View Full Version : Impy help needed.

09-14-2002, 03:55 PM
Ok, i was filling after every game today. It takes close to 2000 psi, to shoot a hopper full in a rico. 170 rnds or so. What can I do to increase the efficiency? I have a VFF, maybe an LPR would help?

now this is pathetic, I just chrono'ed a to make sure Im not getting spikes. Well, my first shot, was 270, next was 266, 299, 305, and the last shot was 250. Not only does this thing eat air, it cant even chrono within a reasonable amount of accuracy. I dont think this gun was worth a penny of what I paid for it. BTW, max flow was set at 140, I have a VFF, and delrin bolt. ALso, using air not c02. I think I hear a mag calling my name.

09-14-2002, 04:32 PM
that's crazy unefficency...It might be leaking pressure somewhere, that might also explain inconsistent velocities, your not always shooting with the same pressure(if that's the problem). (I don't know Impy's too good, lol)

09-14-2002, 04:47 PM
In my experience, your input pressure is too low. Turn your input up to 155, and set your dwell to get your velocity under control. You oughta pick up a lot of shots/tank that way. At 140 you have to move a ton of air at a long dwell to get the velocity you're talking about.

can we say.... gas hog? sure, I knew ya could...:D

09-14-2002, 11:04 PM
I know my friends vision impulse (all stock except for blade trigger) can shoot well over 1000 shots on a 16oz Co2 tank. Other than that i don't know what to tell you, sounds like your lossing air somewhere, maybe your reg?

09-15-2002, 08:52 AM
No air is leaking anywhere. Its just on every shot I can basically see the guage droping.