View Full Version : minimag with RT-valve and Lvl 10 ?

09-16-2002, 02:01 PM
Im just curious, im playing with a really wonderful minimag that i wish to upgrade a bit.

What im thinking of is upgrading with the RT-valve and Lvl 10 upgrade is it possible to do both of them ?

Is it anything special i have to remember, any other upgrade i should do ? any feedback is appreciated.

09-16-2002, 02:20 PM
Welcome to AO :D

Sure, you can upgrade to both the RT valve and the lvl 10. Just put the lvl 10 upgrades on the rt valve when you get it, and you'll be set.

I haven't yet upgraded to the lvl 10 stuff, but there's a ton of threads giving hints and tips for installing it. You might want to check those out. Good luck=)

09-16-2002, 02:35 PM
Well i wasnt sure about it so its better to ask than guess.

With that minor problem out of the air over to another question. How does the warpfeed work ? Do you connect the warpfeed between the mag and marker or is it a mag by itself ? does it work well ?

09-16-2002, 06:58 PM
well here is a pic of almost what you are talkin about... thouhg this show my Zgrip also...

shows with the warp also =)
and it does have the level 10 in it also


09-16-2002, 07:31 PM
retro + lvl 10 is probably the best you could possibly choose as of now. I can see that those items with a warp will be a sweet marker. If you dont alreay have an intellifeed, look into that too.

good luck.

09-17-2002, 05:53 AM
Virus, i think im gonna marry your marker if you dont already have. Very nice one, thanks for the help guys, im gonna upgrade as fast as the balls fly.