View Full Version : when do i know when the pressure is right

09-17-2002, 12:19 PM
Do any one here have some kind of rule
so you know that the pressure in your marker
is perfect, without going to a cronograph?

Example how many spins you make on the pressure "thing"

I dont have a cronograph in near my home and i dont know
if the pressure is to high. What should i do. I dont want to have lesser pressure that my friend ether

Please help


09-17-2002, 12:34 PM
I assume you are refering to an automag. The answer is, you don't. The only way to be sure is to chrono. I can fire a marker and GUESS fairly well, but I have been watching paintballs fly for over 15 years. To be sure you need a chrono.

Load SM5
09-17-2002, 02:33 PM
Chronos can be found fairly cheap. If you don't have access to one it would be a good idea to pick one up. I found mine for $75 used. If you have a bunch of friends who play with you divide up the cost.

Better safe than blind.

09-21-2002, 06:10 AM
You don't want to risk your saftey, and the saftey of others. Ger a chrono.