View Full Version : Shots put holes in my shirt.

E==Mag MAN
09-15-2002, 06:42 PM
Okay last week i got bunkered "rec games with only good players was really fun it was end of teh day", I really had no problem with it cause hehe i allready made 4 nice ones. Well anyways i get bunkered and the balls put holes in my shirt teh size of dimes.....i still have scabby welts from a week ago! im not a person who bruizes easily either lol im not banana person. Well anyways the shirt i was wearing wasnt a cheap one either it was a pretty nice thick shirt. So i think his velocity was jacked up cause iv been playing 2 years tourament and rec and no bunkering even in the head has hurt this bad lol, or put holes in what i was wearing. does anyone know about what velocity it could of been at, or what velocity it takes to start ripping through cloth not flimsy thin cloth either.

09-15-2002, 06:48 PM
And you didn't find him after the game and haul his behind over to the chrono? Sometimes my bruises last for weeks after a really good hard hit, but I've never had any of my clothing damaged by hits. That video with Mancow's cohort showed the shirt gettting ripped up, though, so I guess it can happen at rational velocities. Was this place FPO? Maybe he was playing with some kind of primeival paint that had hardened over time or something, or a combination of that and velocity problems.

09-15-2002, 07:28 PM
acutally i was half the size of a dime ;) u stretched it probably.

09-15-2002, 07:34 PM
I got lit up from something like 4 ft away about 6 months ago. I still have discolorations in my skin (bruises) from it. hehe. It's just really part of the game. IMO

09-15-2002, 07:37 PM
I got shot from like 8 feet last saturday, and my bruises are almost gone :eek: they must have really had it cranked up!

09-15-2002, 07:43 PM
It all really depends on how far away it was. I got bunkered a while back and got a few holes in my shirt but that was from less than 2 feet away so I didn't really worry about it too much even though the ref did check his gun and it checked out fine.

09-15-2002, 07:52 PM
I got shot from about 6" away right in the center of my chest about 4 months ago and I still have a round brownish circle there that never changes now. It's like a permanent skin discoloration. No shirt damage though...

09-15-2002, 08:20 PM
i shoot up paintball bob(the manican in my back yard) and it puts holes in his shirt. was oyur shirt realy old?

09-15-2002, 08:20 PM
Bruzies can last for a long time. I bunkered my friend with my classic from 6 months ago, he STILL has the mark, it was a very nasty welt to.

Spray Painter
09-15-2002, 08:43 PM
i got shot from about 15 feet in the neck and it left a scar. i also got shot on the side like three months ago and i can still see the outline of the welt

09-16-2002, 01:25 AM
I have a welt on my head from playing 9 months ago...our barrels were clanging together, and I caught about 12-15 in the head point blank, all in a nice 2 inch circle.

It hurt and I had a concussion :( People are mean.

09-16-2002, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by AkaEnder
I have a welt on my head from playing 9 months ago...our barrels were clanging together, and I caught about 12-15 in the head point blank, all in a nice 2 inch circle.

It hurt and I had a concussion :( People are mean.


09-16-2002, 02:15 PM
Last year I got a hole in one of my shirts from being bunkered. I still have a little spot on my chest that hair won't grow from.

09-16-2002, 03:38 PM
the worst welts i would get were when i started playing, out in the woods w/ my friends w/ spyders shooting god knows how insane velocities. I still have a 2 year old scar on my leg. It was bleeding !
In tourny i find the hits hurt much less.

09-16-2002, 06:02 PM
I wear a t-shirt over my head to cover my hair. Well last year I got bunkered in the head, right on the hairline of my forehead. It hurt like hell and I was so hot. When that guy was eliminated he wouldn't come to the dead box(side by side at the 50) cuz I was waiting for him. Games over and get off the field, i take off the shirt and see that a hole had been blown through it. I then wipe the hit and see my hand has more blood than paint(enough so that it was starting to drip). I tossed my gun to a teammate and went looking for the guy... never did find him so that I could calmly explain to him how to properly use the chrono :D

Anoter story. The team we were set up next to at a tourney had just gotten new jerseys. Guy got hit from abot 25 feet away in the arm and it blew a hole in it. The gun that took the shot chrono'd out at 357

09-16-2002, 09:26 PM
I have never had a hole put in a shirt but I do have scars from reffing the Chicago open in 99. I don't bruize easy either. The guys gun was under 300fps. Getting shot is part of the game and some shots hurt more than others.

09-16-2002, 09:52 PM
my friend got shot from about a foot away right in the fore arm, and it started bleeding bad. It's been months later and he still has little circle shaped scar.

also my other friend, just for kicks, brought his dad's bullet proof vest once, and we played some back yard woods ball and lit him up alot and we put alot of holes in his shirt (thist was from point blank though) he didn't even feel it.

i've been bunkerd (both on the recieving and giving ends) and have recieved some nasty welpts but they all went away after a week or so

E==Mag MAN
09-17-2002, 08:31 PM
Jon 1 is the size of a dime the other a tiny bit smaller, also my point wasnt how muc it hurt or that fact i still have nast marks i know thats part of the game. I just think its funny but not funny as the same time i have holes in my shirt from freaken paintballs

09-17-2002, 08:50 PM
I have to admit I've never seen holes put in shirts.

It doesn't suprise me though because I have seen balls put holes right through a loader.