View Full Version : my teams website

09-13-2002, 02:27 AM
as the subject says my team ,unreal, has a new website. the moderator, art, spent a lot of time on the site, but it doesnt get much action yet. check it out and leave a post or two i would appreciate it. if you have any suggestions 0n how to make it better there is a forum for it. thx everyone.

09-13-2002, 08:20 AM
get rid of the music or have some way to turn it off.

music on websites it annoying at best and obnoxious at 2am...

09-13-2002, 10:11 AM

09-13-2002, 10:32 AM
I also agree (kill the music).

Good clean layout (although uninspiring), easy on the eyes. When I go to a simple site, this style is nice. Calm colors and easy to read. I would however, suggest using arrows that match the site colors though… what you have now looks slapped on it and out of place compared to the rest of the site.

Your use of FLASH is a good attempt to add movement, but be advised it is slowing things down quite a bit. In my opinion too much for what you end up with after it loads (either optimize or ditch it). You may want to limit its use and try some more standard graphics.. although I admit it is much easier to make moving text and pictures that move (even if they don’t add much in the way of overall design) than it is to make good looking “still” graphics that add to the design and viewing experience. Just remember that just because something “moves” or “makes a sound” does not make it better…. ;)

For example: On your “Roster” page you have a flash movie and then the names and links. I think it would look about 1,000,000 times better if you lost the flash and put a small picture framed nicely next to each of the players’ names. And I would bet it would load a whole lot faster as well.

You may also want to work on some more “eye candy” for the site. It would be very easy to take some nice Paintball shots and colorize them and slide the hue to that of the blue in your site. Then you can do a fade (or erase) all around the edges, and put it in some of the areas currently just “dead” space. This will fill it up, but not detract from the text.

Another suggestion is that you use a pop up that only comes up ONCE per visit. Or make a duplicate “index” page and call it “main” or “home” WITHOUT that script in it, and link all HOME links to the new duplicate page and not your actual “index” page.

Also check your links…. I know I personally hate jumping to another window when going to a site’s forum section. ;)


09-13-2002, 12:56 PM
The site is Great.Good job.

09-13-2002, 03:54 PM
well it was a surprise to hear about the music, i lost my power coard to my speakers and have been without sound for some time.

thx for all the constuctive criticizm (sp?). it is nice to see no one flaming the site. we will be at the seatle panam over the weekend, unfortunatly i couldnt make it, but when the creator gets back ill send him all your info.

mind if i send him your email address shartly? he doesnt have any experience with websites this is his second attempt at one. and i am worthless when it comes to websites, well actually most things :) .