View Full Version : Dye Invision Vs JT Proteus

09-14-2002, 02:14 PM
I was just wondering which mask you like better because im having a hard time decicding which one to get.

09-14-2002, 02:21 PM
I like VForce Morphs

09-14-2002, 02:48 PM
Dye gogles are not for people with big skulls.

09-14-2002, 02:51 PM
Dye Invision Goggles: Because toddlers need eye protection too.

JT Proteus Gogles: You better hope this batch doesn't have a recall.

Not to diss them, but both are small. The Dye invision have a limited viewing area.

09-14-2002, 02:57 PM
the dyes are cooommmfffyyyy but have absolutely no protection. you have a better chance of going out with an old jt whippersnapper than you do an invision.

i still reccomend a flex 7. still the nicest mask i have owned to date

09-14-2002, 03:27 PM
They are both small, but the invision covers alot more than you'd think. I bought one because I felt my spectra didn't cover enough. I was surprised by the size of the invision, but again surprised by how much it covered. They are very comfy. As far as restriced viewing area, I'd have to disagree. I'm coming from a spectra tho, so maybe that affects my opinion. I thought spectra's had a good view, the invision's is better.

Besides, the proteus is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. Just personal opinion tho.

09-14-2002, 03:44 PM
Dye goggles are nice..I don't see why everyone is complaining. Nice and snug, it doesn't feel like you're wearing a mask at all. They're also the best looking in my opinion.

09-14-2002, 03:54 PM
Omicron knows it!:) The V Force Morphs are super comfy, never fog, and give you a huge range of view. They also have a very easy lense to remove and clean. I would never use anything else after using them.

09-14-2002, 03:57 PM
I haven't gotten to try an invision but heard that they do fit real snug. The Proteus is just plain ugly unless the visor is taken off. For the price I would still go with a JT Flex since it's close to half the price of an Invision and just a good in my opinion.

09-14-2002, 03:58 PM
I've tried on an invision, and if you have small head, i guess they're ok, but they don't cover anything for me. They leave my ears, neck, and chin/mouth exposed. I own a JT nForcer, but I have tried v-forces and would much rather have one of those.

09-14-2002, 05:03 PM
I got the invisions when the 1st came out and play with them about every weekend and have yet to get hit in the chin. And they just barely cover my chin the only time its not protected is if I'm yelling. Oh and dye is making longer ear pieces for people with bigger nogins. I came from using ize flex-7's before my invisions and took more shots to the chin and mouth with those. The ball actually would fold the flex part in and it would break. I have a guy on my team that wears his fle-7 with the bottum folded up. He has even less protection when he does that then I do. So basically it comes down to what ever you fell more comfortable in. You'll be wearing it for most of the day and if you don't like the one you pick up sell it and get a different one.

09-14-2002, 05:08 PM
Im the one who wears the flex part of my mask folded up when Iplay. It gives me more air, and also makes it easier for people to hear me when I yell.

I have yet to take a shot in the mouth/chin so I don't see the problem. Your gun should be in front of your face anyway :)

My problem with the DYe goggles is the fact they don't fit my massive head. My ears stick out from behind even the new extended ear pieces, which pinches my ears and is rather uncomfortable.

Of course, I have an immense head, so its more of a personaly problem. :)

09-14-2002, 05:34 PM
Flex 7/Xfire... thems the good stufff... lots of protection, style, and comfort.

09-14-2002, 05:51 PM
I have Dye Invision and really like them, but they are kinda small. My head is relatively small I guess :) I've seen huge guys wearing invisions though that don't cover their entire chin. You should try 'em on first. Very comfortable though.

09-14-2002, 06:51 PM
At IAO I tried on every type of mask there and on my particular noggin, they all had similar levels of comfort. The only goggles I ever found to be more comfortable were the first generation Vents.

I thought the DYE appeared to have better ventilation but I couldn't really see a difference.
As far as looks, I would go with the proteus with a flex 7 visor on it.
The Flex 7s have always looked bad from the front. The mask is wider than the goggles giving it a bell bottom look.
The Dyes have an interesting profile. They kind of look like they have the whole ape/chromag look with the protruded jaw/snout.
The proteus visor is just plain bad looking and the original proteus visor was gay.
Since the visor os the only thing thats easily changed, I'd go with the proteus and remove or swap the visor out.

These opinions are entirely my own so don't bother posting that I'm "wrong", an opinion can't be wrong.( especially mine):D


09-14-2002, 08:05 PM
i have the jt nvader thermal, i got it for 30 bucks and it never foggs, at least in the like 20 games i played with it. i think they look cool to. the proteus make you look like a lizard or something, they make your head look reallly small.

09-14-2002, 08:52 PM
JT Proteus! I hate the look of all the other JT masks, but this one is sweet looking! (I like the little circles by the ears.. does something to hole look and shape of the mask..

09-14-2002, 09:16 PM
I like my proteus, better then an invision.

09-15-2002, 11:40 AM
i like my dye invisions...yellow w/ smoke to yellow fade lenses. yums. But if u take the visor off then u might get a lucky welt on ur forehead. It sucked. I was wearing a warped sportz headwrap too and it still made a bigass welt. but dye invisions r niice:)

09-15-2002, 12:59 PM
no offense to any one but that green invision is ugly! im gonna get yellow or red

09-15-2002, 01:52 PM
they're both full of flashy marketing looks, go for v-force!

09-15-2002, 03:29 PM
I have the smoke invision, haven't seen the others.

09-15-2002, 04:55 PM
I own plain old thermal JT spectra 260's Never foged, mighty comfy, and i dont look stupid wearing them =)
I was going to get the flex 7 versions, but a little short on cash at the time

Of course they may only be comfy because before them I wore 15$ walmart goggles..... =/

09-16-2002, 01:02 AM
I prefer to use some kind of protective goggle (like you get in science labs in school) and then put a piece of that Hyperball Pipe over your head (with eye holes cut in). Then people think u are a pipe and dont see you so you can throw potatoes at them or something.

09-16-2002, 09:35 AM
I got a flex 7, I like the fit but I took on in the lip and it split like a bastard.

I tried to make a run I should have known I wasn't gonna make, and well it ended up with me getting lit up from 20 feet.

The flex part will fold right in and hit you in the face. If it's close your gonna have your lip split wide open. It looked like I got punched in the mouth,.

09-16-2002, 11:06 AM
With a chrome lens, you look like a Power Ranger. :D

Still love my Proteus though. Anybody have experience with the little JT Logos getting shot off though? Both Pre-Recall and Post-Recal masks had one of those shot off. (Guess I should watch where I stick my head)

Originally posted by EsPo
i have the jt nvader thermal, i got it for 30 bucks and it never foggs, at least in the like 20 games i played with it. i think they look cool to. the proteus make you look like a lizard or something, they make your head look reallly small.

09-16-2002, 11:15 AM
I have to admit I have a giant head...well kinda...and the DYE goggle fits great. Excellent vision, nice and snug and a very small profile. In our area of the U.S. fogging seems to be a major issue with the DYE goggle...it is definitely an issue with mine and the majority of my team mates.

If I had to use my own money on a goggle it would be the v-force or I would go back to my pretty RED proteus.

09-16-2002, 11:41 AM
My DYE goggles don't fog, but if it's hot and I sweat hard, sweat does run on the inside of the lens and sit there, causing blurry vision. When I take it off, it's never 'fogged' though, just kinda.. slimy ;) In the DYE defense though, my buddy with a Proteus has the exact same problem. I'd like to find a mask that DOESN'T do this though, as it is very annoying.

09-16-2002, 01:03 PM
well, i have a big noggin 7 1/2 hat size. Well, i had an invision, and i like to yell on the field. I was not impressed with it one bit. Never wore it ont he field, i olny tried it on a few times, and i promptly sold it to grey goose, and bought another black flex 7. I love my flex, and i realize that if i get shot in the flex, and it splits my lip, well, thats beter than the ball down the throat i would have gotten with the invision. The invision dod vent nicely though, and i did like it, i just wish it was bigger, i would like to see some sort of fold down neck protection from them, even if it was like a piece of neoprene that came down over your chin and to about the top of your adasms apple, then if you wanted, you could wear a neck guard.

I will also admit, i have a bit of a doubble chin, when i refer to chin, i mean the first one, not the second one!;)

09-16-2002, 07:14 PM
i have a pair of invisions and i love them. very comfortable and i have tried others. i am coming from JT Flex 7 ize and i have used proteus' and i prefer my invisions.

Mega Man
09-16-2002, 09:19 PM
I've had my Flex-7 for 3 years now and they've never done my wrong, of course they do fog up really bad if you dont get a fan, which I don't have. As a ref I see alot of players come in with Invisions and Proteus', personally I like the looks of both, however after playing game after game with my friends Invision and the head refs Proteus I have come to the conclusion that the Proteus is better, the Invision foam I like but it hurts your ears and sometimes your forehead in my opinion, back to the foam, it is comfortable but unlike the Jt's they dont soak up the sweat so it tends to run down your face alot, this may or may not be a good thing, I think its a bad, the Proteus on the other had fits nice and snug and doesnt hurt on any part of my head when I wear it, in fact sometimes I actually forget I have it on, no joke, they fit me that good, but this is just my opinion on the 2....Proteus is my next mask....

09-20-2002, 09:46 PM
I Always liked the Flex 7's.Sure they looked kind of....odd, but it protects my Big Noggin', and compared to the PMI XRay i used to wear,this is ehaven. I Simply looooooooove the foam around the eyes,on the goggles themselves, very comfy. I've yet to try one of those newfangled Invision's, but the ape look, like Tremis mentioned earlier. Now, Those nice VForce Masks....::drool:: I love those,too bad I'm broke,or i'd defiantly buy one of the Morphs. I played with one once,at a Lcoal tourney here,after some little kid snatched my Xray off of our Team table,and ended up sitting on it. Needless to say,I wanted to obliterate the wee dandy child. [The mother didn't even pay for it, she just ranted on how I shouldn't leave things on my TEAM'S TABLE.] Oh yeah,and The Morph wasn't half bad, it gave me a sweet field of vision, didn't fog up in the mid summer heat, and it look Totally cool,even on my Big cranium.
But the Advice Id give you,is get the two masks in each hand, put each one on,and see which one fits better, gives more protection, and is comfy, as it's reallty more of a preference.
Like the guy earlier (I forgot your username, sorry) said earlier,A lfex might take one to the chin,and keep going, though it's never happened to me, I'd opt for the JT Proteus.
Powdered-Toast-Man! AWAAAAAAAAAY!!! :flies off::

09-20-2002, 10:07 PM
Ive been using my flex for a long time now and its my favorite. I have a proteus but i dont like it. It fits TOO close to my face (and i have a small head) and it just doesnt feel right. It was one of the older versions though. Also the little JT things on the front fell off well it was in my goggle bag in the sun. They look really cool on my cell phone now though :rolleyes: :mad:.

As for protection goes, the V-force is probly gonna give you the best overall protection. Probably the best overall performing mask accept i found one problem with it: its too big! I took alot of hits to the mask the day i tried one.

Thats the one edge the proteus will give you. You will rarely get a break on your mask.

I myself decided to stick with my ole flex because its "inbetween" :D

10-25-2002, 09:29 AM
well I can say I've tried nearly every mask out there
proteus= comfy, nice size
invision= profile, fits face very tight(less to shoot at)
v-force= field of view, too big

now if you could combine all three, you'd have a great mask.