View Full Version : Mdk 2 Armegeddon

09-22-2002, 01:13 AM
anyon ever play this game, i love it! its the coolest game ive ever seen, i played it along time ago as a computer sample, but since i found out that they make it for ps2 thats all ive been playing. i love the old man (hawkins) but my friend love max, mostly cause he has tha capibility to shoot 4 gattling guns i think.

09-22-2002, 02:44 AM

MDK2 is fun! I like all the characters. I only got maybe 40% into it before I traded it though(Sold my Dreamcast). I would like to get it again though. It was definatley a good game in my book.


Will Wood
09-22-2002, 10:12 AM
Yup. MDK rules. I remember when my freind called me up saying "DUDE COME OVER I FOUND THIS SWEET GAME" I went over, and we played MDK all night.(The demo) Next morning we went out and bought the game. It rocks.

09-22-2002, 11:37 AM
yeah, the first time i rented it my friend and i played it till aobut 7 in the am, then slept till 12, and played till 6 the next day, we beat about 60% of the game in that one shot.