View Full Version : I hate myself

09-19-2002, 05:50 PM
Well, I just recieved my new purple JT flex from paintball-online, so I take off the lens to just check out the mask.. BIG MISTAKE! I spent like 2 hours trying to get this god forsaken thing back on, and guess what I just did?
Well, I had the top 3, I was trying to push the bottom three in with the handle of scissors, and all the sudden, it SLIPPED and SCRAPED MY BRAND NEW LENS! :mad: I hate these things, now I have a scratch on it, it really pisses me off. Atleast it wasnt thermal.. if you laugh I will hunt you down and stab you with a kitchen knife. I am SO pissed right now.. do you have any tips on getting these god damned lenses on? It was easier with my PMI mask.

Sir Chopsalot
09-19-2002, 05:56 PM
i know how ya feel, i did that with my lens but with a screwdriver. the scratch was so deep people kept telling me i had a crack in my lens

09-19-2002, 06:00 PM
Umm...install the bottom tabs of the lens first...the work the lens into the goggles up to the top..then the last three on top should be easier once the bottom ones are in place. Good luck... and think of it this way..you'd buy a thermal lense anyway..why not practice installing with single lens..then buy a thermal..now you're set :)

BTW... HAAAAaaa HAAAAAAaaaa (Simpsons) ;)

Kaiser Bob
09-19-2002, 06:03 PM
Try to avoid sharp tools when working on your mask when possible.

09-19-2002, 06:19 PM
Actually, KB the part of the scissors werent that sharp. It was the part of the scissors that you Hold(covered in rubber). I got it in anyway, I dont think its that deep of a scratch, but yea I did it from bottom to top and it worked better..

09-19-2002, 06:20 PM
take off the mousth piece bend nose together instert lenses and hit tabs there first work your way out and around,,,,,HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA you Pwn3ed yourself!

09-19-2002, 06:25 PM
dansim, I dont think I have deleated your adress from my PM's yet... :)
hmm http://www.mapquest.com + knife + dansims adress = WHOS LAUGHING NOW SUCKER?!?!

:) J/k

09-19-2002, 06:35 PM
LOL you're crazy... anways... goodluck with the new mask.. AND GET A FREAKING THERMAL LENS! :cool:

Load SM5
09-19-2002, 06:45 PM
Exactly why I bought a Morph.

I'm trying not to laugh......chuckle....

09-19-2002, 06:51 PM
when installing the lens, intall it nose piece first. I have done this several times and takes me only a few minutes to swap lenses on my proteus. If you have problems removing the lens or need the extra leverage installing the lens, use the JT goggle tool, which also doubles as a barrel plug.

09-19-2002, 07:10 PM
I can remove and replace my morph lens in about 30 seconds. Just thought I'd mention that...;)

09-19-2002, 08:18 PM
Yeah, i hate you too!!

jk, sucks that happened


09-19-2002, 10:00 PM
hey personman you ever been eaten by a shark? you wanna?;) :eek:

09-19-2002, 10:05 PM
You know that JT makes a tool to cure that problem and it seconds as a barrel plug to boot. I have never had a problem getting the lens on or off with it.

09-19-2002, 10:19 PM
Exactly why I bought a Morph.
You beat me to it Load. Just push in 2 tabs with the lense and you're set :D.

09-19-2002, 11:00 PM
HAA HA HAA.. jsut kidding. That really sucks about the scratch. Are you still going to use that lense in games? ISN'T THAT DANGEROUS! :eek:

09-19-2002, 11:18 PM
ha ha! That's why I get a v-force! lol, and again... HA HA!

btw: If you try to kill me you're screwed!

09-19-2002, 11:50 PM
Why I went V-Force as well. I still have my Xray(JT clone) and bah, V-force is soooo nice. I can pop mine out, and put them back in, in like 10 seconds.

One thing I don't like about them, Paint seems to get under where the lense is in contact with the mask. I've seen worse with JT though. I've seen a guy take paint in the eye from getting under that rubber lense holder thingymabob.

09-20-2002, 04:10 AM
People always complain about JT Lens when I can switch one out inbetween rounds... D:

Even ask the refs at splat attack, my proteus had smoke lens, and I couldn't see anything, bought some clear ones... before they even started the next game I had my lens put in... they were like wtf did you borrow someone else's mask? (I hang out with them) No, I switched mine out.

I just got skillz :)

I should make a video explaining how to do it

09-20-2002, 04:24 AM
If I'm at home I dump the mask (minus the lense obviously) in some warm water this does a few things,
1. Cleans it ..duh!
2. Re-shapes it.
3. Warms the plastic and makes it softer.

Then start with the 2 nose pieces and work outwards, easy as that... no tools required.

I too looked at the morph/v force mainly because the lense doesn't actually sit in a frame, if you get gogged in a JT mask and paint gets in the sill its a pain, you don't have that frame on the morph/v force, I do however like the smaller profile of my proteus!


09-20-2002, 04:32 AM
I simply cut the plastic slots for the lens so its easier to slide in... (Just in the nose area) and the rest of the slots should pop in easily...

I'll make a video of this just for you.

09-20-2002, 07:26 AM
As everyone has pointed out, removing and installing a JT lens takes a little getting used to, but you will get to where you can do it quickly.

Start at the nose (as everyone has said) push the nose up into the lense until the two nose tabs are 1/2 on, then you can actually pull on the rubber mask and stretch it to get the tabs the rest of the way in. Do the same with the tabs under the eyes - get one side on, then pull from the other side to get it the rest of the way on. The top three pretty much just push right on.

I use a small towel to protect my hands while I'm working. Never use a hard object, let alone a sharp one.

I don't recommend getting the mask wet unless you have non-thermal lenses. Getting moisture on the foam between the lenses is a quick way to ruin a lense. Certainly once the lenses have been in and out a few times the rubber loosens a little and it gets easier.

Oh, one more thing - the time to come on AO and ask advice is BEFORE you screw up! This is not a cut at personman, but I've seen this many times - something doesn't go right, guy gets all angry, screws up, THEN comes on all angry, only to find several ppl who have solved the problem and are willing to help. Gotta keep your cool!


09-20-2002, 08:38 AM
Also the mask needs to break in a little. The first 2 times is a little tough, but after that it's cake. I can change my flex in a minute.