View Full Version : Tom, we need u to combine warp & a loader into 1 product!!!

09-21-2002, 04:07 PM
I've been thinkin for a while of a way to combine warp feed and a loader into one which would mean a more compact version of the warp/loader setup. I have some ideas but don't have the ability or tools do it, i know that some of you (or Tom Kaye) do! The great thing about this would be the fact that u would have a more compact design, where a loader doesnt have to feed a warp, so the warp can't outshoot the loader. The setup wouldn't be as awkward either. What do u guys think? If Tom was to invent something like this he could kill the market on loaders i think.

09-21-2002, 06:26 PM
I don't think it would be very popular, as most people like to be able to change their stuff around.. 'built in' stuff is always kinda annoying to me (see the loader on the A5 for an example) but I can see how if it was really revolutionary it might be cool.

09-21-2002, 06:50 PM

09-21-2002, 07:00 PM
yeah alot of people have wanted that. or something I dont care what it is any hopper that can force feed up and do it without breaking balls is gonna be a hot ticket right now it looks like the first person who is gonna make one is gonnabe the WAS corkscrew loader. Every one knows that this is where the market is going, its a wonder no one has made a good one yet. and everyone is gonna be like i shoulda dont that when someone finnally does.

09-21-2002, 09:05 PM
Can't someone other than WAS make it, remember the last WAS product and its "capabilities" :rolleyes:

Can we say "Uber-Hype"

09-21-2002, 09:17 PM
i think it would be a good idea..like have it specially made for the warp hose to go through and what-not.i havent thought of it but i think it would be a good invention

09-21-2002, 11:42 PM
no triad no one else can make it do you know why? I dont either cause they are to busy or whatever who knows. the guy who runs WAS is a liar and he loves hype. but it doesnt matter cause he is a go getter and he is gonna get it done. if you want you can beat him to it. he is making a modular loader you can attach it to a vert feed or a warp feed mounting it to the bottom. it is gonna come with different sizes of hopper chambers so you can pick what size suits you best. the loader is going to use a auger that spins it will be down on its side so tha balls fall down into it and then it spins. with guides the balls will be driven tward the exit. it is also suppose to be able to feed upside down.