View Full Version : Junkard Wars

09-18-2002, 07:54 PM

09-18-2002, 07:57 PM
Hey I was about to post this.

I'm frowning a little bit at the opening, shooting while people weren't wearing goggles:(
But I'll wait until the end to really judge. It is looking pretty cool:)

09-18-2002, 08:02 PM
I dunno....they're trying to use 1.5" PVC pipe for their paintballs....we'll see it goes.

I'm guessing by http://www.smartparts.com and all the impulses they showed that SP has sompin to do with it also.

I think junk yard wars used to be great, but its progressively gotten worse. :(

Anyway, i'm still watching...

09-18-2002, 08:16 PM
blue teams winnin! dont think the yellows golf cart idea is the best...

09-18-2002, 08:17 PM
Yellow might pull it off if they can get that thing rolling.

The blues canon works tho and there van goes too.

09-18-2002, 08:18 PM
im rather upset about how they say paintball started.... wernt they bankers from jersey or sumthing???

09-18-2002, 08:19 PM
Ya they said soldiers in their off time.

IT wasnt right but it showed torny paintball with masks and safty and all so it was ok.

09-18-2002, 08:26 PM
bah who cares, its not like junkyard wars has a huge fan base :) its just entertaining, its not going to hurt the sport any at all.

And as for the show going down hill, nothing is further from the truth. It started going down hill after they moved the show from the UK and added the american male host. When the show was entirely british including british teams it was great, you could tell that the show was moved because it stopped raining ;)

Load SM5
09-18-2002, 08:39 PM
Hey Bea Young is reffing!!

09-18-2002, 08:42 PM
yeah definately exciting :) questionable on the paint check after examining the welt.... weird :)

09-18-2002, 08:43 PM
shoot i wanted blue to win... o ok 2 rounds my b. lol did yall see all that spray?

09-18-2002, 08:44 PM
i was gona post this but eh. Go Yellow mini CART!

09-18-2002, 08:45 PM
dang yellow team was blue after rnd 1.

I tihnk yellow definatly has an edge with their speed.

09-18-2002, 08:45 PM
what a bunch of newbs.....lol jk

09-18-2002, 08:45 PM
Blue had better win. They have 3 guns, they should be able to hit something :)

09-18-2002, 08:50 PM
holy shiat how did they get that hit....? well shoot! o well that was still cool.

09-18-2002, 08:50 PM
:( :( :(

GAME OVER. I'm not pleased.

09-18-2002, 08:51 PM
Yellow wins because they moved faster.

09-18-2002, 08:51 PM
that was ghetto-rific

09-18-2002, 08:53 PM
That was good, I liked blue teams cannon

09-18-2002, 08:54 PM
o ya the TIKI TANK!! im makin one of those!!! i am gunna make the vert feed air cannon...

09-18-2002, 08:58 PM
Allthough it was interesting to see how the show went, it was still boring to watch. I personally would have wanted to watch a whole show of speedball like the clips they showed than watch that, allthough it was interesting. There was no accuracy at all, just luck and shot-gun effects.

Spray Painter
09-18-2002, 09:02 PM
smart parts and jt had something to do with it. I also have to agree with law-it has gone down hill. the game was exiting for 5 minutes though

09-18-2002, 09:07 PM
I think it was funny watching the winners get out of the tank all drenched in blue paint, while the losers didn't have a drop on them.

The only bad thing I can see happening because of this, is when someone tries to make a pvc paintball gun, and (somehow) blows themselves up...

As for the quality of Junkyard wars, I believe it hit it's peak at the 3-country 2-hour event where they faced the russians, americans, and british against each other... While I still like the show, I think it has gotten a little worse as time has gone on. I really like the british hosts better, now the female british host (don't know her name) is going to be on some show with Henry Rollins? Hmm... I bet that doesnt do too good...

09-18-2002, 09:10 PM
Yeah, yellow won, I usually root for the underdog. I wasamazed at how hard fought the matches were, I kept thinging that the blue van was going to go tumbling over or that the yellow cart was going to crash through blues sides. The experts were pretty cool, when they were "trading" some parts they exhibited that same attitude I look forward to seeing every weekday at the field.

Overall it was pretty cool, definitely something I would like to see again. There were a couple of issues I think could be fixed (a couple breaches of proper safety, and the erronious history of the sport) but it really is the best coverage I have seen any mainstream media outlet give paintball. I would love to see Junkyard Wars or TLC involve paintball in future programing. Kudos to both.

Because I doubt that they will be reading this, I think that it might be a good idea to e-mail them if you would like to see paintball on TLC again. We are usually complaining about how the media handles our sport (who here remembers Greg the Bunny) but should definitely give credit where credit is due. Let them know where they flawed, but also, more importantly, what they did right, and there might be a chance that we could see this again in the future.

If I can find an e-mail address I'll post it here.
edit- couldn't find an e-mail address, but there is a comment form on discovery.com where you can leave comments at http://extweb.discovery.com/ViewerRelations
Also, on tlc.com there is a Junkyard Wars forum, though I don't know whether or not corporate people would read it or not.

09-18-2002, 09:29 PM
another thing I had never noticed until today: I never realized that Joe Tippmann was so short! hehe... makes him good at pball though...

09-18-2002, 09:46 PM
I was jsut wondering if any of you saw the other post that was already started on this subject? It's in this forum titled "Paintball Tanks"...:confused:

09-19-2002, 12:03 AM
I love junkyard wars, this was a pretty good show. Yellow wouldn't have won if their expert didn't go and complain about not having parts. Yellow won becuase Blue gave them the parts for their cannons. But it really does go to show that you gotta keep moving in paintball =P

Doc Nickel
09-19-2002, 03:20 AM
The only bad thing I can see happening because of this, is when someone tries to make a pvc paintball gun, and (somehow) blows themselves up...

-People have been making PVC "potato cannons" since long before you were born, son. One of the first "paintball guns" I ever saw in print was the old "Sabot Cannon", which was entirely PVC with a sprinkler valve... this would have been the early eighties. You could buy the finished gun for something like $250, or the plans for $50.

As for the JYW show, all in all I thought it quite good. Out of all the times I've seen piantball on TV, including Conan O'Brian, LA Law, King of the Hill and Just Shoot Me, JYW had by FAR the best safety.

Sure, maybe they could have required goggs for when they "tested" the so-called guns, but when it counted, during the game, everybody had 'em on and kept 'em on.

And pardon my ignorance, but who was the girl? A "world champion"? With what team?


09-19-2002, 04:26 AM
Bea Youngs... she works with Smart Parts

09-19-2002, 07:10 AM
I have to agree that even with the errors in history, and slight safety issues, it was great exposure for Paintball and was actually comical to watch. I would not doubt that it gets more (even if only a few) into the sport.

.I was however very surprised that Tippy put his money on the Blue Team. I just sat and shook my head. I have never seen a JYW episode that the people did not get things running enough to do the competition (there may have been a time they didn’t, but like I said I have never seen it) so I had no fear of Yellow not making their vehicle run. Thus for me, it came down to maneuverability….. and it is clear that the Yellow team would have a huge advantage in this aspect.

I envisioned it like a dogfight….. and that is how it ended up. The Yellow team could simply turn tighter and out maneuver the other team. :D

As for World Champion… I laughed when I heard that as well. But remember HYPE is what is selling now. ;) They were telling the truth… but… you kow….

Want to know more about Bea?

http://www.beayoungs.com/ (LOLROF)
This was taken directly from HER site:

Bea started playing hardcore in August of 2001, when she didn’t even own a gun
and was using field rentals every practice until she could afford to purchase
her first gun, the Impulse, by Smart Parts. Like in everything she involves
herself with, she gives everything 110% and got into paintball quickly, trying
to learn every aspect of the game in order to play and keep up with the guys.
Femmes Fatale was the first team she played on, an all-girl paintball team
headquartered out of Fort Myers, Florida, of which she still plays for as a
Guest Player now that she lives all the way in California. She plays twice a
week, working closely with a trainer/coach, learning constantly how to become
a better player. Playing paintball in a sport predominately saturated by
males has been a challenging experience, one that keeps her coming back for
more, and progressively molding into “one of the guys.” The beauty of this
sport is that on the field, there is no gender-differentiation, and therefore,
she’s considered “equal” amongst the male-dominated sport.

And if you look more at her site (not much there) it seems her goal in life is not Paintball, but to use anything to get her face in front of a camera… and it seems she is doing a great job at that. ;)

Who Who is Bea Youngs?
Born in Palisades Park/Teaneck New Jersey to a Korean Mother and Caucasian
Father (www.halfkorean.com).
Lived in Fort Myers, Florida for 15 years when she decided in May of 2001 to
make the big move to California.
With several boxes of clothes, her dj equipment, and computer, she drove
westward in her 2000 Toyota 4-Runner (that she won in December of 1999), with
a dream.
That dream that has finally become reality and now she resides in Ontario, California
where she’s truly in the world of entertainment – This is an
Asian-American, R&B/Hip Hop Recording Artist, Hip Hop Dancer, Pianist, DJ,
Actress, Paintball Athlete, and Paintball Promoter truly in love with life
and has a true desire to see the world, make a difference, and simply have fun doing it.
As you can see.. she sure is A LOT! However, none of which I can honestly say I remember her name being associated with.

And there are more… but you get the idea. I hope that helps put a face to the name.

09-19-2002, 08:52 AM
Why didn't the Blue Team just ram that golf cart into the wall and pin them up? They must have bumped it a half a dozen times. Yellow should have been knocked on their keisters.

My two cents.:)

09-19-2002, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Why didn't the Blue Team just ram that golf cart into the wall and pin them up? They must have bumped it a half a dozen times. Yellow should have been knocked on their keisters.

My two cents.:)
I am sure using the vehicles "as" weapons was against the rules. Plus, how could they shoot the disc if they pin the vehicle against the wall? Think about disc location and vehicle sizes.. ;)

09-19-2002, 09:13 AM
There were no warnings issued for any of the contact that occured, so I don't see why pushing them against the wall would be illegal. If Yellow was pushed hard enough to disable their tank, blue could have pulled up right behind them then and taken them out.

By the way, where were the LAW rockets?;) Isn't that the only way to destroy a paintball tank?:p

09-19-2002, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
There were no warnings issued for any of the contact that occured, so I don't see why pushing them against the wall would be illegal. If Yellow was pushed hard enough to disable their tank, blue could have pulled up right behind them then and taken them out.

By the way, where were the LAW rockets?;) Isn't that the only way to destroy a paintball tank?:p
Do you think you saw everything that happened from the time they started until it was over? They take bits and pieces and put together a half hour show. ;)

The contact that occurred was “incidental” and not “intentional”…. Thus for a fun “game” no warnings would NEED to be issues when they touched vehicles. :D Using the vehicle AS a weapon and using it to PUSH the other vehicle and PIN them (or disable them) WOULD be more than just a bit different. ;) There would also be some SERIOUS safety issues if intentional ramming was allowed. You can trust that it WAS against the rules. ;)

As for what it takes to destroy a paintball tank… was this a true scenario game? No. The rules dictated a disc be hit… seems fair enough to me. :D

09-19-2002, 10:22 AM
I always cringe when I hear about paintball being on tv. I was pleasantly surprised to see everyone wearing goggles including the announcers when they were actually playing.

Good call by the ref on the quy that claimed he didn't get hit in the hand. She checked for a whelt, and since she found one, it was a valid hit!!!

Speed and agility will take firepower everytime!!! Good job team Yellow!!!

09-19-2002, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by nospmas311
Allthough it was interesting to see how the show went, it was still boring to watch. I personally would have wanted to watch a whole show of speedball like the clips they showed than watch that, allthough it was interesting. There was no accuracy at all, just luck and shot-gun effects.

U cant really expect that much acruassy... they made it from a junkyard after all.....

09-19-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Do you think you saw everything that happened from the time they started until it was over? They take bits and pieces and put together a half hour show. ;)

The contact that occurred was “incidental” and not “intentional”…. Thus for a fun “game” no warnings would NEED to be issues when they touched vehicles. :D Using the vehicle AS a weapon and using it to PUSH the other vehicle and PIN them (or disable them) WOULD be more than just a bit different. ;) There would also be some SERIOUS safety issues if intentional ramming was allowed. You can trust that it WAS against the rules. ;)

As for what it takes to destroy a paintball tank… was this a true scenario game? No. The rules dictated a disc be hit… seems fair enough to me. :D

I know! I was just trying to be funny!:p

I have failed!:(

Oh what the hey, I laughed!:p

09-19-2002, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

I know! I was just trying to be funny!:p

I have failed!:(

Oh what the hey, I laughed!:p
HeeHee!!! But you WERE funny. :D And I had fun.... so we both won... noone failed. :D:D:D

09-19-2002, 06:37 PM
I'll do just about anything for a laugh!!:p