View Full Version : Gettin used mag

09-13-2002, 04:30 PM
Hey, Im buying a used mag and heres whats on it

Pump conversion kit ( just for looks )
Foamie bolt
Velocity lock
Vertical adapter
double trigger
Armson pro series barrel
Two crown barrels
stock barrel
teardrop barrel ( chops paint like crazy )

I plan to get a
gas thru foregrip
lapco drop forward
and might get a new barrel

Is there anything else you think i need?
ive got a revy hopper and i know i must get a nitro tank put dont have the money to right now.

Thanks, ill tell you all when i get it and if i have any problems

09-13-2002, 04:46 PM
Level 10. That's the best upgrade there is for a 'mag. Read all about it here:


09-14-2002, 02:27 AM
If your gonna run an on gun CO2 tank, which is what is sounds like, then get an anti siphon on the co2 tank. You also may consider putting an expansion chamber in that vertical feed instead of a gas thru, just depends on your ROF tho.

intelliframes are nice too. nice but not necessary.

09-14-2002, 07:27 AM
I'll have the money pretty soon for the n2 tank because my birthday is coming up...

right now a n2 tank is more important than a intelliframe
i think ill get level 10 before i get the intelliframe as well... im getting the mag today, so we'll see what happens

09-14-2002, 02:49 PM
I got my mag today :D
What it had on it- Double trigger with trigger work, Custom Black paint with green flake, pump conversion ( just for looks really ), Some barrels ( using an armson pro series right now ), powerfeed

What i put on it - ( went to a store today )
Lapco drop forward, New vertical adapter, Gas thru grip

What i plan to get in the near future-
level 10, a n2 tank, and or an intelliframe

Ill try and get a few pictures up on a diffrent post, i dont have a scanner or digital camera so i might do it at my friends house, thanks alot guys, i'll tell you if i have any problems in the near future.

09-15-2002, 06:05 AM
How soon is yoru birthday comming up? :)
Remember now, the automags was desinged to run on Co2. You may be alright without an expansion or anything, but you cannot play in cold whether, you cannot point the gun down (will pour in liquid), and you cannot fire too long of a string.
However by the time you buy an anti-syphon, and an expansion you could have picked up a cheap n2 tank.

09-15-2002, 09:00 AM
my birthday is october 27th...

i plan on getting a tank then if it all possable
that is definately my next upgrade

how does a 68 ci 4500 psi preset bulldog tank sound?
thats the one im currently looking at, thanks alot.