View Full Version : apology

09-22-2002, 12:14 PM
Last week I posted a picture in response to criticism of other people's views on rec/speedball. To all those involved, and offended, I am sorry for my actions. I felt that my posting was justified in purpose, and the picture that followed it was only used to raise a point. In reflection, I do feel that it was indeed offensive, and I realize now that a cruel joke can bring nothing but bad news. cphilip - (and others): I had no clue that the offensive word in the lower right-hand corner was even there until later that day in class. I am in no way trying to excuse myself from an 'accident', I know that my ignorance deserved the consequences. I just feel that the AO boards are for learning, technical advice, and problem-solving/thinking. It really makes me mad when I come to read a thread, and all I see is extreme criticism, picking each other apart word by word. I DO NOT feel this is a way to invite others onto the boards, although my actions did no better. I hope you can all see my reasoning through explanation.

Once again, I'm sorry.

09-22-2002, 12:54 PM
I did not think any of it was too bad personally.... but was only pointing out that before tossing stones, one must be darn shure that while doing so you don't make a bigger target of yourself. ;)

Life goes on, live and learn.... I for one don't have any hard feelings toward you....

09-22-2002, 05:45 PM
No problem and thanks for the apology. Don't take anything to seriously on the internet...so...with lessons learned and kept in mind...welcome back and Fugedaboudit...

09-22-2002, 09:50 PM
Got nothing but love for you and the Automag family.

09-23-2002, 05:55 AM
Every family is going to debate certain issues. If you had read later posts in that same thread you would have seen that we were using words like moron and idiot at each other in the most loving way possible:D Still it was just a friendly discussion (of something that will always be debated but never be resolved).

CPhillip took your post down before I saw it so in my case there is nothing to forgive.

09-23-2002, 08:07 PM
Don't worry about it. If you had good intentions at the time of posting you normally won't post anything too outrageous.

I wouldn't bother worrying about who you may accidentally pee off around here...

Hey, look at me!

09-24-2002, 12:04 AM
I dunno what you did but I will accept the apology!