View Full Version : Hoping to join the Mag Family

09-21-2002, 01:59 PM
I have been thinking about giving myself an RTP for a birthday present next February, if not sooner. If I was to do that, what do I need to buy for it? I know that they don't come out of the box ready to shoot, and I'm pretty sure I have a good idea, but I would hate to order one and have it show up at my door and then realize I can't use it until I order some fitting or hose that I didn't know about.

Right now I have (transferable to an RTP) a PMI screw-in tank, a HALO (still needs "B" upgrade), an elbow for if I get a P/F body, a pair of Stickies (the slightly more overpriced ones with the metal inner logo, which look a tad better IMO) and a Redz Jimmy Hat.

I do NOT, however, have any dropforwards, cradles, 90* fittings, macro/micro/steel-braided line, or any Automag barrels.

Now, I really like the idea of a Warp Feed (I almost bought one a while back, but decided to wait until I had a gun worthy of it) and I would probably end up eventually Warping the RTP. I'm ambidextrous, but greatly prefer to shoot left-handed. It's just easier to be able to say, "I shoot left-handed so I'll take the right standup" when all the right-handed players want the left side. Will I run into any problems running a Warp on the right side of the gun (besides that my righty friends won't get to shoot it :D)?

And last but not least, with the costs of the RTP and E-Mag being so close, would it be better to buy an RT Pro or a used E-Mag?

Any and all help is preemptively appreciated. And no, I don't need to search. I've read all the threads. :D;)

09-21-2002, 02:07 PM
Well, heres the skinny.

THe rt pro comes with all hose hookups and such, but just a standard bottom line. Some are ok with this, and others arent, this may be the drob thing you want. If you add a drop, your going to need more steel line.

You will not have a problem running a warp feed on the right side of the marker. If i were you though, i would look into a hopper left body. Main reasoning for this, is incase the warp isnt your fortay, you can still mount a hopper up top. I ran my e-mag like this for a while, and the warp wasnt my style, so i got rid of it and run a blimp up top. I like it better this way actually.

Personally if i were you, i would look into a used e-mag. Mags are indestructible, and in sure that it would hold up. My e-mag is actually a used one. I love it like it was brand new.

I have used both, the rt pro with an intelliframe (comes stock now) and the e-mag. I love them both. theye both different markers, and i reccomend both. If i were you i would look into the e-mag tho, they hold so much raw power!

09-21-2002, 03:52 PM
He's left handed, so he'll want the Hopper Right. That way, when he leans out the left hand side, the hopper is still behind the bunker.

Originally posted by magman007
You will not have a problem running a warp feed on the right side of the marker. If i were you though, i would look into a hopper left body. Main reasoning for this, is incase the warp isnt your fortay, you can still mount a hopper up top.

09-21-2002, 05:08 PM
For warp you want HL, for no-warp, it's preference.

09-21-2002, 05:37 PM
need a nitro tank...it dont work on C02?

09-21-2002, 06:26 PM
if your pmi screw in is co2 than it wont work as the valves run on compressed air/nitrogen(there the same thing).

09-21-2002, 06:49 PM
Tough Question to answer as it is all opinion. When I first got my E-mag I played with it on manual about half the games I played, because it didn't really affect my playing style. The last 6 months of play have been mostly electronic as I have a tendency to occasionally short stroke the trigger.
If for some reason something happened to my E-mag and I had to buy a new gun, I myself would go with an RTP (with Level 10 of course). The reason for this is I just don't shoot that fast, and while I can shoot a little faster with electronics; one or two extra BPS just don't make much difference for me.
Safe bet is to go with the used E-mag as you get the best of both worlds. But I would recomend you shoot some rounds through an electro to see what you think.

P.S. I think that the person with electronics tends to concentrate just a little to much on rate of fire, and not quit as much on good sold play.

09-21-2002, 08:59 PM
I probably should have been more specific about a few things...

PMI screw-in NITRO tank being first and foremost.

I actually already know quite a bit about all kinds of mags, so I don't need that kind of information. I need to know if I could possibly get a good enough deal on an E-Mag (which, I should have pointed out, is my dream gun. Well, the Extreme is, but I don't want to wait that long.) to make getting an RT a less attractive option.

Magman thanks a lot I had no idea that they shipped with a bottomline, that is very good to know.

As for the body, I'm well aware how all that stuff works. I figure I'll get the H/L body, and if I decide not to get the Warp, I can always just start playing right handed (I'm not purely left handed, remember?).

09-22-2002, 11:17 AM
If you look hard enough on the classified fourms, you can get a nice USED E-mag for around 500 dollars, which is about the price of a NEW RTpro.