View Full Version : first tourney

09-19-2002, 04:00 PM
i am playin in my first tourny on the 6th next month. What are some of things i should keep in mind/ what advise can you give for a backer. also my teamates have not played a tourney either, what are some good stratagies to use, other than kill them before they kill you?

09-19-2002, 04:03 PM
Be aggressive, but don't be stupid. Stick as little of your body out as possible ALL the time. Talk a lot, yell out where everyone is on the other team, and remind them if they haven't moved. And most important...

HAVE FUN! Good luck!

09-19-2002, 04:18 PM
PLay across the field... someone on the right tape, shoot center and at the left tape

when your hit... YELL it...

***look at that... post 100... Yea for tripple digits***

09-19-2002, 04:48 PM
hey thanx guys, will do, also i need a new harness, mine is gay, and needs a new piece that i cant find anywhere (sigh) where can i get one cheap, and fast. i was thinking about an 8+1 w/ pods for $40 from action village, but i really want a 5+4 or a 4+3 w/pods. the 8+1 is a B.E. though, so thats kind of a turn off.

09-19-2002, 08:25 PM

09-19-2002, 08:49 PM
walk all the fields. If the one side of the field has an advantage, take it. Also plan out where everyone is going to go. Not just off the break but throughout the whole game. As an eagle, dont tunnel vision. Keep your eye on the whole feild. Tell your guys whos moving where. Tell your guys whos on who. Tell your guys where to move and when to move. Talk simple. Dont be like, "Steve, shoot at that crack pipe so that Jeff can move into the candybar", just keep it sweet and simple like... "Jeff, move to the candy bar when i tell you to", "Steve, shoot at the crack pipe now!", "Jeff GOGOGOGO". Also keeping track of how many players down is a good idea too. Also dont forget to burn off the break. Its a real big advantage if you get a guy on the other team out. The most imporant part of the game is controlling the 50. If you own the 50, you own the game.

Good Luck

09-19-2002, 09:50 PM
Get a 4+3 redz dimension pack.

09-19-2002, 10:41 PM
Tip #1 - Only carry the maximum amount of paint that you need. :)

I played in a tourney series against a guy that shot a Shocker with a 45/4500 tank and he carried 12 PODs and a hopper for a 7 minute, 5 man game. Yes, he left with most of the paint that he brought, because his marker was either out of air, or he had been eliminated. Hinda funny to see a guy with a case of paint strapped to him for one game.

Tip #2 - Quiet gets your team killed. Before the game, name the bunkers, or number them. (K.I.S.S.) It's easier if the field is symetrical and rectangular. I have seen guys call out 21, 53, etc. for bunker names. Then you know the guy is in the second row bunker 1 ( tape left ) or 5th row, bunker 3 ( center 50 )
Often it is easer to call out numbers than to say "he's in that tall standup cone shaped thingy by the laydown wedge"
everyone should call out the bunkers that they know opponents are at, and You should REPEAT the calls/moves that you hear. You may be able to hear your teammate, but someone farther away might not hear them. It works better if everyone know where the paint is coming from.

Tip #3 - Keep track of the # of eliminations on BOTH sides. IF someone on your team shoots out a player it's a "Burn" if your teammate gets eliminated, it's a "strike"
Get your team to say both counts on kills or when they get hit and eliminated. Example, you have two teammates left ( 3 players ) and the other team has five live players, if you shoot one of them out, yell "Burn 1, Strike 2" IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE BURN COUNT ASK !!!

In most tourneys you are allowed to talk until they pull your armband. Use that time to YELL.

Interchange any two words for burn and strike if you like.

Tip #4 - Try and watch your opponent play other teams. If you can see them more than once, pay attention to what they do on the breakout. Some teams stand and fire, other teams scramble for their first bunker. Make a mental note of who does what and where they go. If they don't change the breakout from game to game, you should be able to shoot them out off the break, because you know where they are going.

Tip #5 - The DeadBox - If you do get eliminated, RUN to the box and Kneel down. Stack eliminated players behind one another in a single line if you can. If the other team missed your exit from the playing field, they may loose track of the # of elimiations and it could be an advantage. I have seen guys let time run out because they didn't know they eliminated all the other players.

Tip#6 - Hanging the flag - Most games will require you to take a flag from midfield and return it to your opponents start point. If time allows, stop the flag carrier and have a teammate do a quick paint check. If he's clean, let him continue, or hang it together. Chances are that one of the two will not be marked and the flag hang will result in a clean hang.

Sometimes it's best to leave a teammate "home" in case there is a problem with the hang.

Tip#7 - Preperation - Preperation. Make sure that your gear is clean, anf fully functioning BEFORE you leave to go to the field. I like to check my gear two days before the tourneys, so I have time to repair, or get to the store and pick up anything that I may need. Double check your Safety equipment. Replace anything that is questionable. If you have a spare marker, bring it. NO matter WHAT kind of gun you have, it can break.

I hope this helps you some, Good luck in the tourney.

09-20-2002, 08:49 PM
like it says, thanks loads. i am having my team over to discuss stratagies we will use.

as for the harness i just got bigger pods. $50 for a harness is a bit much 4 me right now.

also i was planin positions in my studie hall today, i was thinkin:
2 back
1 mid
2 front

for a five man (obviosly), is this a decent plan, or is there a better way to do things?

09-20-2002, 09:02 PM
I almost for got one important thing. Get a Game timer if you don't have one. It is a big help in knowing how much time you have to go Bunker someone and hang the flag. :-)

09-20-2002, 09:18 PM
i got a small problem, i got the level 10, and i noticed my tank life has greatly decreased. i got a 48 3k, and it lasts like ten minutes of fairly heavy fire in my garage (target practice). is this gonna get me or my team killed? i also got a 20 oz co2, as backup, thinkin ill take that on the field just in case. i dont got alot of cash now, but i may be able to work out a trade with a friend of mine.

Spray Painter
09-20-2002, 09:35 PM
don't forget to pull your trigger;)

09-21-2002, 10:59 PM
yeah i'll do that;)
pullin the trigger is fun!

09-21-2002, 11:19 PM
The best advice that I can give u as a back player is always talk. You should always be calling out their positions and how many are left.

09-21-2002, 11:27 PM
if the field setup allows, always have your back players cross their fire, dont have them leaning out their bunkers along the tapeline too much because it leaves a large portoin of the field uncovered, it is ok to shoot tape every once in a while, but most of the time you want your back players to be shooting at the opposite end of the field from their position....this is assuming you have a back player in each corner

also, if you are a back player, you either yell or shoot, or both, if there is any time when you are just sitting there doing nothing, start communicating with ur teammates, or start shooting!

oh...on the start i would recommend you have your two back players "burn the lanes"....if you dont know what that means, buringin the lanes means that the second they hear GO, hey turn around in their spots and shoot as fast as they possibly can down a "lane" (path formed by bunkers from 1 end of the field to the other side)

when you walk the fields before the tournament starts you should always make sure everyone knows where they're going

plus, dont telegraph where you're going to the other team....dont point at your bunkers when at the start station, or just put the tip of ur barrel on the start station and lean ur whole body towards ur bunker.....that will get you shot out real fast because the other team will see that before the game sarts and ge someone to burn that lane hard, almost positively getting your guy out

and remember IT'S JUST A GAME! as long as you had FUN, then it was a success:D :D

09-22-2002, 11:07 AM
You may have to change positions depending on the team your gonig against or thefield layout. If this is a team that you know is really really good, i would play a bit more defensive and throw up some more paint. I would so something like send 1 running and the rest of the guys burning the crap out of the lanes off the break then eventually move up. Remember, he who controls the 50 normally wins. But normally i would just do 2 back 3 front. I dont really beleive in a "mid" player since they tend to be more of a fill in player. If you need a guy covernig you you tell your eagle to do that or make one of your other front players into a guard. But either way your back guys should always be laying paint on their bunkers.