View Full Version : Important question about warp feed and angel

09-19-2002, 06:22 PM
Hey everyone, I just bought a warp feed and everything for my angel. Now I did the thing off the agd web site where you interface the warp with an angel by skimming the solenoid wires down a bit and you connect a wire to each one and then attatch it to something like a headphone plug that goes into the warp. Its like a home made intellifeed for the warp. Now i was just putting it together, and started thinking. Ok, I'm right handed so it's on the left, now when I shoot out of the left side of the bunker, the hopper will be sort of sideways so it wont be able to feed into the gun, and you'll get something like 10 shots. But when i put it upright, the warp doesn't automatically start turning to get more balls in place since it will only cycle when i shoot. So willihave to dry fire a couple of times or hold the little white button the warp everytime I emty the amount of balls in he warp? If anyone knows how to fix this, or can give me any tips or suggestions, please do so. Thanks.

09-19-2002, 06:48 PM
Just make sure that you don't fire everyshot in the warp (run it dry) then you'll have like two shots to get off anf by then the warp should be caught back up. You also have the option to disconnect the intellifeed link and just use the vibration sensor. Then you can set the dwell on the warp to turn 1/4 turn every time you fire. This will help as it will only take on shot to get the warp primed again. Good luck.. post some pics when its done :D

09-19-2002, 06:51 PM
actually thats why the primer button is there....

so that you can shoot for X shots... then right the marker and reprime it.... it only takes a sec if that to do....

myself i have found that if i have a hopper at least 1/2 full it will still feed the warp while i shoot... i have pulled off 50-60 shots all on while the marker was tilted on its side with out having to hit the primer button....

now on a halo i'm not sure if this would still work... but on a revy and rico..... it does.....

09-19-2002, 08:01 PM
thank so much, it works like a dream now, so smooth. I was so exited, I actually chopped with the warp!:D Ok, I'll have pics up soon, probably tonight or tomm.

09-19-2002, 08:47 PM
I chopped the first time I got my warp too... kinda embarressing. I'm just using the vibration sensor and it works fine though.