View Full Version : Sniping in Paintball

09-16-2002, 08:19 PM
what do you think of sniping in paintball?

09-16-2002, 08:24 PM
I think all newbies think that they can become the ultimate sniper.

09-16-2002, 08:26 PM
yeah a couple of my nebie freinds think that they can start a "sniper" team and get sponcered so i told em its impossible they didn't believe me so i'm wondering what you guys thuink

09-16-2002, 08:28 PM
Ahhhh, the good 'ole sniper debate. Next time a newb tells you he's going to become the ultimate sniper, ask them to point out a SINGLE good player, in the entire game of paintball who snipes. Then let that sink in.

09-16-2002, 08:34 PM
since sniping means shooting from a concealed possition it is possible to "Snipe" in paintball but if you are talking guilly suits, scopes, and one shot one kill, you are a newb moron.... ( not you but some one who thinks you can "Snipe" by those terms)

09-16-2002, 08:47 PM
hoppys right, you can technically snipe, say if your playing in the woods and you hide under a bush with a bunch of camo on, that would be sniping. in paintball i would call someone who "snipes" a back player, or a camper. but anyway, sniping isnt even fun, i would get too bored just sitting there.

09-16-2002, 08:52 PM
you can catch someone by surprise...I don't consider it 'sniping'

09-16-2002, 09:03 PM

In rec games it is a viable tactic. When I played rec ball sniping was always looked down upon. I never liked it when people tried it but what ever floats your boat...

If you are just starting out my advice would be to play aggresive and get angles on people.

Don't try it in tournaments; your team will be shot stupid.

09-16-2002, 09:56 PM
its split right down the middle snipers vs non snipers.

09-16-2002, 10:00 PM
ill kill you with my bullets.:rolleyes:

09-16-2002, 11:45 PM

09-17-2002, 05:59 AM

Flatline barrel ULTIMATE pb sniper gun!!!!!

09-17-2002, 06:10 AM
I think people get sniping confused with an ambush. Since the practical accuracy distance of a paintball is rather limited. Despite innovations like the flatline barrel, you are seldom going to be able to do true long distance one shot, one kill sniping. What you can do is use camoflage such as a ghillie suit to effectively ambush opponents once they get close enough to provide a sure fire shot. An effective ambush is at least as much about choosing the location and using the terrain to your advantage as it is about your equipment and camoflage. Ambush is a very effective paintball strategy and is most easily implemented on large fields with heavy cover during games that allow adequate time to set your ambush up such as a scenario game. Most rec ball games tend to be timed so the winning strategy is more about gaining field position and pushing forward aggressively than it is about digging in and going for that one kill.

09-17-2002, 09:15 AM
If by sniping you mean accuracy at long ranges, then, considering the physical constraints of paintball, sniping is impossible.

However, if you mean getting an elimination with one or two shots, at longer (for paintball) ranges from ambush positions, then sniping is possible.

I was playing stock in the woods this weekend and in those types of games, which have time limits of 30-45 minutes, sniping is a practical possibility.

Whether you like to longball or get up close and personal, it's all a matter of how you like to play. Hats off to anyone who can get into a position and stick to it for the time it takes to get the shot.


09-17-2002, 11:53 AM
Snipeing... in my opinion is being able to shoot people with persision at very long ranges.

Now this is a cool concept, yet we have the basic problem of we play with paintballs and a 300 fps limit.

Now guesse what, who are the people who want to be snipers? newbs. who are the people who don't know the limitations of todays paint? newbs. I rest my case.

So lets just tell them to continue to snipe so we can get some easy points in tournaments :p

09-17-2002, 12:41 PM
i've done it a couple of times, mostly by accedent. One time i went up to far, and got pinned down from people far away but some dude was camando crawling by me. woot. got him good. yeehoow. then i just sat there and picked em off till they realized where i was

09-17-2002, 01:38 PM
I want to know why my racegun frame on my 'cocker has a "Snipe" mode :p

09-17-2002, 01:55 PM
Sniping was possible and fun 15 years ago. Of course, you could go the whole day with just 100 rounds.

09-17-2002, 02:01 PM
Sniping is possible in senarios but it's not ganna be one shot one kill. It takes alot of sneeking up and staying hidden. That's what sniping is about.

zach rumchak
09-17-2002, 03:28 PM
yeah i gotta guille suit and snipe my newbie friends and yes theses guys are right I hardly ever take them in one shot and by then they will have seen you but its proven succesful because a couple of days ago i got 3 guys and 2 guys in different games and thats all the people playing so i say yes it is possible
but its better to play normal and i just do it for kicks cause wen you hit some1 and they dont no were it came from its the funniest thing you will see

09-18-2002, 07:26 AM
Hey Havoc, weren't we just having this conversation at the field last weekend? :D

In the woods, it's more like stalking, sneaking, hiding, etc. than snipping.
A long barrel will help in some situations - not because it is more accurate or has more range, but because you can stick it OUT THRU the brush and stay hidden better. I think that may be where some of the snipper's long barrel myth comes from.

Biggest newbie questions:
Is that full auto, you sure are shooting fast?
Can you get me a 2' long snipper barrel?
How do you snipe someone on a speedball course?

The newbie thinks: If I stay back and snipe them before they get to me, I won't get shot or if I do, it won't hurt as much as up close.

Now, how many of you asked the same questions before you became a seasoned oldbie? Come on, we are all friends here, right? - J/K!!

09-18-2002, 08:47 AM
sniping in paintball is pointless. Paintballs are inaccurate by nature, and have short range. Being a good player is movement and a stratagy that gets your opponents trapped close to you. Also, remind yourself that longer barrels are not more accurate, but just waste air.

09-18-2002, 06:06 PM
sniping is a retarded concept in paintball. newbies will ALWAYS want to be a sniper. I cant blame them, staying back and taking out people before they know it WOULD be kool, but it just aint happenin. real sniper rifles are VERY VERY accurate for a VERY VERY long distance off. this is NOT so for paintball guns. people tend to think that the longer the barrel the better. they are very wrong. I have many a time tied to convince my friends at church that after about 12in in length a barrel becomes nothing more then a gas consuming peice of metal. up to 12in and you can get better accuracy, after that you dont get anybetter accuracy and your just waisting gas because it takes alot more to get the ball out of the barrel. One reason sniping in paintball isn't really possible is because well, paintballs dont go perfectly straight. they do curve, and also drop as they go forward .another thing is, most the time in paintball, the distance of the teams are to close to try sniping. I dont know the diffenition of sniping(and someone correct me if I'm wrong)but, i owuld think it is "eliminating an enemy from a distance away" or atleast something to that effect. in paintball, you are never far enough away from the opposite team for them to not get you out. alot of newbies thinkg their a sniper when they hide in the back for most of the game peek their head out a few times and shoot at someone not getting ANYWHERE close to whoever they were shooting at. paintball guns where not made to be used as sniper rifles I believe. paintball is a adrenalin sport, ment to be played on adrenalin. if everyone tried to snipe, then everyone would be hiding waiting for the other team to make a move, adn the game would basically suk because it would get boring(trust me, i was a newbie once and wanted to be a sniper)dont get me wrong. having someone in the back watching your back incase someone sneaks up on you ISN'T a bad idea. its is usually a good idea to have someone hidden watching you incase things go bad, but I wouldn't call that a sniper, I would call it more along the lines as wingman or something. but basically, paintball is to much of a close contact sport to try to snipe, paintballs aren't NEARLY as accurate to try and snipe, and paintball's dont have the distance to them to snipe. I would suggest the barrel length of 10in to anyone because 10 and 12in get about the same accuracy, 12in MIGHT get a lil better distance, adn anything past that doesn't get anymore accuracy or distance and just waiste gas.


09-18-2002, 07:54 PM
If sniping is possible... all you would need is a pump and a 10 round tube to take out 10 players.

The existance of ~200 round agitating loaders, guns that spit out 10+ bps, pod packs, back players doing pack-mule impressions with all the paint they carry.... etc... is proof that sniping is not possible otherwise these things would not be needed. That's enough firepower and paint for one 'sniper' to eliminate his team, the opposing team, the refs, and a good portion of the crowd.

Heck... you can't put out a stationary target out a good distance away and count on hitting it with 1 shot with all the time in the world... let alone an intelligent target that shoots back and does a good job staying covered.

09-18-2002, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
If sniping is possible... all you would need is a pump and a 10 round tube to take out 10 players.

my friend was like that...
Friend "How much paint you use today?"
me "Uh about 600, so how much did you use today?"
friend "uh 100rounds"
Me "you get anyone?"
Friend "i only got 99 people... i am a waist of life!!!!!"

09-19-2002, 03:54 PM
I consider sniping in paintball just sandbagging and taking the opponent by surprise, since accuracy of paintballs suck. I always love sneaking behind someone, firing a single shot, and seeing him/her raise their arm :)

Now some will just sit in a single spot all game and there maybe someone that walks by. This is dumb. Sniping in paintball may mean walking around, or putting yourself where someone else will walk.

Now this is just how I think of it, and it only applies to woods. "One shot one kill" is the best way to go.

A couple years ago, a bunch of people met on a sunday morning and we would all play in a decent size woods. There would be atleast 15 on 15 every week. I think the most balls I ever shot there in a single day was 300, which was very rare, and I always had a min of 5 elimins, usually more towards 10 or more. Most of the time my "sniping" techniques where used.

By no means did I sit 100 ft away from someone and take my scope and fire a shot. I did a lot of crawling, waiting, running. I waited for fire fights to happen, then went around and actually shot the guys while everyone was just shooting at brush.

The good ole days :D

09-22-2002, 01:13 AM
dang.. maybe I will not get an automag.. if they are as inaccurate as you all make them sound! I am not a hose monster and enjoy sneaking and longshots.. nothing better then a well placed shot.. oh and I have been playing sine '85! not a newbie.. probably playing since before most of you were a glimmer in your daddys eye.. LOL kidding... no offence but are automags that inacurate?

09-22-2002, 03:03 AM
Heh, it's got nothin to do with Automags Buzzard. Accuracy is all about your paint to barrel match and the consistancy of your regulator. Automags are just as accurate as any gun out there. Also, just because this site is called Automags Online, I have found that a great many members don't own mags.

10-25-2002, 04:27 PM
Main Entry: 1)snipe
Function: noun
1 or plural snipe : any of various usually slender-billed birds of the same family as the sandpipers; especially : any of several game birds (especially genus Gallinago) especially of marshy areas
2 : a contemptible person

1> Seen birds at the paintball field. So it must be possible to BE a snipe in paintball. :p
2> There are no contemptible people in paintball. Are there? :rolleyes:

Main Entry: 2)snipe
Function: intransitive verb
1 : to shoot at exposed individuals (as of an enemy's forces) from a usually concealed point of vantage
2 : to aim a carping or snide attack

1> Sure can be done. Doesn't need gillie suits or long range to qualify.
2> Now that's the kind of sniping we see the MOST of in paintball.:( ESPECIALLY on the discussion boards.:D

I'll stop now.... ;)

10-25-2002, 04:46 PM
Anyone who stands still in paintball is asking to be flanked and shot in the anus

10-25-2002, 06:45 PM
Snipe, no. But i guess it depends on the game, in a woods game i think it's a little easier to try, in speed ball you don't have the time to take careful aim. I don't think some 1 can become a sniper, paintballs aren't accurate enough to be sniper worthy, how ever i do think some 1 can become a marksman, so i think that term would be more fitting, a sniper just sits and waits for a target, where a marksman is the crazy guy who runs all over but seems to get like 5 people out with only like 10 shots. the marksmen way is where to go, be able to draw and shoot as accurate as possible w/ out taking the time to aim, unlike a sniper who needs time and patience

10-25-2002, 09:00 PM
well it has been proven that sniping in paintball is completely possible, just look at avalanches salm..................LOL what a dumb dumb

10-25-2002, 09:18 PM
Come on guys pros do it:confused:

10-25-2002, 11:56 PM
sniping is pointless. i'd rather waste my time trying to shoot a bird than waiting for someone to shoot at.

10-27-2002, 12:43 AM
Well, Jeremy Salm took out 4 GZ players in one game, all while using his 733+ snipering talent!

10-27-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Vern1

Biggest newbie questions:
Is that full auto, you sure are shooting fast?
Can you get me a 2' long snipper barrel?
How do you snipe someone on a speedball course?

Now, how many of you asked the same questions before you became a seasoned oldbie? Come on, we are all friends here, right? - J/K!!

newbs are so fun... I've been asked if my "auto"mag is full auto so many times....

and no, i never asked stupid questions when i was a newb because i was hanging around on pb message boards for months before i first played, just reading.

Mr. T!
10-27-2002, 12:42 PM
I dont know about it, but if you need any hints, just go talk to avalance about sniping, maybe they can help you.

10-27-2002, 02:08 PM
i wasn't getting the Avalanche references... and was like, "wow Ender, ur such a loser, don't even understand these people."

but then i saw the thread about Salm sniping from thew sidelines..... lol... u would think that he'd get forward of them and shoot back... but no...

10-27-2002, 04:44 PM
I used to play (a long time ago, 1989) where we had 5 man teams, silencers, and no boundries. People would sit and "snipe" (more like 1 man ambush). If they didn't get you with the first shot, they were done. Since everyone had the same range (before the flatline barrel) it couldn't really be called sniping. Try it on a field with boundries with nobody else to cover you and you'll be toast after the first shot.

Sniping is just a new player getting caught up in the adrenalin/mystique of the game. They aren't used to/don't like having paint flying all around them. For me, that happens to be the part that I enjoy the most. Let them sit in their spot for a couple 15 minute games and not shoot at all, while you are telling stories of how you almost made it across mid field on the break and blah...blah..blah and they will soon be up there with you.

10-31-2002, 06:19 PM

Here is a funny story. My local shop has been running games twice a month for the past year and a half. Being one of the long time regular customers at the shop I give a hand to the owner with field set up or reffing. Most of his players in the games are fairly newer players with about year or less of expereience. The store game gives these players more people to play with instead of the usual 5 or 6 people.

About a month ago, I was helping at the field with a charity game. About 50 people showed to the event. I reffed and helped organize the teams. Since I was perfectly happy reffing and it was real enjoyment watching everyone play. My dealer threw me 300 rounds of paint and said go play the last game.

I have my Pro Lite with me and some very basic equipment. It reminded me what it was first like to play before the 10 million in gear that I have now :) I basically helped the team that walked to the far flag station. My equipment and camo were nothing more than a camo jacket, Blue jeans, A prolite with a 20 oz tank and 200 round hopper. The pro lite had a 10 inch DYE barrel.

We started. Everyone when running about. I made my way through the thick cover and shot several people in open. by the end of the game, several people who decided to hook up with me moved up and took the flag and the game. Everyone in the group thought I was a "sniper" since I shot a hopper of paint were they were shooting thier hopper and another 3 or 4 tubes. Plus i had to be a "sniper" since I took out 8 on the other side.

When the game was over everyone on the other side said "man. I got shot by a sniper." They all played the one side I was on. Moral of the story is If you are an older experienced player, you are more likely to be called a sniper by a newer player. If you just take your time and shoot during a more relaxed game, you are a sniper as well.

Point is "snipers" are point of perspective to a player. If that is the case, anyone who can shoot accurately is a "sniper" in paintball. But this holds close to those who just have started out in paintball. The older crowd knows no such thing.


11-24-2002, 02:26 AM
well if you are playing a long term senerio woods ball game, then theoriticly it might be possible. If you could increase your velocity to achieve greater distance and you could sit in a place for hours, and hit a guy when he didn't know it them maybe. But in reality if you play speedball, like 99% of us do, then it is impossible, the best is a snap shot. Other than that there isn't really such thing as a sniper. There is a big difference between theory and reality. if you had a gun with a high powered scope and had an effective range over a 1000meters then you could possible be conisdered a sniper. A flat line increases your range, but doesn't decrease the time it takes to get to a target. Most people would take cover when a shot was fired, so that gives your target to move. There is a tipman that has what I think was a flat line barrel and it was curved up (it had no covering on top) i am speculating that was a tipmman flatliner, but I am not 100% sure. Well anyway hope this helps.

11-24-2002, 02:51 AM
I love the old sniper debate. You should take your N00b friends over to the timmann forum. There are lots of "Sniper" 98 customs there

11-24-2002, 11:20 AM
sniping is possible on concept fields. its finding an opponent and waiting for the shot. My buddy does this all the time especially when we are down players. He waits for the people to come out of there bunker looking for people to shoot. People usually start to hang out when paint hasn't come by them in about a minute. He waits for them to really hang out (like half thier body) and gives them three balls and usually eliminates them. He usually does this though when he has a back man telling were opposing team is on the field and when he has true confidence from that back player.

Just food for thought

11-24-2002, 01:08 PM
I had a "Sniper" experience at a big game about a month ago.

I had a little Sidekick pistol and I was standing in the open next to my team's base, which was just destroyed. The other team comes running down a path and stops to shoot at the guys on the far end of the destroyed base. They stopped 20 feet from me and were just ignoring me because half of my team had been eliminated in the base... So I shot 1 and ducked behind a tree. Then shot 3 more and just walked away to go get my real gun...

11-24-2002, 01:34 PM
"Sniping" in paintball is a misnomer. A good marksman with a rifle can put a round into a target several hundred yards away (it helps if they stay still). That is enough distance to make identifying the firing position difficult. In paintball you are much closer.

So, what you are talking about is an ambush. In scenario games, I like being a "sniper." You know what I do? I set up in a likely ambush spot and surprise the enemy, usually while they are moving to an objective. I unload on the other guys, tag a number of them, then die horribly in the counter-fire. Still, if I take out five or six of them in the ambush, for only one of me... ...well, you do the math.

11-24-2002, 01:58 PM
People playing speedball in all camo sounds like sniping to me *Grin* lol...