View Full Version : Petalla Tendinitis, (sucks)

09-19-2002, 04:50 PM
well great two days ago, my knees broke, they hurt like heck, and it just plain sucks, I have petalla tendinitis,

ahh just a rant, to complain, well anybody have any remedies

thanx for listening

Archangel Damien
09-19-2002, 04:55 PM
try going to the doctor they gave me tylonal one`s with codine for my knee

09-19-2002, 04:59 PM
There's a great prescription anti-inflammatory... I THINK it's Relafin. Either wya, it works like a charm ;-)

If you can't get any, 3 advil & elevate your knee(s) to kill the swelling.

Hamster Huey
09-19-2002, 09:21 PM
For patellar tendinitis the best thing you can do is go see a doctor certified in sports medicine. They're not hard to find; you can probably get a referral from your primary doc if they're not already certified themselves. If it really is patellar tendinitis that you have (I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say "my knees broke"), then you'll get started on a regimen of anti-inflammatory medicine, exercises designed to stretch the relevant muscle groups, and rest/protection of the injured ligaments. You'll need to do all of this to get good relief and prevent recurrence.