View Full Version : Anime in the Library

09-13-2002, 12:50 PM
Whoo hooo! My plan worked. The library has ordered anime and recieved Princess Moninoke. I'm hoping for more to come in.

Hhehe, my pots of corruption and global takeover are beginning!!!!

*end transmission*

09-13-2002, 01:04 PM
there is a group that signs out one of the meeting rooms at a library in the burbs around here and shows a pretty wide variety of anime once a month. last time i checked, the a/v department at the same library also carried 15-20 titles for checkout/rental.

09-13-2002, 01:38 PM
yeah we have a club here that does that too. They, however, bring their own movies n stuff. And I can't make their meetings anyway.

This way I get to check some out hehe.

And if i'm persistant they'll order prolly 4-5 per semester. Not bad if you ask me