View Full Version : Alright Guys Need everyones help!

09-19-2002, 09:01 AM
Ok for school i am doing a senior project.

i decided to make my gun the best it could be
performance and look are my key factors of my project

i really would love any ideas you guys can throw out to me

i have about a $500 dollar budget

this is what i have to work with:

Black Powerfeed Left E-mag
Level 10
With Dye 14in boomstick
Kapp drop zone three
with tank adapter
88ci crossfire 3000psi screw-in
Halo B

i like it very much and have made some adjustments already
i lost the yellow pin for the battery so i decided to put a micro switch to turn it on and off
if anyone is interested in this switch just tell me

so what do you all think???

what to should i do

the main thing that i want to do was i want to replace my steel hoses with that special angel air hoses and fittings

but i can't seem to find them anywhere any help would be hot

i would also like to maybe put warp feed on maybe?
also if anyone maybe has a board that will do all modes included full auto would be awesome

thanks guys


09-19-2002, 09:24 AM
You're upgrading your e-mag as a school project? Damn, I wish I still went to school!

09-19-2002, 09:33 AM
Do you need to get new gear, or can you try for used gear?


09-19-2002, 11:48 AM
sounds to me like you have a very nice setup already. Why don't you just send it out to be powdercoated in some wild color scheme. That's all i can really think of to do to it. Maybe a freak or other barrel system?