View Full Version : IndianCreeks new BKO

09-15-2002, 07:04 PM
I am thinking about selling my mag and buying one of these new electros. I was planning on putting a good reg on it and a good barrel is there anything else i need to make this new bushy sweet. And does anyone on here every shot one or own one . so far the people i've talked to said it is the same as the b2k only doesnt have full auto or bursts modes. and its half the price

they also say it shoots 14.9 bps do you believe that?

09-15-2002, 07:31 PM
I wouldn't believe it shoot 14.9 sps, because the board is limited to 10. I've heard the first batch had some problems but the later ones work fine. I'd try www.pbreview.com ; I'm sure there is more posted there than you're likely to get here.

09-15-2002, 08:16 PM
selling your mag :0 traitor!

09-15-2002, 08:32 PM
Supatravis-I have not shot one, my friend just ordered one. The difference between the BK0 and B2K is the board on the B2K is caped at 13bps, the BK0 is caped at 14bps. Also the B2K has a 4-way and the BK0 has a 3-way. The reg on the BK0 was messed up when used with a preset tank, but they got that problem fixed. And you are correct about the modes, the BK0 only has simi-auto.

And if you are thinking about doing all that stuff to a BK0, think agian. I would just take the money you were going to use on the BK0 and just buy a B2K. But its your money:D.

Rynoboy06-Its caped at 14bps.

09-16-2002, 05:53 AM
Sk8dood - I checked around and confirmed that it was originally capped at 10 BPS, but the new ones have the cap raised. I apologize for operating on outdated information.

09-16-2002, 07:11 AM
its alright. :cool:

09-16-2002, 10:35 AM
sk8dood, thats not actually true about the reg. The reg on the BKO is actually better then the old stock bushy reg. And yes, it is capped at 14.9 seconds. I am selling my mag to buy one also.

09-16-2002, 02:18 PM
Y whould I buy the b2k it sounds to me that the bko is better

blade trigger
better reg
faster gun rate
half the price

so you think that i need a new reg on it or is the stock really good

09-16-2002, 04:03 PM
go with the bko. one kid on my team has the b2k and he NEVER uses the functions. he just shows it off but he never uses it and 99.999999999% of fields wont allow it. Get the bko and put some money into it. but if i was you, i would just keep the mag. :p

09-16-2002, 05:25 PM
Automaggin2- It is true that the HPRs were not working with preset tanks, but they fixed that with a shim in it. And yes the HPRs are better than the old stock bushies. Infact my Gen. 8 HPR was fine, i thought it was meesed up it was actually that i needed to adjust my LPR.

Supatravis- The new B2Ks have the same exact features, but the milling on B2Ks are way better. And i would keep the stock HPR on it unless you are having major problems.

dtm- Yes that is true that you cant use the other functions on it except the simi-auto. IMHO I think buying a BK0 and putting money into it is like buying a stock Autococker and upgrading it. By the time you are done upgrading, you could have bought a better cocker.

09-16-2002, 05:47 PM
Bushys will always be able to shoot faster than BK0s. This ia fact because of the 4way on the bushmaster.

The new Bushy boards at capped at 20bps, WAY faster than the BK0. The Bk0 also doesn't have the PDS (paintdetection system -- doublesided eye).

It seems like you all are sharing outdated info :) I own a sonic bushy so i'm up to date with all this stuff.

Basically ICD is dropping the old bushy lines and just going with the Bushmaster 2k3 with the LCD and PDS. It is 600$ w/ the eye, so its still cheaper than the rival vision impulse.

If you want to play tourneys, get the bushmaster. If you are just playing rec or just starting tourneys, get the Bk0. But the bushmaster will always be the better market. Its just made better, you get what you pay for with the Bk0.

09-18-2002, 08:01 PM
Should i go for a new BKO or a older used b2k.

about the same price which is better im going to put a better reg on both just because i want perfection.

whats better all around and y?

i want quick shooting
small trigger pull
consistant gun
that will not break paint
i will only use semi auto so thats not a up for the b2k

09-18-2002, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Supatravis
Should i go for a new BKO or a older used b2k.

about the same price which is better im going to put a better reg on both just because i want perfection.

whats better all around and y?

i want quick shooting
small trigger pull
consistant gun
that will not break paint
i will only use semi auto so thats not a up for the b2k

Originally posted by dcmander
If you want to play tourneys, get the bushmaster. If you are just playing rec or just starting tourneys, get the Bk0. But the bushmaster will always be the better market. Its just made better, you get what you pay for with the Bk0.

B2k = Quality .. Even old ones will perform well.

09-18-2002, 10:03 PM
ok thanx