View Full Version : tank question

09-13-2002, 04:01 PM
Hey, I'm wondering one thing. what tank should I get. i want a Centerflag tank because I just like how with the on/off it leaks all the gas out of the line. but what I'm wondering is which tank should I get out of the Hyperflow and the Dynaflow? do either of them have any drawbacks or differences. basically what I'm lookin for is a good tank with an on/off that is really consistent and has a good flow rate and is descently cheap. if you know anything bout either of these tanks could ya help me out. Thanks

09-13-2002, 07:07 PM
u alresdy have a flatline why the hell do u want a centerflag

09-13-2002, 07:41 PM
Upgrade to 4500 maybe? Or for another gun?


09-13-2002, 09:47 PM
I shoot to much for the tank i got now and I want a 4500 and the 4500 flatlines are a bit to pricey for me so I'm going with a center flag and i like um too how the on/off leaks out the gas in the line

09-13-2002, 10:12 PM
Plus try and finding them. I wanted them when I first ordered my RT Pro. I ended up going with a Crossfire 68/4500 fiber and love it.


09-14-2002, 07:04 AM
i can sell you a CenterFlag tank, if you like, im a Dealer. The only difference between a HyperFlow and a Dynaflow is that the dynaflow body is aluminum and it has a rail, where you have to use a cradle on the Hyper. i use a Dyna and love it! best tank ive ever used. a Dyna will run $20-30 more thna a hyper