View Full Version : Thinking about getting a bushy or something in that price range, any suggestions?

09-16-2002, 02:45 PM
I'm thinking about selling my mag and buying a bushy..
You guys think its a good idea? I'm thinking about a black B2K, and mod it with a vapor chaos chip? Heres a link http://www.vaporworks.net/prod_Chaos.html
What would I want to impove from the stock version? Is the trigger bad? Would I need to replace the bolt?
Is the gun awesome to begin with?
Any downsides?
Would you reccomend another gun instead, if so, why?
Am I O.K. running a 850 preset tank into the reg?

I dont want to start a flame war, simply answer some of my questions please.
I dont want any bashing of bushys, impys, or whatever..

09-16-2002, 03:03 PM
the tank situation should be fine with a good reg.

As for the bushy itself, i personally never cared much for them....plagued with too many problems from my experiance. I never owned one, nor will i...yet i have a few friends with bushy's and they do have a good deal of problems.

Now the intimidator on the other hand is basically the redesigned bushy (internally speaking). I love this gun and they obviously have a great rep...ask around. I am also not just saying this because i have one for sale, they really are great guns.

When looking for a new gun, the net is your best friend, ask around and learn from others and good luck on your descision.

(email me if you start to lean towards the timmy,,,and if you are interested in buying)

09-16-2002, 03:05 PM
I wont have that much money after I sell my mag.. maby 530 tops, keep it in that price range :)

Load SM5
09-16-2002, 05:21 PM
They can be nice guns after a little bit of time and work, The stock trigger is a bit sloppy IMO. The main thing I didi'nt care for was how tall they are. It felt like that thing stuck a mile up, of course I had just sold my Micromag for one at the time but the bolt slapping back and forth way up on the gun felt like it caused the gun to jerk up with every shot. Probably just my imagination though.

09-16-2002, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
They can be nice guns after a little bit of time and work, The stock trigger is a bit sloppy IMO. The main thing I didi'nt care for was how tall they are. It felt like that thing stuck a mile up, of course I had just sold my Micromag for one at the time but the bolt slapping back and forth way up on the gun felt like it caused the gun to jerk up with every shot. Probably just my imagination though.

Just a FYI, if you dont want a sloppy trigger you can tell ICD when you order and they will put in a wider trigger plate. If you don't ask, then you will get a thinner plate adding some side/side play. ICD thinks that most people like this, even though i think its the other way around :)

Also bushys do jerk if you have the LPR pressure high (over 90psi is too high!)

I personally had 65psi on my sonic bushy and it had no kick at all. If you get a new lPR like a sonic or a FMD adapter + Palmer Rock you can get the pressure extremely low and this removes the kick.

Just an FYI..

Load SM5
09-16-2002, 05:58 PM
Dandy, what are you going to do about them being to tall Mr. Smart Guy!!!!!!;)

I actually did very liitle to mine before selling it. I had it Vapored and that was about it. It felt nice but the height just got to me.

09-16-2002, 07:00 PM
hmm...for 530 you could buy a impulse with:

blade trigger
LPR or Tapeworm (solenoid optimizer, LPR works the same as cocker LPR, is much better than tapeworm but requires tweaking)
vertical maxflow reg (decreases height of the imp)

all that should give you a buttkickin imp! i love mine soo much and i've never had any problems with it

09-16-2002, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Dandy, what are you going to do about them being to tall Mr. Smart Guy!!!!!!;)

I actually did very liitle to mine before selling it. I had it Vapored and that was about it. It felt nice but the height just got to me.

The height didn't bother me. I just got a lowrise and my hopper didn't go any higher than my mask. Its also a very thig and light gun, so I could whip it around bunkers like none other. I love them.

Originally posted by cris8762
hmm...for 530 you could buy a impulse with:

blade trigger
LPR or Tapeworm (solenoid optimizer, LPR works the same as cocker LPR, is much better than tapeworm but requires tweaking)
vertical maxflow reg (decreases height of the imp)

all that should give you a buttkickin imp! i love mine soo much and i've never had any problems with it

Very true.. But for 70$ more you could get a Bushy 2003 that comes with a DELRIN BOLT and BLADE TRIGGER STOCK and shorter reg (the new ones are just as good, and you can also get a glad annodized to match for 75$ i think which is a good deal). The impulse is ever taller w/ the maxflo enless it is vertical.. Then it is the same heigth as the bushmaster.

I've seen a lot more impys go down then bushys in my day, but that may be because i see 10 impulses for every bushy ;) May be another reason to go w/ the bushy! .. or the impy, depending on what kinda person you are! :)

09-16-2002, 07:16 PM
70 dollars fora 2003 bushy, where do you shop bud?!?!?!?!?!?!?

09-16-2002, 08:16 PM
Ok. The price that my proshop sells impys for is 500 with vert reg. I'm not going to buy online because I feel I need to support my pro shop, I'm friends with them there and all..
Bushys have alot of kick? :/ Would a lighter bolt help that?
I dont care about hieght, I WANT something diffrent than a mag. I want to learn about other guns.

09-16-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
70 dollars fora 2003 bushy, where do you shop bud?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Excuse me, i meant 70$ more. My post has been edited. The 2003 bushys are 600$ total and include the PDS.

09-16-2002, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by personman
Ok. The price that my proshop sells impys for is 500 with vert reg. I'm not going to buy online because I feel I need to support my pro shop, I'm friends with them there and all..
Bushys have alot of kick? :/ Would a lighter bolt help that?
I dont care about hieght, I WANT something diffrent than a mag. I want to learn about other guns.

I personally would wait for the 2003s. They are os awesome looking and include PDS and are only 600$--cheaper than a vision impulse.

Bushys dont have a lot of kick no. One of the best things about the bushy is that it comes w/ the best bolt for it stock. It comes with a delrin barrel stock and if it fits your top bore well, then its the best bolt you can use on your bushy.

It's your decision on what gun ot get, but bushys are sweet guns and i've seen a lot of impys go down.. And everyone has em (good or bad depending on how you look at it).

09-16-2002, 08:40 PM
I dont think I am going to wait for the 2k3 bushys..
I would rather just get one now..
I'm still thinking about it.

09-16-2002, 09:11 PM
The 2002 bushys (the ones w/ the "X" milling) are just like the 2003s but they dont have that new milling. You can get them w/ a blade trigger, delrin bolt, "X" milling, PDS and 2piece barrel for under 600$.

The 2003 bushy is the first production they have upped the price.