View Full Version : Hypothetical Question.

09-21-2002, 07:52 PM
Suppose someone has the LX in a classic mag/minimag...

and they wanted to use the Pump kit!

Would the wave spring/rod function correctly with the LX?

Side note: Anyone ever used a pump kit with a retro-valve? (I just want to know if it functions correctly)



Spray Painter
09-21-2002, 08:13 PM
why would you need level 10 in a pump. you cant shoot fast enough to chop.also a retro vavle is to get high rof and and be of no use in a pump.

09-21-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Spray Painter
why would you need level 10 in a pump. you cant shoot fast enough to chop.also a retro vavle is to get high rof and and be of no use in a pump.

yes it is possible to chop using a pump.... highly unlikely... but possible.....

and a pump kit with a retro.... just for the "i did it/have it" etc factor.....

now will it work.... dont know... never tried.... but dont see why it wouldn't work.....

09-22-2002, 05:40 PM
Now while the mag doesn't have an auto-trigger when you have the pump kit installed... just like with any other pump you CAN chop paint with them.

I've chopped paint in every pump I've shot, SNipers, Phantoms, Sheridans, SL68s... you name it.

I am just wondering if the wave spring will have adverse, or just plain wierd effects with the level 10 mods, or with a retro-valve.

I want to build a minimag, based off a retro, that I can put a pump kit on for those days when I don't want to shoot that much paint, but still use a mag... hence LX for the non-pumpin days...
