View Full Version : AutoCocker shoots 17.5 bps

09-16-2002, 12:40 AM
This is very strange. I was searching the web about cockers and I found a clip of a cocker shooting 17.5 balls per second. Knowing my paintball, I knew it wasn't physically possiable for a cocker to shoot that fast, but there it was....

Here is the thread where I found it at: http://www.pbreview.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=86875&perpage=20&pagenumber=1

and here is the clip of the cocker: http://www.raceguns.dk/data/RGP_320x256.avi

Yo Tom or anyone, explain it? Is it possiable? geez.... a closed bolt shooting that?

Angry Man
09-16-2002, 10:44 AM
I can explain. And yes, it's VERY possible.

That's not a normal cocker, it's a merlin raceframe cocker. It's electronic and uses an entirely different body/design that can cycle at much faster, the electronic five way (instead of a mechanical four way) contributes to this, too. One problem is that there is probably a lot of blowback because the timing has to be so close, and lack of blowback is the whole point of a cocker.

If it wasn't a merlin cocker it wouldn't be able to go above 14bps I'd say. If it wasn't a raceframe cocker it wouldn't be able to shoot that fast either.

So no, standard cockers can't fire that fast, but that this is VERY far from a standard cocker.

09-17-2002, 07:35 PM
actually they're capable of 24 bps

its sick... so so sick..

also notice their use of palmer rams, the fastest ram on the market.. still..

09-17-2002, 10:09 PM
Uhm, the Racegun doesn't make the gun faster- it just times everything at the rate it can run- which is alot faster than thought,

ANY cocker body and such can be used to hit 20+, I did it with an eclipse at Pan-ams this weekend. It had an STO ram and a Sledgehammer Reg, fed by a Gladiator Supply reg-

I setup some STOCK WGP black majics to run at 15+ this weekend also. One was a potential 17+ gun if fed right.

Hammer spring weight and a smooth bolt, fairly good air supply, with a good ram to power it, and you are there.

And most rams can hit that ROF, it really just depends on that individual ram, it just is Palmer who seems to make some of the more consistantly fast rams.

As for physically possible, it is. It takes:

about 1-2 ms for the hammer to hit the valve, about 3-4ms for the ball to get out, and 15-15 ms for bolt togo back, 10-35ms for the ball to load, 10-35ms for the bolt to close. Add it up, 20 BPS is totally possible-

And here it is:




09-18-2002, 08:20 PM
thats funny, i thought palmer rams were the fastest by a good 5 or 10 ms.

09-20-2002, 09:31 PM
As for the blowback issue, what is the problem with it? Even if it does have massive amounts of blowback, the only problem would be in feeding the balls to the gun. Get a halo, and it crams them in there no matter what... blowback, or no blowback... Thats how they got the 20 bps VF emag to go too... you expect monster amounts of blowback with that...

09-20-2002, 10:40 PM
Is this really a Deep Blue topic? :rolleyes: