View Full Version : extreme emag

09-20-2002, 03:19 PM
when and where can i purchase an extreme emag. will it be available at the world cup and how many will there be to be sold.I live in southern california [cocker and angel territory] and cant wait to put a whoopin on some arrogant buzzards with the extreme.

09-20-2002, 03:22 PM
SEARCH!!!!!! haha beat you shartley! there are many searches on this and you can prbably find out more at www.airgun.com . i think mass production after xmas, i think, most likely wrong


09-20-2002, 03:27 PM
yeah, the word seems to be that they will arrive sometime in 1st or 2nd quarter next year, and fades after the normal ones.

09-20-2002, 05:01 PM
Modified Paintball Products is taking pre-orders. They are the only ones I know of at this time. Their website is www.modifiedpaintball.com Get on their site and send them an e-mail about it and they will get back to you.

09-20-2002, 05:14 PM
NO thats not correct....ALL AGD dealers are taking preorders and have been for some time... But that doesn't get you one right away. Its a "PRE order.

09-20-2002, 05:22 PM
Sorry, I pre-ordered mine a while back and haven't looked to see if anyone else was taking them. Sorry for the bad info.