holding my gz, when this guy walks up to me:

Guy- "Nice DYE cocker."
Me- "Oh thanks, but it is a gz intimidator."
Guy- "No it isnt."

i just sighed and walked away

09-14-2002, 01:20 AM
here is one i heard last weekend

playing rec ball on a speedball field. had one guy left on the other team in the back bunker..knowing he had a pretty fast gun "angel" and had the intimidation factor "geared up like a pro" decided what the hell, I'll bunker the guy!
ran bonzi up to him to bunker, had my gun low enough not to do some real damage.(tryin for a chest shot) the guy saw how low my gun was pointing, drops his marker and SCREAMS!!"DON'T HIT ME THERE!! IT WILL HURT!!"
laughing at the outburst i shot him on the foot...then rolled on the ground laughing!!

...brings tears to my eye!!

09-14-2002, 01:35 AM
Ok, this was when I was out after I was overshot in 3 bursts from one kid.

"i didn't shoot you that much"
"ok, then...see this welt? and this one? and this one? oh yeah, what about this one? I think this is a welt too. Well, this one didn't leave a welt but it hit my mask. Also look here, that's a compound welt of three shots in a 1 inch radius. and look at my hopper and tank. Did I show you the ones on the other side of my body?"
"WHAT, but I only shot your right side! You liar!"
"You should let me finish, I have no hits on my left side"
"oh, oops"

Lone Wolf2
09-14-2002, 09:19 AM
At the chrono station my friend walked up and chronoed with his Angel and a kid came up to him and said nice "Auto-Cocker" and an hour or to later another kid came up to the same guy and said "What kind of pump is that".Ha Ha Ha.

Will Wood
09-14-2002, 05:08 PM
Newbie looking at my automag..."NICE angel!"
(me) "It's a automag..." --- "It's Automatic!!!?!? Sweet! We are so going to win"

After I preced to charge 2 guys with impulses in a game of hopper ball--They unloaded all the paint (out of about 100 balls each...I would say about 15 hits) on me, I run up behind them and shoot each of them once in the arse before they say "NO you crazy (bad word) I give up!! Don't shoot!!"

"THE REF HAS A GUN!!!!!!!!" (lol don't ask :D)

After seeing my level 10, "My cocker doesn't chop at all anways." Procceds to shoot...."Uh! Musta been a bad ball or something it normally doesn't do that!" --- "Sure.." I walk off.

09-14-2002, 05:24 PM
i live in arizona so there are some cliffs the one im talking about is 40 feet tall i was playing woods ball and my team was on a 20 foot cliff and the other team was on a 40 foot cliff they yelled "you can't hit us" so i decided to unload on them for about 5 seconds then i hear "OHHHHHHHHHH, MY P*NIS!!!!!!" and a guy on the ridge i saw his knees buckle and he fell backwards. i was laughing soo hard!

SiLeNt X
09-14-2002, 05:36 PM
one of my friends useing my other friends mag for the first time ever gets a barrle brake and takes the barrle off and starts to clean it.

"dude your (insert f word here)ing pos just broke and spilt all my paint on the ground":D

09-14-2002, 05:45 PM
guy1-"Where the heck is the guy with the gatlin gun?"
*insert sounds of a RT Pro firing multiple shots here*
guy1-"I'm out."
guy2-"Me too."
guy3-"There he is."

(they were referring to my warped RT Pro...:D )

"What the heck is that thing, and how can it shoot so fast?"

(once again referring to my warped RT pro)

---these guys were all playing with rentals, and at this point it was a 3(my team) on 5, or so they thought.

guy1-"Where's the guy with the impulse?"
guy2-"Left side."
guy1-"Where's the guy with the blue spyder?"
guy2-"Left side."
guy1-"What about the guy with the mag?"
guy2-"Left side."

a quick second of silence

guy1-"We're in trouble."

They lasted for about 30 more seconds before my team-mate with the impy got around behind them....


09-14-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by datapimp69
from the shattnerball pump turnie..


yelled by me as i was getting lit up by my own team when i made it to the other side of the 50.

You weren't yelling loud enough... and you were facing the wrong way... :P


---Fred (Who bonus-balled Datapimp...)

09-14-2002, 09:11 PM
probly the funniest thing i heard, and i hear it often, goes a little something like this:

"@#$%& !*(!@#$& you #!@$&%* THAT HURTS YOU LITTLE @#&@#!$ (!#@$&@#% ONE TIME NOT !@#&$#^ 12 you #!@#$*&@#!$"

Any long stream of curse words after some one is tagged brings me to my knees laughing. :D

Micromag Sith
09-15-2002, 01:00 AM
CHECK YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-15-2002, 01:06 AM
I know one...

newbs: yay! We get the guy with the mag!

(note: the field rentals ARE MAGS)

09-15-2002, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Micromag Sith
CHECK YOUR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol! i actually did have to yell that once. another time i had to call a paint check on someone i gogged. "I wasn't sure if it was just splatter or not." meanwhile the entire left side of his mask has a big splat across it. :rolleyes:

09-15-2002, 06:54 PM
In a special (read: stupid) game that one of the local fields likes to do, a few players are sent out ahead of the game to be "zombies", and the rest are sent out after them. Anyone hit by a zombie joins their team.

Ref) I'll give you a tip, okay? Now those guys are shooting autos, so that means they can shoot fast, but you can out-range 'em. Just stay back where they can't hit you cause your gun shoots farther.
Me) Good idea...

I don't go to that field anymore.