View Full Version : My first time with a mag

paint magnet
09-16-2002, 03:38 PM
Well, about two weeks ago, I had my first chance ever to play with an Automag. (well, it was a MM but same difference) After hearing all the wonderful things and being somewhat biased to mags, I had great expectations of it. I had about 350 bucks at the time and was looking to buy a good used gun, for when I'm too lazy to use my Phantom. (although I get more eliminations that way) Soooo... I walk into the building and there is a nice spiffy Minimag on the wall, with a huge d/f and a Crossfire 68 3k for sale. It came with 2 barrels (armson and a SP) and he was asking 350 for everything. "wow", I thought, "here's my new gun", but just to make sure, I asked if I could play with it. I got to play a couple hours with it, and I'm glad I did.

First I had to clean some yellow soup out of it, but I got it all shiny and clean on the inside, and fumbled getting the twist-lock barrel on. ( you can say what you want about the twist lock style but in the time it takes me to put it on I could have put on 5 cocker barrels) I was using the SP 12" first. I went over and chrono'd. 270, 261, 272, 268. Well, +/- 10 fps is pretty bad for a 'gun with two regulators, esp. since Crossfire is supposed to have the best preset tanks. The paint was Diablo Blaze, but it was not thin shelled, I got about 4-6 bounces with Tom's test thingy.

Anyway, I went to shoot it on the field. Now keep in mind that I'm used to a Phantom. But even with my Phantom shooting 242 (and it was more consistant with unregulated CO2 than the mag with dual regulated N2) the balls from the mag fell about 20-30 feet shorter and were really lacking in range, even when compared to other open bolt guns.

That was the first thing that really bothered me. The second was that I broke paint like crazy in that barrel. When I'd take it off to clean it, the revvy went crazy and dropped about 15 balls before I shut the stupid thing off. So I changed barrels to the Armson stealth. The paint breaking was virtually eliminated and I got a little better accuracy.

I also did not like the fact that the gun wasn't quite as compact as I had hoped. The accuracy also left something to be desired. I noticed several times that at a range of about 15 feet, I could see a corner of a hopper, mask, etc. sticking out of a bunker, somehting easily hit by my Phantom, a cocker, or virtually any other gun, especially with what are very nice aftermarket barrels. However, I was never able to hit it. This is because the balls always seemed to be 1 or 2 inches off, just enough to miss.

Aside from everything I didn't like, I really liked the trigger ( it had a benchy 2x on it) Nice and crisp, a little sloppy but good overall. And I like the reliability issue. But seing as I have 5 other guns, that's not that big of a problem. To sum it up, after playing with it, I bought a used cocker they had on the wall instead.

09-16-2002, 03:51 PM

paint magnet
09-16-2002, 03:52 PM

09-16-2002, 03:56 PM
how compact were you hoping it would be? and i agree, its to bad mags cant stand up to the proven accuracy of cockers, oh wait...

09-16-2002, 03:57 PM
I dont know why the mag didnt wrk for you. I love my mag and i have no desire to own another gun except an Emag :) It could have had some slight problems with it. Plus the original barrel was poop. Try shooting someone elses mag next time, maybe you'll change your new opinion on them.

paint magnet
09-16-2002, 03:59 PM
Maybe it just didn't feel compact(it had a KAPP foregrip extender on it, reminded me of my hated model 98, so maybe that's why)

paint magnet
09-16-2002, 04:04 PM
I wasn't using the stock barrel but maybe there was just something wrong with it. I was kind of disappointed, because I really loved the way it shot.

09-16-2002, 04:18 PM
It sounds to me like the AIR valve needed a new reg. seat and the paint you were using didn't fit the barrel very well.

The poor shot to shot consistancy (caused by the bad reg. seat) combined with poor paint to barrel match would have made the Mag seem very inacuurate. A new reg. seat (two minute fix) wold have vastly improved the consistancy and you might have been able to get away with the barrel you were using (I mean the second one - the first one sounds like it was way too small).

Yes, a Cocker/Phantom/whatever can be much more accurate than a Mag...but only if there's something wrong with the Mag.

09-16-2002, 04:21 PM
well, it probabally had a bad reg seet if the velocity was that bad, and it prolly hadnt been oiled for a while, those were prolly part of the reasons you were dissapointed.

Also, the foregrip extendor was prolly your ainti compactness feeling. Sorry you didnt have a good time, i would still suggest trying one of your friends out.

As for the balls dropping out, you should have turned your powerfeed off. That would have stoped the ball flow, and you could have taken your barrel off with no problem then. Also, i assume it didnt have level 10? that was your chopping problem right there

09-16-2002, 04:37 PM
Wow, you make me cry ;(

09-16-2002, 05:44 PM
a friend of mine has a mag and shot a guy in the hand from like 30 feet. you had a bad paint/barrel match. even i(i still need to work on accuracy a bit) can hit almost anything with a mag. you just had a bad marker.

09-16-2002, 05:55 PM
Yeah, I'd also suggest trying another Mag. The first Mag I ever shot (Micro), I absolutely hated. It felt great, and I liked the trigger, but I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Turns out my friend had a bad reg seat AND a horrible paint to barrel match. I have shot two different ones since (upgraded Classic and Hyper Framed Mini) with the the proper paint barrel match and regs in perfect working order. I must say, I have loved them ever since then.

09-16-2002, 06:20 PM
dude those chrono readings are +/- 5 not 10, you take the middle largest range 272 an 261, subratice them, 11 and divide by 2. That means its 268 +/- 5 which isn't that terrible...

anyway, as far as the barrel problem goes, you get used to it quickly. Pretty soon you can take those barrels off in less then a second (try changin 5 cocker barrels like that). As far as spilling paint goes, thats what the little powerfeed plug is for. You turn that off (or hold the gun upside down) an take the barrel off. For breaking paint.. well... level 10 anyone?

09-16-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by magman007
well, it probabally had a bad reg seet if the velocity was that bad,

Like what I said right above you :D .

Just giving you a hard time!